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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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March 18, 2012 at 5:35pm
March 18, 2012 at 5:35pm
catch it now before brandy erases the ping
improvise the harmonies
dark evening sky surrounds my soul's
fledging need for the sting of drama
prepare tonight's bedtime stories
to be shared with the cat's purring

even this minute

is a prélude to dreams
casting songs on banana split carnaval floats
wind chimes tame midnight's approach
do not chastise my hunger for novelty
it is encased in words no one will remember

even this minute
February 22, 2012 at 10:52am
February 22, 2012 at 10:52am
alone on a mountain top
incandescent beauty surrounds silence
a moment with eternity to contemplate the miracle of life
and why I have my place in it

3:55 a.m.


no sound,
no music disturbs the heights 
White Eagle, keeper of my spirit
quiet meditation here

alone on a mountain top
incandescent beauty
this silence, a moment
with eternity
to contemplate the miracle
of life, why
I have my place in it

zenith illuminates
the lands below us
we are two specks, twin shadows
among a myriad of others
I awake from introspection's charm
and soar
to embrace myself
where White Eagle left
my upright reflection
in the lake
my place is two-fold:
to be the horizon
to observe life's paths
towards the heavens

in the flash of a dream
February 17, 2012 at 6:03am
February 17, 2012 at 6:03am
she insisted I follow behind, retracing her delicate footsteps
her adult shadow let the child-me bathe only in dim left-over light
never knowing  if I faltered, she rarely glanced over her shoulder
her pace remained unbearably quick, steady and forward
my ten-year-old self tried to imitate an old  man, careful and wise
to please her need to see me as a perfect reflection
In the pool of light she cast ahead...
she told me often how much I failed

I never imagined my own ill-timed flight would bind  me in fright

now, I attempt to cast my own shadows on my passing path
to learn from the emptiness of lonely, ill-spent youth
but I will not allow anyone to walk in the shade behind me 
instead insist on an equal footing as we advance side by side
although I have become that old  man -- careful and  wise --
I do not yet know if I am a worthy guide for my own life
nor if any gentle souls will desire a place
to accompany me into my future

but today, as I reflect on her heaven-bound flight, I am free to try

free to try 
February 8, 2012 at 5:47pm
February 8, 2012 at 5:47pm
behind these tears
is a lost love I only dream
one that leaves my heart bleeding, pierced and broken by a chagrin I have never held close
I am still a frog waiting for a soul who sees a prince in my eyes
and allows my heart to blossom beyond these tears

touching fairy tales 
February 7, 2012 at 8:38am
February 7, 2012 at 8:38am
my eye catches white
mosaics of ice patches glitter on a sea of asphalt 
puffs of white smoke from chimney tops create silent, modern ballet  

winter movements
February 5, 2012 at 6:43pm
February 5, 2012 at 6:43pm
our conversation ends slowly
his voice has become like mellow wine
our words flow like a river
I feel the inebriation of his sparks
but desire only sounds of wisdom

that is what united us
when I was a boy

now I reach out and let my suffering
caress the decades between us
love is a word I rarely utter
death has pounced on my life
and I grieve for understanding

that is what united us
when I was a boy

when I was a boy
February 5, 2012 at 5:44am
February 5, 2012 at 5:44am
I waited in yesterday's sunlight
for snow break
this morning it falls patiently, calmly
transforming bleak winter landscapes
into a miracle of purity

first fall
February 3, 2012 at 5:43am
February 3, 2012 at 5:43am
in an hour the wild bird grapevine
will tweet that on the top floor balcony where the sun does not shine
the feeders are filled...
at the same moment, watching their feathered displays
I will enjoy my noon-time meal  

February 2, 2012 at 6:53am
February 2, 2012 at 6:53am
sparrows and tits fight for a place at the feeder in a complicated aerial ballet
behind the window, one cat keeps time with a swishing tail

December 30, 2011 at 1:04pm
December 30, 2011 at 1:04pm
This small stone writing is not easy. I waited all day, a rainy cold one out shopping, to find an image that could lead to poetry. One day soon I'll take more time with my small stone and turn it into a more elaborate poem instead of a simple line or two of prose...

on a dark gloomy night, yellow and white city lights shimmer behind rainfall
replacing stars wrapped in fog

colored lights
December 28, 2011 at 10:59am
December 28, 2011 at 10:59am
sleep captures me as I drown in a sea of soft round pebbles
valiantly I have plunged in their midst searching for a tiny grand piano I discarded months ago
I can neither surface, nor find ivory and ebony
a strong blue arm retrieves me in time for a last breath
in the fresh air I remember two things:
I am a fool without music
my favorite color is blue

who I am
(small stones, 10)
December 22, 2011 at 1:58pm
December 22, 2011 at 1:58pm
holiday crowds don't stop and enjoy the water play of the  indoor fountain
rose, blue, purple, green and red ribbons of light, cascades worthy of Niagra Falls, the musical splashing  seems unheard in the hustle and bustle of hurried conversations --
a  single man, mischievous  eyes hidden behind a camera, captures a fleeting pleasure ...

indoor fountain at Christmas 
(small stone, 5)
December 20, 2011 at 1:14pm
December 20, 2011 at 1:14pm
welcome winter glare pierces cotton balls on pale blue skies, shining warmly like the eyes of the refugee...
my two-euro coin is his sunlight


This is a small stone as outlined on a new site I've discovered, writingourwayhome.ning.com
December 3, 2011 at 12:51pm
December 3, 2011 at 12:51pm
I sit under rain
drenched and curious, waiting
for a resting place

no graveyard shadows
ancestral belief patterns
like clouds and lightning

I am no longer alone
spring always returns

love too beckons
like cherry blossoms
or orchid buds

rose petals
anniversary of loss
so much love

indoors and out
cool rain, hot sun, seasons
sprout beginnings

eggs hatched yesterday
under terrarium heat
rare speckled lizards

until the full moon
they are safe from eagle eyes
that soar from my dreams

the storming thickens
I scamper in muddy boots
befriending raindrops

thoughts of wetness
Chain Haiku, traditional and modern
November 29, 2011 at 4:34pm
November 29, 2011 at 4:34pm
a slow trodding pace
breathing deep gusts of cool
evening air, return trip home
under a light mist, I notice
my eye-glasses fog up
greedy for wetness
and the new street lamps
illuminate evening's stark
into a pseudo-day glare
to dissuade vandals
who rarely visit my corner
of suburbia... neighbors
beneath my fourth floor haven
create an unhealthy din
for contemplating aloneness
candlelight replaces absent
moonbeams, and meditation
will be less restful than a dream
now, sleep will come early
tucked under the eiderdown
with a black and white cat
who purrs incessantly
while at midnight, stars shine
brightly, somewhere else

before sleep returns
November 28, 2011 at 11:59am
November 28, 2011 at 11:59am
we read avidly
anything, everything
no TV, no board games
books were our love’s cement

discussions took hours
curled up in bed, we were young
not yet restless for sleep

then our tales would begin
alternating our voices
I was master on the odd nights
we invented modern fairy tales
plans to murder the evil neighbor
who killed our cat just because
she stole food from window ledges

and like grown-up children
that we still were
finally we grew sleepy
one of us would yawn
and put out the first light

for after stories
the last light was our intimacy
nestling close, sometimes
we made love, mostly
our entwined bodies
just fell asleep

in the morning, our dreams
became the day’s new ideas
to be shared once again
at evening’s darkness, after biographies
poems and other tall tales

after stories

Prompt: (another strange one...) Write a poem replacing the blank in "Blank Story."
Toy Story, Cars Story, Love Story. You get the idea.
Mine is pure fiction. For once.
November 24, 2011 at 3:05pm
November 24, 2011 at 3:05pm
I have survived another year
as my own founding father
of a dynasty to end
at my death, no children
will note my passing

I am thankful
for a food-filled pantry
pleasant work gives me a roof
and my old-fashioned notion of love
frequently fills the hearth of my heart
to the bursting point

such is the stuffing of my existence
and I, cooked to a crisp
by its warmth, will not complain
should someone nibble tenderly
to satisfy their hunger
for companionship

old man’s prayer
November 23, 2011 at 12:06pm
November 23, 2011 at 12:06pm

I have never wandered, though
my destination, always precise
has led me farther
than a hundred seasons
or ten thousand tomorrows
perched at the summit
of any dream imaginable

my road was paved in a lofty
foreignness that wrapped me --
willingly I admit –
in the silence of a book long closed
for I sought to lose myself
in sounds and odors contrasting
with my childhood customs
I desired the charms
of this distant place
to reinvent my spirit songs
and let them nourish on the tides
of my tears

now my eyes are dry
and time, my faithful shadow
has hidden me so well
that I can no longer
find the return path to the place
my weary bones once called home

to lose myself
November 22, 2011 at 4:18pm
November 22, 2011 at 4:18pm
still, the weathered oak and wicker rocker
sits forlorn on the porch's north corner
her favorite place to watch life unfold
beyond, the orchard spread majestically
to the east and west, perfuming
the entire domain

today, only the first tree
remains, a gnarled grandfather twice her age

children of her children would come
not for her patient stories of the golden years
but to pluck the ripe red spheres at the right moment
hoping she'd set aside a double dozen or so
for an evening of special desserts
when a fire always crackled in the hearth...

nights are still cool in her valley

Granny Smith
Prompt: write a poem about a fruit or a vegetable and make that your title.
OK. I cheated. STUPID idea calling a poem "apple."
November 21, 2011 at 11:28am
November 21, 2011 at 11:28am
whenever I'm blue
never is only one answer
not to hate starry nights
that govern my loneliness
not to extinguish the candles
and allow their light to help
me wander through chaos where
my emotions romp in free anarchy
while in the darkness of midnight
ponderous shadows would scare
love from its pedestal and crash
illusions into shards of black

never is the wrong answer
for whenever I'm blue
you're far away and tempted
by the rest of your life
and my thumbs revolving
in lazy circles cannot catch
the smiles in your heart

my answer is whenever
you're blue, I'll be waiting
somewhere beyond the horizon
hoping you'll follow the north star
to find the path of oneness
that brings us together again

Prompt: write a poem using the phrase "whenever XXX."

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