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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1594056
  Due space ... cyber space, sillies @ a thing they call BLOG BOARD, am considering re-booting FICTION FANDANGO. Also, did find former arena for viewing latest blog creations from community members.  Who blog along @ the train we may dub http://www.writing.com. At that spot one may still find latest blogs by date & hour. This random thing that swept the site like a cow catcher, never cut it with moi.  Writing seriously comes @ a price.  Not costly in the least, instead a crux quite easy on the eye and mentally relaxing fer sure.

That's the craft for you --- when folks dedicate their works to a degree of ultimate impression for their audience. 'Random' applied like salvage for lackluster pieces clocks in as unfunny, uncanny sameness, tech gear only, buy-this-buy-that, keep up with the Jonses, be a married couple only, paint the white picket fence of online persona clone-ship is history. It always was for a talented ken of authorship. So, if boredom turns you on, personally can't even grasp the concept. Okay?

Previously FANDANGO underwent a major wash & dry, hung out to air since ... summer 2013, when blogs crumbled along with golden rod, last Autumn. A year before --- 2012 @ Teffom Estates came with discoveries which eventually tuned into major news events due revelations from Edward "Scissors hands" Snowden.  International press hounded the guy all the way to Moscow.  What he revealed to the American Public, due a closed and corporate owned media in the States ... went entirely unrelated to domestic spying. A blight on these shores, to be sure.

Suffice, IF TEFF rants, don't think she dislikes EVERYONE.  I don't.  I do run the EVERYONE contests and oh my --- have nerve to dub myself Prez @
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#1323687 by Not Available.

Also, currently searching my own bonafide noggin for a way to kick start another truly laid back group @

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#1411346 by Not Available.

Regionally we can only do our best.  Of course, thru our writing.  Most folks are not active protesters, another thing like even a hint of news (shunned onsite) remains in disfavor nationwide. Oh, yes, my pretties, tis in fact out there like a ground cover of wild geranium. Why, lucky we color ourselves when finding real news, these days.

Hoaxes come, entrapment stories build but common sense lives on in a place you may dub:

--------    FICTION ------    FANDANGO -------  A -----  WRITER'S -----  BLOGGEROO.


Deadline Jan 30 ... @
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#1190255 by Not Available.

  Christmas past submissions, encased in the only Christmas Genre Anthology onsite & online open

 Invalid Item 
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#1521424 by Not Available.

  Perplexed while wondering about the CLUBs Silent Ones @
 Invalid Item 
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#1343647 by Not Available.

FANDANGO LIVE spells no pressure stats for moi. (I) might blog a bit, but short story time is more important, you see.  Plans to make, resolutions to keep and sure  ... the beat goes on.

  Public thanks to all who entered 2013s Everyone Contests which proves most successful. Yipee!  Completion toward judging winners cicle while R&R (reading & rev) stories soon. Oh boy! Promoting same, holding in hand like Magi-ware then gifting ala Secret Santa.


Sept 1/TWENTY-FOURTEEN! Officially open @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1518804 by Not Available.

Tap the above if you like Ghostbuster mid. Also, accepting submissions all year long, from EVERYONE!

MAY RE-OPEN in JAN @ un-revamped 


Recenty Anthology created @
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This item number is not valid.
#1613149 by Not Available.


  Ditto @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1614778 by Not Available.

Oh, the giraffe on the cover spells sticking FANDANGOs neck out there into that offsite view world aka an I-net EYE!
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August 29, 2009 at 9:42am
August 29, 2009 at 9:42am

By MARY MOFFETT, rare flash fiction still open I-net wise. teffom@writing.com


"My fondest memory is of my little sister on the night our family attended The Metropolitan Opera House. Loriann outdid her normally cute, attractive appearance preparing for that memorable, snowy night in January of 2007.

My adolescent sibling visited Handelon's Beauty Emporium with Mother, where they swept her unruly curly locks into what passes for a French Twist. The dress she wore was reminiscent of all Christmases to come, without a doubt. Loriann's skirt of green velvet swept light snow on the sidewalk as we entered Lincoln Center. Her stark blue eyes grew wider the minute my father's chauffeur turned off Columbus Avenue.

Our destination, between West 63rd and West 64th was no secret to the adults in our party. Mother fingered her pearls, straightened her mink, anticipating familiar faces among the well-to-do crowd as we moved along Amsterdam Avenue.

My father, an executive for a company which later receives a huge taxpayer bailout during the closing years of the Bush war torn administration, had no idea I considered dropping out of law school.

Yes, I was in my third year at Harvard at the time. Being home for the holidays and enjoying ourselves put the rest of the world into a tight, at bay, button hole perspective.

Most importantly, I play the older brother, escort Loriann in her fine threads into and out of the dreamy fog of our contentious moods. That winter weekend, our only cares centered upon whether our coffee and bagels were hot the next morning. Then we all laid in our separate, cozy, ornate cribs cuddling sections of the New York Times. Playing over our moods, fingering our digital cameras, all appreciating Loriann's first night at the marvelous, impervious Met.

Oh Loriann's fabulous dress! She carried the flowing ivory silk of the sleeves like a true trouper, our mother's outrageously coiffed daughter at only age twelve.

Of course, I nursed these memories and these photos all thru my brief tour in Afghanistan. I spent one full year in Germany recovering from a bus blow up in Kandahar which left thirty-six people dead. Their body parts (and mine) strewn across the plaza which sent people into immediate action. Siren sounds are something it takes months to silence.

After devastating injuries and slow recovery, Loriann never forgave me for enlisting.

Father's been a gem during "our ordeal." He polishes this family's sole purple heart. Dad, Wallace, always referred to George Walker Bush as "his boy." A true man of honor who stood against socialization and perpetual, wasteful hands out to the needy. A stalwart of the upper class. "A millionaire's millionaire," Wallace opined whenever we sat down to dinner.

Just because I lost both legs and my right arm, I still can't fault, good old Wally Grafton Esquire. Who hires my nurses, pays all my medical expenses. Dad foots these bills, not his favorite president. My generous father paid $700 for the elegant, matching Victorian, velvet coat Loriann wore to the Metropolitan Opera House. Back in an era when I was my own past, Corporal First Class Richard Grafton's, handsome, healthy self.

Finally, despite acute physical pains and blindness status, I waxed pretty damn sure my heart would break in one thousand pieces waiting to leave Hamburg, waiting for a phone call from my little sister. Then they came over and we flew home with our own private, US doctor. And a competent young nurse, I think I might owe my sanity to this day. Their surprise trip across the Atlantic, across Europe was also, Loriann's first transcontinental flight.

Nurse Mary Beth spent years convincing me Braille is one way to enjoy fine Literature. She tells me all of the time exactly what my little sister is wearing. I'm fully aware, Loriann is into long pigtails, loose pants and floppy hats. Why, Mary Beth even details the dance steps Loriann perfects at the end of my, outlandishly equipped hospital bed.

Yes, Loriann writes our caring letters of condolence to each fallen comrade who takes a hit. We find their names, their states, their ages, their families. All online. Easy as pie, known as online research. My two helpers even view men and women soldier's photographs via the Internet, so I am told.

My little sister signs my name for me, sends out our heartfelt condolences. With these letters we supply a simple $1,000 check for each bereaved family. Wally, boy says he doesn't mind. Well, after all he accepted all those tax breaks for nine years, in fact.

Although that fateful day in Kandahar came replete with undeniable and horrific screams, wails of an unforgettable nature, I currently suffer uncontrollable mood swings. The worst thing for me (post blindness due to the bus explosion) is hearing my sister cry in the hallway outside my bedroom door. After she leaves me in total darkness, doesn't she realize the source of my one single contentment? Namely: --- Oh how I am forever trapped inside a whirlwind of snow flurries. Seriously, still escorting the most beautiful young lass in the whole wide world into her first Opera at the New York Met.
The End." END QUOTE, JUST ANOTHER RICH BOY owned by Mrs. Mary Moffett

Disclaimer: Complete work of fiction.

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Wikepedia for "The Metropolitan Opera House", Lincoln Center, New York, New York

icasualties.org --- listing 5,022 Americans killed in "The War on Terror."

This site supplies the following quote from THOMAS PAINE. "He that is the author of war let's loose a whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death."

From Antiwar.com --- casualties in Afghanistan --- "805 as of Aug. 20, 2009"


"Should or does realism in fiction include current news as a source of recording history?"

Paula answers "Yes, of course," to both does and should above.

Therefore readers & writers & writer-readers of value and worth ... Yon serious authors ... best consider plain old nitty gritty.


As opposed to newer terminology of perpetual war-occupations.

Aug 2012 ED note:

Yup, still @ the book edit, page 5
Out a week of mornings almost since second looks ploys sure take time. I don't change much, looking for the wc twist on simple words which passed muster first time. Which now are the oddballs out of sync. Of course, they(staff?) can touch the stuff in any port. If you drink tons of cups of gullible tea, you won't agree, or pretend you do not notice.

However, rather surprised by 235 views since Aug 8. Also, wc stats shows 14 wc-ers bother to lurk ..... so safe to stop addressing members. NO PROBLEM!

Drum roll --- OPEN HOUSE @@@@@


As for the rest, who are you people? Are you of the facebookertee contention who read this site (wc) from that ultra-crowded place?

Well, comments open, don't you know.

PS: Might see if Barnes & Noble sells/ delivers e-blogs. Hmm?

Like I've said on more than one occasion. I have repeatedly tried to contact my plagiarists. Curious as to what we sell, you see? Damn, if those sumbitches refuse to return any concrete answers to my requests. Go figure, huh?

August 28, 2009 at 11:29am
August 28, 2009 at 11:29am

Mindfulness toward one's personal modus operandi is the neatest thing sometimes. Although, fear arises at every turn in the road, where must admit April Sunday creator of this new blog, post JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE is not, nor ever has been the sharpest fork in the drawer.

Thus the new blog began this week with FIREFLY FICTIONIST. The title switched to: FIREFLY FANDANGO.

Well, since msn.com search settles old scores as a writing online reference for yours truly --- much to my erstwhile surprise, a discovery surfaced. Just in the nick of time.

Nation: FIREFLY FANDANGO is a Seattle Bakery. Specializing in spider cookies, I believe. Yummy. This new wave business also offers a book on Amazon.com. Where, incidentally one might even discover impeccable, useful methods for real review scripting. Open 24-7, of course. Amazon. Bakery hours unknown.

Worse, yesterday morning, researching "dialogue only contests" glanced at a few blurbs aka caption info --- glanced, mind you ...

Showing 'linear writing.'

What is is that supposed to mean as applied to today's modern authorship, available on AuthorsDen? Huh?

Today, a quick look took place on linear writing and non-linear or lucid writing.

So after a tad bit of foot stomping, jig worthy, table slamming and hair pulling ... I settle for saving these searches for a later search via my old friend, Wikepdia.


Can writers become overburdened by writing rules?

I think we do. I also think that English teachers may impart the basics to students who pass their courses. Yet, I don't think classrooms filled with teachers and students can teach writing in non-writing courses.

Eh, probably just me. So taking the word "linear" L-I-N-E-A-R as me: line by line. I really waxed tee-d the hell off. Sure the new leaf TEFF still claims a quirky personality, an Irish side and just maybe the throw back to cynical for satire sake.

Suddenly, the freakin couch appears utterly way over-linear to the recliner in the corner. The natural flow of the place is a tad left of center most days anyways.

Not one to stand for mish mash furniture alignment, first thing to do, post worldwide web surfing, which includes many a fine hour on the writer's capital of the world ... Suite101.com ---

Oh, you know me. I move the entire living room outside to the sunporch.

Then ... Bring in the patio set, since we've all this awful rain, yet we love it. PA is the new Oregon this summer. Slight digression. Sorry.

Now, inside a tightly packed living room/ office combo, due south of the TV, sits a picnic table strewn with linear notebooks from here to kingdom come. Even used a yardsick to measure distance from the Webster, to the Encyclopedia Britanica against the far wall. Please, note all this is forever after known as a Linear Reference Library.

Of course, when first swivel of the wild wheely desk chair --- well don't my feet accidentally knock an entire entertainment center off it's cement block stand. Sunofa ...

Then up sails --- oh --- no --- I'll go down stream in non-linear fashion with full intention of succumbing to the ever-popular short story anthology ---

Oh help. Duck. RUN!!! Get out of the way, ya'll readers, visitors to this blog --- don't tell me it's ---

Oh it is one of the heaviest read in the house ... Watch out!! Heads up.

Be careful. Oh, then that book lands smack dab atop this shiny glass section of the coffee table. Which specifically displays a hand pressed, captured in-photo op, cut out collection of President O and his family's pictures. Which didn't break under the pressure of one, truly grand LIT read, itself.
Thank goodness there.

Oh ... name of the anthology?

Gee Whiz, sure to share or not to share?



With a New Forward by Alfred Kazin
Delecorte Press, New York
crt 1984

Shaw's stories === copyrt -- 1937 to 1978.

So, since another rainy day is drowning our gorgeous, Keystone State, dragged the recliner circa 1999 back inside, turned on a lamp. And well --- okay, weekend. Here comes some really great educational hours down on the corner of Learn & Improve.

Au revor, mon amis.

August 27, 2009 at 10:29am
August 27, 2009 at 10:29am

Oh what a morning. You do know one isn't supposed to touch or brush against leaves of tomato species when these plants are wet. Well, worse --- hives can ensue. So a tad itchy today. Yet, after scripting a group email to "Invalid Item here I am back again, post bubble bath, coated with calamine lotion. That's okay, pink is my favorite color.

BY MARY MOFFETT aka teffom@writing.com or Miss TEFFY.

This type of story is not new and in fact boasts a large following very popular Internet wise. Very glad to see it.

Also, logically we may conclude: forum post exchanges are really dialogue only. In sum, we're all adept in this category. Namely: Dialogue Only writing.

Online research on msn.com expands for this similarity to scripts, plays, perhaps screen writing (none of these my forte in the least) using search words of "dialogue only writing contests" clocking in with 1,730,000 hits. Please don't imagine your blogger TEFF reaching beyond page three. Impossible. Besides my new direction is less advice to authors. Yet, exposure and research are probably my middle names. Sorry, I digress.
Of course, not all these are current, many reach back to the Nineties, plus much is cross ref. These hits relate to word in the search itself.

Okay --- next. Joining Suite.101 in 2002 when this author (moi) first went online, can also attest to the fact that Suite.101.com displays great writing advice from a variety of gifted, accurate, professional, non-professional writers who may provide some really fantastic finds whenever writing how to surfaces.

From Suite.101.com, suggest one peruse Jennifer Jenson's "GOOD DIALOGUE ONLY SOUNDS REAL" an article, also available to non-members of this Canadian based website.

Mz. Jensen states: "Real life conversations are full of run-on sentences, off topic diversion, interruptions and verbalized hesitiations."

Great point, Jenniffer.

E.g. for real conversation mode as follows from TEFF's "Invalid Item

"I simply adore typing the new numbers. Hold on ..."

"Hey, is that a tiger at the window, TEFF?"

"Nah, thass a tabby cat. Whadya mean, tiger? As in gggggggrrrrrrrr?"

"Yeah. My arms hurt from raking leaves. May I please eat some oreos? I'm starving."

"Don't mind if you do. My rent's due. So, I better open my website. Damn, sure wish I was smarter. I'm just a dummy girl. Shame about your arms."

"You'll get there sooner or later. Hang in. Wow, these are delicious scones. Yum yum."

Small sampling. So writtten dialogue within traditional short stories tends to straighten out the mess.

Ans. --- So the audience stays focused via clarity which authors must provide for their readers re: dialogue.

Online (same search apparatus) one may also find: BARTLEY SNOPPES WRITING CONTEST: DIALOGUE ONLY.

WHERE the winner stands a good chance of receiving $250 for the best story. Story length crests the writer's wave at 3,000 words.

Pause, uhoh. Note: "No simultaneous submissions."

Too bad for some. Others might consider this "September 30, 2009 deadline." Plenty of time. Now, about that entrance fee? Ah well.

BTW, at Bartley Snoppes note: "prize money subject to number of entries." Well, generosity as far as it goes. Bartley Snoppes claims a grand reputation for years.

Now of dialogue only writes. Kinda goes without saying --- no 'he said, she said' allowed.

Thus concludes the morning blog on "Invalid Item Now onto Tomato & Pepper Vinaigarette an annual house specialty at Teffom estates as we continue to spice up the world wide web.

DAILY WRITING Q --- no answers in yet from yesterday's August 26 post, an easy one to be sure.

So for Thursday, Aug 27 ---
Rather broad ---
Q: What kind of dialogue do you write?

Thanks for reading. Bye-bye. 30/all

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Aug 2012 Ed Q --- If you like my blogs here @ FANDANGO, aint it nice to send a compliment? Will it kill any of you? Pick up yon keypad ... Yeah, thass the way --- since views increased dramatically since Aug 8/12 -- up to 238! HOLY GOD! We praise His Name!

August 25, 2009 at 7:57am
August 25, 2009 at 7:57am

Hello Everybody and Welcome to my second blog. "Invalid Item

Ink barely dry, just starting out. Please allow me to inform you of a couple of things.

Serious authors, no matter their rank and file, be they novice authors who were never published, be they causal authors who depart the day job and write when they can as the urge overtakes them ... all might agree --- WE *Heart* an audience.

My first blog, where my own *Heart* and soul created serial fiction, wrote re: author-to-author hints, endured and created & produced true journalism from online sources. Since the Spring of 2005 also recorded US history. Detesting and protesting the actions of the overseas action in Iraq became no secret on "Invalid Item

So let me pause a second and bid farewell to dear JUNEBUGS CENTRAL, which waking up with all those years provided a charming and fascinating way to begin many a morning during weeks from coldest January to hottest July --- all year round.

Thus thanking all Junebug readers for the attention and comments for my "approach to writing" and for their audience participation via comments and readership. See also "JUNEBUGS" on msn.com search.

JUNEBUGS shall remain ever dear to my heart as an entity in its own right, a book, a blog which pushed the elements of Mother Earth, worshiped spectacular changing seasons and took this author to new levels in crafting serial fiction. At this point in time, since Junebugs & Elderberry Wine, although closed, belongs solely to April Sunday there still looms many possibilities for the journalism on that blog. As to the future of those copyrighted sections of the work .... In other words, hoping to use the best of Junebugs in future a it suits.

Enough, as this author humbly bows her head with the wild hairdo, smirk and intelligence to say in all honesty how surprisingly fast March 2005 to August 2009 time flew past and little old Junebugs actually filled up.

Mid August 2009 displayed a warning that my crazy blog was nearly full. Sure things were sent elsewhere, stored, savored but not forgotten. Authors are like that. We remember quotes, we recall works and their whereabouts. And we tend to treat our pieces, those very writes we birth as completely separate from ourselves. All as it should be.

JUNEBUGS went to 19,180 k and was allowed space max for 20,048 k. Quite a close call.

Themes for "Invalid Item will probably surface as they see fit. Maybe blog by blog. JUNEBUGGY went out with 3,886 VIEWS. ABOUT 410 entries to use again and again.
While Junebugs may begin a new IN THING wherever arms, legs, antenna land. Tons of blog delights available to tap. Sorry, readers missed it, but don't worry, Junebugs and Teffy shall one day be back, Jack! Oh, soon enough.

Meanwhile good ole Junebug blogs will re-open eventually in a different place. Freedom is alive and well on that dear, friend. Hoping to return to Junebugs theme asap.

So for now, welcome to this opening of ??? FICTION FADAGO, YEAH, thass it. Be well, write on and thanks for reading.

Signed TEFF

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