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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1579526
My life in Tel Aviv. Welcome to Israel!
Shalom! I was born outside of Haifa, moved to Tel Aviv when I was twelve, and served in the Israeli Defense Force for two years. Now, I am a student at TAU.

I hope I can show the world the humanity of my nation. We're not so different, after all.

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Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty
as though he had destroyed the entire world;
and whoever rescues a single life
earns as much merit as though he had
rescued the entire world
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December 12, 2009 at 3:38pm
December 12, 2009 at 3:38pm
Latkes, doughnuts, blintzes, wine, cake...a feast! And while I help my grandmother, aunts, cousins, sister and my mother in the kitchen, my brother teaches my younger cousins krav maga moves, my father, my grandfather, and my uncles discuss politics, and we forget, for awhile, the troubled world around us.

This is something I have loved always about being Jewish. The world can be burning, all hope can be dimming, and yet still we will find something to raise a glass to ([i}l'chaim{/i}!). No matter what, there is joy somewhere.

Going to Haifa tomorrow to do some shopping and to visit some family friends. I have not been to Haifa in awhile, so it should be a nice time.

December 11, 2009 at 9:19am
December 11, 2009 at 9:19am
I do not know so much what to say (http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1260447414906&pagename=JPost%2FJPArti...). To burn down their Mosque, to write such horrible things on their walls, to terrorize their children...

Now, who are we? Now, who do we look like? Now, we are the Nazis who murdered our grandparents. Now, we are the Arabs who destroyed our Temple. Now, we are the centuries of assailants whom we ourselves condemn.

To the Palestinians of this West Bank village, I am so sorry. None of you lost your lives, baruch hashem, but I am so sorry these settlers could not contain themselves. Anger and outrage and indignance is manifested often so violently, but this is no excuse.

Happy Chanukah, but this is not something to celebrate. Have the Arabs done worse to us? Absolutely. But we are no innocent victims ourselves.

Now we will wait for their retaliation.
December 10, 2009 at 5:06pm
December 10, 2009 at 5:06pm

Have a spectacular night! Forget the terrorists, forget the Arabs, forget the war, forget the academics, forget the stress, forget politics and hunger and insecurity and religion and decency and traditions, for one night. Tomorrow we have the festival of lights, but, tonight, we have our own festival. To be young and in Israel? Live loud!

Shalom, as always! *Bigsmile*

Tomorrow I am going to hate myself *Wink*.



This man was like "come with me, come with me," and I said okay but he was not so nice a guy and I am thinking as I am leaving that this is bad idea so I said, no, and so now I am back at apartment.


WHEW. Much dancing. Much fun. Much in need for sleep.

Sometimes I think I like to have so much fun now, so often, to make up for the two years I wasn't allowed any when I was with the army. Is like when Israeli guys grow out their hair, because in the army they must keep it very short. Like we missed two years of being young so we make it up now.

Good night! Shalom *Bigsmile*.
December 9, 2009 at 9:48pm
December 9, 2009 at 9:48pm
Finals are over!

Now, I can breathe. Now I can relax, again. Now I can enjoy Chanukah *Smile*.

Now I can have some fun! Jaffa, anyone? *Wink*

Protestors in Jerusalem are angry at Bibi for serving U.S., and not us. On the settlement freezes, they say, "Jews are not popsicles to be frozen!" Is almost comical, but is very important and serious. Witty *Wink*.

Dear Germany,
Now that you are once again the top country in Europe (but minus a military, this time), how about taking a stand against terrorists? How about helping Israel out with more than just reparations?

Enough politics! Let's drink and celebrate! L'chaim!

December 8, 2009 at 10:33pm
December 8, 2009 at 10:33pm
More missiles from Gaza. In Tel Aviv they are warning us we are within firing range, and to be cautious. Hamas obtained Fajr missles from Iran (again), and then of course Hezbollah is funding and supplying them, also. They instigate, we reciprocate, the international media makes us look like genocidal murderers, and then we lose support. Every time.

As if examinations were not enough *Laugh* haha!

I can already taste the Chanukah latkes...

The Talmud says, There are stars who's light only reaches the earth long after they have fallen appart. There are people who's remembrance gives light in this world, long after they have passed away. This light shines in our darkest nights on the road we must follow.

Religion, in its attempt to find peace, defines common ground by outlining division.
December 7, 2009 at 8:21pm
December 7, 2009 at 8:21pm
Getting into arguments with my mother makes me want to cry *Cry*. I can't stand it. I do not get to see her enough as it is, and then to spoil our few phone conversations with small arguments is horrible.

I just want these final examinations to be over with, and these papers written. I just want it to be all about the beach and flirting and matkot and frozen pomegranate juice again.

I am writing a piece about Israelis and Iranians. How we are the same, how we are not, why we must hate one another, why we should not hate one another, etc. It should be interesting, I hope. Is interesting to write, at least.

I can't worry about all these political things and worry also about my family or my examinations. I can't worry about all these things and still function. Is hard. I need another night off but I cannot afford one.

God, give me strength to get through the next three days...
December 6, 2009 at 9:23pm
December 6, 2009 at 9:23pm
Israel is not the most popular country in the world. We are the leper, the rogue, the rebel, the scorned little brother of the United States. We can live with a poor reputation--we're Jews, after all *Wink*. But when that reputation translates as an economic boycott of Israeli goods? This does not work.

We need an army. Without an army, we have no country. Without a country, what is the point? To have an army, one must fund an army. We sink a ridiculous amount of our GDP into funding our military, which is great, except that, when as a nation we are barred from most foreign markets, it is very difficult to be economically competitive. Israel has an incredible amount of sucessful new businesses, and if you come here, you will see that brands like Starbucks, MacDonalds, and Pizza Hut have mostly all failed, because people want to support Israeli versions of these chains. So this generates a lot of domestic revenue, leading to low unemployment and higher patriotism.

The problem? Nobody else will buy our stuff. There is an international boycott against Israeli goods, which is discriminatory and offensive. People say, "Don't buy Israeli, and free Palestine!" which is cute, but is false. It does not work like this. This is an oversimplification of a very complicated issue, and good, hardworking people are hurt in the meantime.

So, please, I ask you: do not join this boycott. If you are curious (mostly for Americans) which brands are Israeli, here is a website: http://www.buyisraelgoods.org/

I understanding spending habits are personal. But I also live in a country where, a bit like Russia, we cannot possibly grow to become globally competitive. We have a huge presence on Wall Street, but it is no secret the United States gives us special favors.

I have always, always disagreed with economic sanctions. Corrupt governments are fed, the working class is hurt, and then what? No problem is solved.
December 5, 2009 at 10:23pm
December 5, 2009 at 10:23pm
In TA, party like it's Purim! To relieve some stress and forget University we enjoyed our nightscene! Too much and tomorrow maybe I will be very mad at myself but life is short and we are young and want fun!

Shalom to you and your loved ones, yes? Shalom, shalom! *Bigsmile*

Whew! Now it is 5:15 a.m. and I am ready for bed.

I feel about five years younger, and far less stressed!
December 4, 2009 at 9:04pm
December 4, 2009 at 9:04pm
The movie the Pianist is very sad. But I like Adrian Brody. I think he must be Jewish, but the last name Brody is not. Perhaps he has changed it?

Anyway, I have finished two term papers (yes!), so I am feeling victorious *Bigsmile*. Tonight I can sleep more because I have less stress. And also Chanukah is in less than a week!

I must go to the dentist today. I am not happy for this. I do not like the dentist at all, and I think perhaps I have a cavity.

My brother called me today *Smile*. He is doing well, baruch hashem.

Also, what is "skype"?
December 3, 2009 at 8:10pm
December 3, 2009 at 8:10pm
When I am tired and stressed and busy, I am very sensitive.

I kind of need a hug right now! I want my family, but I cannot see them until Chanukah. This Shabbat I must stay at University campus because this is busy part of the term. I miss my family most when I know I cannot see them.

Right now in Tel Aviv it is very foggy and very cold! To go outside I will need my jacket. The sun sets so early *Frown*. I am eating lunch, is like, and then suddenly it looks like midnight!

I wanted to ask people about smoking. Is it common in other countries? Here, I smoked for like a year and a half when I was in the army because it was what everyone did. But I quit when I was done with my service, because it is very unhealthy. But, still, so many people smoke and it is normal. In New York, many people smoke, but people say Americans do not smoke anymore, mostly?

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