Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1395561-Life-is-randomand-so-am-I/day/3-1-2015
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1395561
My thoughts/experiences/feelings/beliefs, depending on my mood. Blah, blah, blog.
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*Star* Winner of "Best Blog of 2011" for "The Quills. Previous winner of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Round 1. A big, heartfelt thank-you to all of my fans and supporters! *Heart*

Welcome to the randomness, silliness, craziness, and all-around tomfoolery – what a great word that isn't used nearly enough – that is my blog. Don't get me wrong, it isn't always silly and crazy. Sometimes it's serious or sad but, more often than not, it's comical. Nonetheless, it is always entertaining. I try to see the fun in life. I'll add to it as much as I can so make sure you check back often. *Cool* Feel free to leave a comment or review to let me know you stopped by. *Wink*

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DISCLAIMER: If you are someone who gets offended easily, then you shouldn't go any further. I'm up-front, to-the-point, sarcastic and honest (sometimes brutally so). I tell it like it is, or the way I think it is. If you don't get offended very easily, then you've come to the right blog. All are welcome. The fun is free! *Wink*

My life is an open book blog. Hilarity and chaos ensue...

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March 1, 2015 at 9:17pm
March 1, 2015 at 9:17pm
Day 1 Prompt for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS: The Sunday News: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Well, it’s March. You know what that means, right? It means that we’re now back to an official round of the 30DBC. I signed up, even though I already know I won’t be able to blog every day. I’ll be away for a week for work, so it’ll be difficult to blog during that week, but I’ll try my best. *Bigsmile*

Today’s prompt is perfect, in my opinion. March also happens to be Endometriosis Awareness Month. This is something that is very near and dear to my heart. Here is a headline I found: http://www.philly.com/philly/health/womenshealth/20150301_Endometriosis__fertili...

It took almost 8 years for me to get a diagnosis. Eight long years of suffering with pain that was excruciating and unimaginable. There were numerous visits to doctors & specialists, medications, and being in-and-out of the hospital. Finally, a laparoscopy confirmed the diagnosis. I was thrilled to finally know what plagued me, but my happiness was very short-lived because moments after being told what it was, I was also told there is no cure. My doctor went on to say that it was one of the leading causes of infertility and, with a case as severe as mine, I may never have kids. I was 19 at the time, so I wasn’t ready for marriage and children yet, but it was something I had always dreamed of having…someday.

I went through many more years of enduring pain that was so bad that there were days that I couldn’t even get out of bed. When I tried, I collapsed. I had 4 laparoscopies, but they only provided temporary relief. I was Stage 4. My doctor said he’d never seen anything like it before in his life. He told me it was everywhere. He was a specialist at a teaching hospital. With my permission, he used my case as a reference when he taught. I was “Patient X” to his students. He told them about all of my treatments, the medications (including the experimental ones we tried), all of the surgeries, my numerous hospital stays, and he showed them the images taken curing each of my laparoscopies. I kept hoping that, one day, one of those students would eventually find a cure & that, in some small way, I had helped. I still hold out hope for that.

On January 14, 2011, Endometriosis almost killed me. I had to have a hysterectomy to save my life. My body was so weak that the surgery itself almost killed me too. My doctor told me that I was a miracle & the only thing that saved me was my strength & my will to fight. I told him that I wasn’t done here.

Endometriosis took my chance to ever have a child. It took my marriage. Endo almost took my life, too. I took it back. We need a better way to diagnose and treat this awful disease, and we deserve a cure.

That’s a status that I posted on Facebook on December 2, 2014 for Giving Tuesday. It was liked and shared by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. The post on their page received almost 500 more likes, 80 shares, and numerous comments. I felt the need to re-share it here, as part of today’s entry. It’s definitely fitting.

Endometriosis is a robbing disease. My question is, for those of you that have heard of it, how many of you thought it was just bad cramps? You can be honest. It’s OK, because it’ll prove my point about needing to raise awareness. Part of today’s prompt is to encourage a conversation about it, so that’s what I’m doing. Converse, people, converse!

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I couldn’t really find any songs about headlines or news, but I think this one comes pretty close. It certainly mentions many things that have made the news over the years.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1395561-Life-is-randomand-so-am-I/day/3-1-2015