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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

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Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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May 4, 2012 at 4:39pm
May 4, 2012 at 4:39pm
their words have faded
into holiday decorations
left two months too long
or a lifetime’s not long enough

voices gaily comment
Polaroid snapshots
arranged in a strange
teen-age artistic sense
with plastic corners
in a brittle green-leather book
a birthday’s cry of surprise
a teddy, his nose rubbed off
from too much childish love
his name forgotten
just a few syllables
not mentioned in forty years
renamed after the postman
delivered him a second time
half across the world
today he’s called OldTeddy…

sleepy diction reciting
story books, pages held
in delicate perfection
although the memories
of their fantasy are still
instantly recalled
bedtime smiles
the yellow nightlight
an earthshattering “stop”
my voice resounding
in the hallway before
Christmas brought its
emptiness, that damned year

my words have faded
yet I remember it all
because even after these
silent years, I never forgot

things deep in my skin

May 3, 2012 at 3:43am
May 3, 2012 at 3:43am
Last night before turning it, I left this small poem on Twitter:
oceans never sleep*
moonlight comes and goes*
men come to dream*
fall in love*
and die*

This morning, I went back to the computer to find the fifth line from last month's poem:
         beauty is a souvenir.

The combining worked easily, and gives this final poem:

beauty is a souvenir
remembered over a splendid sunset
sleep never overtakes the sea
moonlight cycles from round
brilliance to ghostlike obscurity
like the dreams of men --
streaming for a lifetime --
upon sand, pebble or rock
they come to fall in love
to forget the unbearable
to die, at one with the tides
leaving their souvenirs
for others to recreate...

at the beach

May 2, 2012 at 1:11pm
May 2, 2012 at 1:11pm
like other dreams quickly vying for death’s grace
nightfall, painted anthracite with cobalt overtones
envelopes my vision in immobility
music has faded, I have heard your voice
its echo has dampened the fears
encroaching on my sense of calm
so sleep can conquer these lonely blues

a sense of blue

like other dreams quickly vying for death’s grace
for six days the rain splattered heavily, the deluge
submerging fields, overflowing houses,
uprooting acres of hundred-year oaks
reeking devastation upon sacred places of worship...
there will be no prayers for countless dead children
ruined foodstuffs, or the new homeless
whose simple wood and mud dwellings
were swept away, useless rubble feeding the torrents...
the rivers will recede, lakes will dry
even the new marshlands where forests stood
all victims of summer droughts, still
the tortured earth will yield nothing wholesome --
yet peasants have no options but dream of clemency...

after six days

May 1, 2012 at 10:07am
May 1, 2012 at 10:07am

arctic exploration
is not on the agenda
this charming May Day,
the blue sky,a rarity lately
is a captivating backdrop
for floating white puffballs
so different than yesterday’s bluster

scientists, more qualified than
my humble self, try to tell
the world that too much
heat — as is the case today —
accelerates the melting
of the vast frigid expanses
creating breathtaking
icefall as icebergs crash
into the freezing waters
adding pure sweet water
to dilute sea salt
in more temperate climates

no, I am no Magellan,
Vasco de Gama, and no continents
will bear my name
instead I sit Indian style
on my cheery balcony
enjoying the calm breeze
sipping Perrier, iced from the fridge

in a few hours we might speak
of chartering discreet corners
in the Milky Way, although Hubble
is more competent
than my small telescope…


Original fifth line:
he has an extra layer of fur for the balcony’s arctic exploration

Departure point
arctic exploration

April 30, 2012 at 4:35am
April 30, 2012 at 4:35am

I'll whisper one last time "ne me quitte pas"
before my last breath escapes with my life
a final blessing after these dwindling years
"for hope is a cold star emerging at night."

its light has dimmed while playing hide and seek
among wishes, destiny’s pranks and goodness
I rarely fancied the whims of church, state or reason
my faith held only your love high enough to cherish

I have traveled along strange pathways of change
when aurora borealis matched daylight’s grace
I have wrestled with nights of disillusioned treason
now, upon my bed of weeping, I wear a shroud of lace

death consoles me coyly as I board her vessel
in the light, those souls treasured in my withered heart
welcome me with lilies and other white blossoms
a fragrant still-life capturing this last day, I depart

this end will soon coax my memories into stardust
a blanket of shimmering sleep where I now withdraw
I kneel solemnly to recite childhood prayers
whispering one last time “ne me quitte pas…”

one last time

Special thanks to Cappucine for the use of her line:
“my hope a cold star that emerges at night."

April 29, 2012 at 6:02am
April 29, 2012 at 6:02am

within the teardrops falling from the sky
I float on the dense grey cloudburst
as a token of my devotion
I am broken in the puzzle of your love
I peel off the pieces of my soul one by one
trying desperately to erase the weight of
my I love you's, my where are you going
my I miss you, my please come back
that drip like my blood from an IV giving life
I am the god of solitude left
in the wake of your distance
“ne me quitte pas”
         we need to forget the withering roses
         those unseen pearls of rain
         the babble I used to invent
         for everything thats flees from us now
         will fade away into the mist of our minds
         to forget the years that united us
         those days we never untangled our knotted words
         forget the hours that were lost...forever lost...
         in a jungle of make believe memories
“ne me quitte pas”

one day the rain will cease its torment
and we will again wander the labyrinth of your love
the beacon of your shining face was my kingdom
and, as the sun falls lower and lower, rouging the horizon
we are stuck in a timid embrace at a dead-end turning
         let me become the shadow of your shadow
         the where-are-you echo of your voice
         the retracted hand that touched my heart
         let me stay on the outskirts of your life
         the shadow of your most faithful friend
waiting , next to the window like I have done for so long
curled up tight in your tattered armchair
remembering... forgetting...
and maybe before I fall asleep...maybe...
I'll whisper one last time "ne me quitte pas"

"don't go away"

Author’s Note:
Jacques Brel’s masterpiece song of desperate love, “ne me quitte pas” has losely Inspired this poem. I chose this text because it is one of my favorites.
There are many versions of the Brel-inspired song, “If you go away.” Barbra Streisand, Julio Iglesias, and an incredible version by Rod McKuen.

The English text here is a great lyric translation, although I do not like the "don't forsake me, please" instead of the more simple and direct "don't go away" or my own "don't leave me."

Probably the most famous live version of Brel singing “ne me quitte pas.”

April 28, 2012 at 11:44am
April 28, 2012 at 11:44am

the pot overflows with peppermint tea
a slight hint of vapor, we guess the fragrance
the recipient itself, squat with a short spout,
is midnight blue, shiny glaze flecked with gold
ideograms etched deep into the clay
wait patiently to be spoken like dull rust
dreams of new shiny metal objects, foreign
but intriguingly beautiful,
I have never learned their meaning...
the pot is neglected, alone on the table, itself
draped in simple white lace, the dishes
have been removed to an elsewhere contained
in my imagination
a vase of multi-colored poppies, the afternoon's former
centerpiece, set aside
against the wall where a trio of Audubon birds
sets off the buff yellow of the room,
my friend Melody did not know the many varieties
of poppies -- nor birds native to the Scottish tableaux...
the matching teacups have rejoined the salon,
most probably, for their absence is noted, beyond
the window there is no sun over the silent crashing sea
I wonder if that day was as dreary as now,
and whether, when I pour my own green tea
this afternoon, I will be alone with the gloom of
steaming tea mixed with teardrops falling from the sky

April 27, 2012 at 6:13am
April 27, 2012 at 6:13am
you'd leave my heart to the rage of love’s might?
flee with apple tart from the caged fighting dove
let me hover above, shove this bethroved
slovenly wreck, black tack bleck
there is bo-jangling song bleating
from the locked windows of my princely tower
jingle, jinkle, twinkling stars, so far, so far
Hollywood chewing gum, bad boy bums
from Bollywood, I have won the emerald
key to your boudoir, painted in erotic
masterpieces of self control, exotic
tromp-l'oeil of butterfly gardens in midnight
pearly lighted flight, I swoon, a swan
Would you, I mean, caro mio, will you?
Oh please, is yesterday's echo now our truth?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?
Please? Shall we boogie-woogie bugle boy
shimmy shinny at the local bar, is this?
the decadence called love, above in a cloud
numbered nine or Chanel Number Five
ah, ma petite poupée de porcelaine
I've got the hives for you, itching jive
thriving on swivelled shryve and chiselled
chive-dive razz-matazz New Orleans jazz rhythms
of long-playing vinyls, those black spheres
virevolting at thirty-three revolutions per minute
a cosmic metronome of heartbeats belting out
the blues, oh my tender, love me tender, heart
unified by sweet feats, we-are-the-champions
Olympic meets, cleets, zeets, and,
oh bother, mi amor, mien Liebschen
sweet apple dumpling pumpkin
the week has run out, Friday night weaving
my cashmere sweater is ultramarine green
what's this about boxing for love's chocolate
covered kisses? decked out in glass wishes
the pot overflows with peppermint tea

the fool’s in love
April 26, 2012 at 11:56am
April 26, 2012 at 11:56am
to distill love's magic potion brought by the night
I sought shooting stars to push me close to the edge
There, at the crater’s misty mouth, a besieging sight:
I teetered, caught in a trance, not speaking my pledge

such was the longing of an unencumbered man
tasting each rose, youthful folly left me with a stain
of Latin lover rosy rendezvous, to ban
bouquets of hope, rather than forget-me-not feign

a wise man once said books were decadent for rainy
days when wistfulness tamed my solitary tears
pressed flowers, poetry, cupid's love songs, declaiming
an empty epitaph for my romantic years

there is no perfect age to dream in the sunlight
and abandon one’s heart to the rage of love’s might

at the edge of love
April 25, 2012 at 6:19am
April 25, 2012 at 6:19am

sunburnt and parched I stumble
into the oasis' world of dreams
in the chilled reflection of the thirst pond
my grandfather laughs
there, his kindly wrinkled skin
grey blue eyes I mistook for my own
a voice I was never destined to know
ripples like a memory over the water
he speaks a language familiar to our bones
strange words of a woman taled in legend
an Indian squaw caught in a love spiraling her
away from a world closer to the heavens and earth
his own unknown grandmother

I am striped with love and hate
violet reds and charcoal blue
thick layers of I-can't-do-this
and foolish wish
yet mostly
there is you.

what is this mirage, the sly portending
from a man dead before my own five decades
brought daylight to the blues of my soul?
such devotion...

a splash frames the muted shade
in revery's restless change
above I imagine a crow caws
a shiny trinket appears
a thick gold circle that once held
impressions from his hands
flakes from his skin, his odor, his goodness
details I was never destined to know
yet revealed in the mysteries and wealth
of love's magic potion brought by the night

the oracle
April 24, 2012 at 9:22am
April 24, 2012 at 9:22am
moonlight’s sad song forever retains death’s cold breath

Let me live in the sunlight, but teleport me to the desert
if I must make amends for my folly, callous in love. I know
few gay, dainty, sprightly wishful tunes, I am not a singer,
nor songwriter, as my muse is often mired in decadence.
Wisdom, after five decades of being a smart-ass little boy, 
has only taught me to live for today's pleasure, a slave
to pseudo happiness that is rekindled every week with new adventure,
new lies, all  cut into pieces and served in a tall cocktail glass filled
with the chilled sweetness of a banana daiquiri  I sip and slurp
as we -- my muse and I, of course -- compose ditties unworthy of
tweets chez Twitter at midnight.  Oh I am tired of this frivolity. 
I long for death to entrap  me, wrap me, rapture me
 in beautiful funeral music. Be quick! before drowsiness claims me!
Oh, gentle gods and goddesses of ethereal harmony
that I may hum gladly to your thrumming in the arms of eternity. 

sunburnt and parched I stumble  into the oasis' dream

unconnected reality
April 23, 2012 at 4:54am
April 23, 2012 at 4:54am

can we not share the sunlight as well as the clouds?
does love not illuminate equally our souls?

Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

I have done away with the man who slandered
your lover’s name, insanity stains my reason
treason to my own heart, pierced and bloodless

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love…

the pious monks will humble my need to wander
far from you, I will learn to view a different sun
fearing more the morning silence than your sweet voice

Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

yet deprived of your love I tame devotion’s verse
moonlight’s sad song forever retains death’s cold breath

from the cloister below the balcony
April 22, 2012 at 7:18am
April 22, 2012 at 7:18am

because I would marry my man at the altar
won’t you grace me as the stained glass reflects?
the eagle’s majesty rules the mountains
he is humble before a beast equal to his wingspan

though my love has the benediction of my gods
my heart welcomes all of you, voiceless vultures
crows crackling with black despair
and hawks coughing blood from hooked beaks
I — the despised, feared and misunderstood —
will not hate you making carrion of good stock
even though your prayers seem worthless

the sky is vast, our hearts beat to the same rhythm
can we not share the sunlight as well as the clouds?

birds that don’t pray


April 21, 2012 at 4:21am
April 21, 2012 at 4:21am

I am a man
I stand tall, assume
my baby-blue eyes
my Hollywood grin
I am proud to wear a beard
long hair, designer jeans
I turn heads in the street
I pay taxes after a three-piece-suit job
memberships at the gym, tennis club
swimming pool, library, opera
I read three books a month
one is always poetry
I am a faithful friend
they can count on me in troubled times
my door is never locked, behind it
is garden filled with rose bushes
I collect Japanese tea pots
give sanctuary to homeless cats
I read three foreign language newspapers
and travel the world to stop injustice
love? you ask
will you too condemn me
because I would marry my man?

one wrong detail

April 20, 2012 at 7:24am
April 20, 2012 at 7:24am
we hover today in the sunrise
for death cannot touch this love

to reach eternity, they bear children
nourishing, wasting their own bodies
in sleepless nights, worry, love

their devotion counts the stars
sweet appeal, prayer
wise words that heal our wounds

beyond our bruised horizon
their smiles illuminate our worlds

without them
April 19, 2012 at 4:07am
April 19, 2012 at 4:07am
we have no time to gaze past the stars
we fear being caught in the evolution of earth’s endless spiraling, should we
wander towards the horizon’s pale hued illuminations
our eyes are fixed in prayer to honor our ancestor’s who believed in moonlight’s
flow — we are fireflies, buoyant, floating in the mists of memory, caught in the
space between the rich loam and the dark rain clouds,
our life devoted to taming solitude

perchance you dream of my strong arms when your sleep-tussled head is poised
on the pillow and your breath grows deep — are you not mistress of your desires?
sensual companionship is our survival after long days in the fields, do you not
ponder the passing shadows to measure the echo of time?
love, this noble sentiment, must not be an absent player in your heart, do not turn
away from its arousal… as night engulfs you, embrace the power of a tree, sing
lullabies with the nightingale for we cannot always fly along their invisible
pathways, their twittering will guide us home

                   before morning
                   touch the essence
                   marvelous, wishful

a thousand times I have imagined your portrait in the morning mirror
and vow to answer your silent calls, learn to mentor, cherish and caress
slowly our revolving dance will unite along the same elliptical path
we will become our own universe, with moons and suns to light our theatre of life…
year after year it will grow brighter and brighter, incandescent as love centers us in
its eternity

                   I too have dreamed
                   thrown pennies into wishing wells
                   filled with hope

it is not yet time for death to lower her silky blanket over our lives,
our songs must ring out against her grasp like a lark’s egg cracking open in the
early spring light,
the sun’s rays toast our souls as trees grow into forests and rivers fill lakes
we have prayed for this life to honor those before us

yet if you fear her cold embrace, I will entrust myself with your life
warm the chill of your hand, listen to your heartbeat with admiration for I will always
be the giver and holder of secrets — your soul mate
I have grown into the mightiest of islands to house your fears
I will not allow you to die in desolation

                   we hover today
                   death cannot touch this love
                   it is the sunrise

a promise
A Haibun, For JulesPaige
April 18, 2012 at 4:32am
April 18, 2012 at 4:32am

comes yet another beautiful sunrise
that whispers boldly of our common tale
these continents cannot remain a prize
to plunder ivory horns and tusks - we wail

the dying Rain Forest, dry fishless lakes
and vast blackened petrol poisoned beaches
have killed food and hunger in the sea’s wake
tsunami swipes man’s penny-pinched riches

millions of homeless sleep in cardboard tents
cramped in perilous tin roofed shantytowns
in drought and flooding, life is quickly spent
dreams whither when survival dries and drowns

for few, beauty is locked behind gates and bars
the rest have no time to gaze past the stars

to protect dreams

April 17, 2012 at 4:06am
April 17, 2012 at 4:06am
the sweet lips I’m kissing right now
evoke dreams of sailing across silent clouds

first love and destiny caught us as willing prey
enraptured in perfect harmony on the first of May

it’s just you and me was our motto for eternity’s sake
a blazing trail of happiness even after we wake

star-gazed, we buy soda and chips at the seven-eleven
we need no spirits to highlight the haze of heaven

we’ll build a hill-top house and adopt six children
keep memories in a journal written with colorful pens

a garden with roses, flowering trees and a waterfall
no mortgage sweat but lottery wins to pay for it all

together we lay in the shade of an apple tree
imagining a future designed to set us free

all our dreams were an act in someone else’s time line
cinema rich with red carpets and margaritas with lime

our daily joy was in a bookstore loft outside the city’s reach
and a cat-filled greenhouse, each holiday at the beach

none of it matters today, forty years down the road
we were young of heart, impetuous, if all be told

our life has been a slow waltz, “a whiter shade of pale”
another beautiful sunrise that whispers our common tale

forty years later
April 16, 2012 at 3:51am
April 16, 2012 at 3:51am
the porch light is out at midnight
no one waits up, we snuggle in darkness
he lives three blocks away, no one
waits up for him either
the bowling alley was crowded
in another kind of obscurity,
this not-daring-to…
yet my hand brushed up against his
scoring our strikes and spares
at the soda counter, trying not to melt
feeling his eyes follow me everywhere
love is simple at sixteen
the trouble begins
when we realize that other
boy-to-boy friendships
don’t end in physical closeness
will never share this tender budding love
to survive, even as we pump iron in the gym
we will steel ourselves against the assaults
praying daily
they will only remain verbal jousts
and that some ignorant fist will not spoil
the sweet lips I’m kissing right now

the porch light

April 15, 2012 at 4:43am
April 15, 2012 at 4:43am
how much of my soul have I hidden?
I know where its fabric has been sheared
and have sewn the scraps into place
with the essence of ghost matter
and a smattering of over-the-counter satisfaction,
communion through feigned stained-glass
devotion gives me little matter to coax
thought towards inner enlightenment
but “this is the true belief” is never
uttered as a prelude to exchange,
and the blinking light bulbs of my neurons,
flipping wildly in a constant Milky Way shimmering
to guide me from my personal darkness,
can do nothing with dogma
that isn’t as simple and beautiful
as my mama’s old collie faithfully wagging
his tail, an unconditional expression of love
when the porch light is out at midnight

simple expressions

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