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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1613548-Mindless-Rambling
by penn
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1613548
Meaningless things that just come to mind. One never knows where one's mind might wander.
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Everybody needs a place to stash some thoughts that distract them from the every day. Rating is just because one never knows what distraction may be.
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July 9, 2013 at 10:01pm
July 9, 2013 at 10:01pm
Though I relish my days of "dadship", those times when life is simpler. As much as I have always been saddened by the vision of those plights of single motherhood, (whether by choice or necessity) I do have a new respect. I still have to say these days will be my fondest memories of life. My sense of self-worth is bolstered if for not more reason than I see it that way. To struggling single mothers, I have to say it's truly unfair, at least by profession I have the ability to care in a manner I would otherwise only hope for, even if that profession much more limits the quality time.

So, she's with her mother for a time and I have life to myself. Regardless how I rue her absence, I relish my solitary. can you say, "clean house with abandon?" Actually I've worked on the new - er, old camper. She needed tires. Vintage tires were hard to find. Ain't the internet cool, though. The taillight mount were rusted. I had to get magnetic lights to bring her home, but I've ordered new ones. Other than that, she's mountain ready. Refer works, stove works, lights work, toilet works (rare in a 14 footer)

I did rip up the carpet. There was an odd smell. Sure enough, it was the carpet. Whew. I suspect it had never been cleaned. The amount of dirt under the carpet gave me the shivers, but she smells good now. Vintage tires should arrive to be mounted this weekend and then all I gotta do is hope I can actually take the time off to see how she likes the mountains. That or the Ocean, or the straights - whatever. Maybe I should see if I can find a spot in the islands. I don't know.

It feels like time off. I'm not fighting to get veggies down my daughters throat. I can't seem to make meals with enough veggies when she's here - she won't eat em unless I hide them in something. Sweet peas, corn carrots, and just plain old greens - I need em - she won't touch em. I treated myself the other night. Dinner was an artichoke. Nothing else - just an artichoke with garlic butter. It has been far too long. Yum.
July 4, 2013 at 3:07am
July 4, 2013 at 3:07am
Yeah, I did it. I got where I wanted to be. A couple weeks ago I bought a truck after looking at too many. This week, I bought a camper - a vintage camper. A hobby of mine. I like to take vintage things and make them new. I also take vintage things and make them something else.

It's a 39 year old trailer. It's not 2013 pretty, but it's sound and everything works. Well, it did have aged tires. I went and bought tires before bringing her home. I had this vision of the tires disintegrating when I got her on the highway. Now, I have a holiday to get some of her under my fingernails. The nice thing, she is perfectly set to take her out - nothing has to be fixed. But, I can tinker. As long as I don't start something so severe I can't put her on the hitch, I can escape with her. My own private elopement. When summer winds down, I can get serious. I have this fear of me - cause that's who I am. I have this nagging sense I might gut her and rebuild it all - cause that's kinda who I am. I just can't leave well enough alone.

I might just change my mind and not work on her this holiday. I may get up in the morning and decide to flee. I love the woods - second to the water. Anybody want to go camping?

"This quiet sail is as a noiseless wing to waft me from distraction" - Lord Byron
June 26, 2013 at 10:17pm
June 26, 2013 at 10:17pm
I speak as a political conservative here. My posture on that is why I need to speak to the Supreme Court today. They did the right thing. It was a good feeling for me even if I do rue a possible erosion of the sanctity of marriage.

Maybe my posture comes from a different source. I have long felt our federal government had no business in marriage. My belief has been that federal law should deal with what has been come to be known as civil unions. Marriage should not exist under federal law. Everything in respect to federal law and benefit should deal with civil union and it should make no difference the makeup of the life partners. Federal law, and by default much local law should recognize civil union in the manner of commitment, obligation, and benefit in the same way we view marriage.

Civil union could easily be viewed in the same spectrum as marriage - co-mingling of life, of benefit, of asset and obligation. Why can't marriage be kept in the realm of sanctity and let that be a matter between the partners and their faith or church? There is a church for everybody these days if one wants the perception of additional commitment or stamp of approval.

If a state chooses to accept or deny recognition of the label of marriage - well, every state should compete for what is perceived as the quality of life in the same manner they compete for business and industry. Their level of acceptance or commitment can dictate whether or not some folks choose to live there. That would not negate recognition under federal law. Certain forms of honoring civil union would override some things that states might feel unsavory - so what.
June 23, 2013 at 1:19pm
June 23, 2013 at 1:19pm
Opportunity knocked and I guess I've resolved part one of "Preparing for Wanderlust". A quite suitable pick up came available. It's average mostly in size an condition - well cared for was the most important. But, something said it showed up to help the decision. Transmission modified for more efficiency in towing - air intake exhaust and suspension modified for efficiency and performance under load. Nice to drive - so roomy, nice rumble, and smooth. So, there's part one. Now I've narrowed my search - the motor-home lost and it's time for a trailer or cab-over camper. Although, wouldn't you know a pretty sweet deal on a motor-home appeared when I first changed my search.

So, my daughter... she was tickled. She sorta likes trucks too. But, it's value seems to have come across quite differently than my intent. Her first inspiration to make use of the new truck - "Hey, can we go to the drive-in this weekend and sit in the back?" Well, that's sort of like camping, I guess. So, Robert Downey Jr, Don Cheadle, Ben Kingsley - who wouldn't want to share their new truck with those guys? Some of my favorites. Gwyneth Paltrow and Rebecca Hall? Well, hot ya know. I had to remind myself that you don't go to an action movie to check out the chics.

I hadn't been to a drive-in for along time. It was fun. We like movie nights, but come on, Ironman? A guy with his knew truck? Irony much? The first feature didn't do it though. Monster U? Nope, no iron there. Some guy's trucks were bigger monsters than mine.
June 21, 2013 at 2:32am
June 21, 2013 at 2:32am
I was surprised. I was outside watering Rhodies. It had been hot and they looked weakened. I had fed them the week before but they appeared to need a good dose of life giving water. I love rhodies - they have my heart, so I was offering what they seemed to lack.

A tiny cat - a Kitten, of course strolled in. What the hell, I thought. I'm spraying water, the bain of cats, and this one walks in and starts rubbing my leg. I don't generally like cats. If they like people, like affection and attention - shit, I admit it - they melt me.

She was gone. I turned and she was walking into the house. I'd left the front door open because it was a nice sunny day.

She never left. This tiny little kitten, blind in one eye, grey with white boots was checking out the house. She never left. She climbed our legs, slept with us and purred constantly. She would not leave us alone. This kitten needed people - I'm a sucker.

I made Kendall put out signs. "Found Kitten" "Come get her" Nobody came. Nobody wanted this kitten that refused to be in a room without people in it. Don't even think for one second that I'm confessing to enjoying a cat and hoping nobody claims her.

After a week I told Kendall to make an appointment with the vet. The damn cat went into heat. That is a pain in the ass. I already know that no vet wants you bringing an animal in that is in heat. So, I was left to deal with a cat, a kitten, probably in her first heat. That sucks.

Anyway, she's out of it now - she can go to the vet. But, as I type, she is laying here on my desk sleeping comfortably. do cats know when somebody loves them?
May 31, 2013 at 12:14am
May 31, 2013 at 12:14am
I had impetus to make that trip recently. It was an important trip to the small town(s) that boasts my family roots. It’s been too long since I’ve been there and I have no excuse for it. But a professional convention was there and I went, spending two extra days to… well, connect, I guess.

It was roots that included a dance hall on a pier out over the lake, a bowling alley and wheat farm. They also included a home two blocks from town and another on the waterfront where we could daily watch the Lady of the Lake board her passengers for the trek up the 55 mile lake to Stehekin, a town to this day only visited by boat, seaplane, or horse back. I have my father’s pilot license from when he and his father and brother all flew seaplanes off that lake, taking hunters and fishers to the back country. I wonder often if he longed for that life after he joined the corporate world.

The town, to the historic eye, hasn’t changed much. Not Main Street at any rate. I had expected to find it rebuilt and modernized but that wasn’t to be. Certainly the resorts have expanded, and the moneyed folks have built their expansive homes and escapes, but I was surprised at how main street looked like the main street I recalled, regardless that Starbucks has arrived.

I circled one of the old homes, awed by the craftsmanship of the old stone foundation I didn’t appreciate as a kid. I saw the lower level door, like the entrance to a cave that let me to the craftsman quality tools of my grandfather’s shop. Odd, the only thing I recall, and still have to this day, is the wooden tackle box. He was a fisherman. Other than that, I recall my grandmother plucking chickens, he slaughtering a hog, and the perpetual crock of sauerkraut outside the door. And I remember my dad’s all-star baseball picture there, a sport he never returned to after the war happened.

I visited the cemetery every day I was there. It’s only a stone, I know, but still it’s a place to make your peace if peace is needed. Too often we have our regrets over what me may have done different… or better. I took my clippers. Dad always liked clean, crisp edges on his grass. I hope he and mom were both pleased with the new look. I talked, but I didn’t hear them answer. Maybe it was because I hadn’t been around in so long.

Chelan is a comfortable town. It’s touristy in the summer, but I hope it never grows up. The population swells to stifling proportions each summer. I know that much, and when Walmart came, I suspect they were welcomed. Yet, I can almost visualize the council pointing up the road toward Howard Flats and telling them, you’re welcome to build if you wish, but put it out there – outside of town.

Interestingly Walmart, Starbucks, and Ace Hardware are the only really notable names that have moved in. To their credit, Ace took up business in the same old hardware store I remember so well. They didn't remodel, but rather kept that old general store charm. Starbucks is Starbucks, they planted where the people are, but Wally's - well they are out yonder surrounded by nothing but land.

Wheat fields have given way to apple orchards, always a big producing area anyway, but I was quite surprised to see the area has sprouted so many vineyards and boutique wineries out the other side of the lake. There was nothing out there the last time I visited. And yum, it's been a long, long time since I last sipped real hard cider.

It was a good trip. I could live in a town like that.
May 29, 2013 at 2:17am
May 29, 2013 at 2:17am
My daughter's cat is in heat. What a pain in the...

She is a stray. Last week was dry and the Rhody looked thirsty. I was giving it water and that cat wandered in. Whoever heard of a cat (well really a kitten - and damn skinny at that) that would walk up to someone with a spewing hose? Dumb cat? I kept watering. I never knew a cat that would go near water of their own volition.

The front door was open and the cat wandered in. She must have thought - well this will do. I think I'll hang here. She's still hanging. I made my daughter put signs out - Found Kitten. Skinny - gray with white boots. Might be blind in one eye. I should have added that this kitten really wants people. She purrs non-stop if you even look in her direction. She's a rubber - I think she likes people.

A week and a half - no takers. My daughter has no doubt decided she's hers. Heck, today alone the dang cat curled up on her shoe four times to sleep. What the heck is that all about? This cat loves that dang shoe.

I got a throw away litter box. Hey, she was temporary, right? I got food. I've never seen a cat that ate everything you put in front of it at one sitting. She's voracious. I bought food. Dang, I bought toys and catnip. Actually I got anything I could think of to distract her cause - well, did I say she likes people?

I knew she should go to the vet and get checked out. I just didn't want to spend money on her and then have someone say - "Hey, that's my cat!"

Now she's in heat. It's been along time since I experienced an animal in heat. MEOW - MEOW, YEOUH, SQAUK, HOWL. OMG is she in heat. And that kneading with her hind legs. She's making me nuts. I was trying to think if I had any girlfriends like that. I may have, but I'm sure there wasn't one that glared at the bird feeder like this one does. But that's cool - I haven't seen the squirrels but once this year.*BigSmile*

She's such a sweet kitten. I can't wait to get her to the vet. There is nothing like a cat that really, really likes people. I think I'll let her hang a while longer.

November 19, 2011 at 4:45pm
November 19, 2011 at 4:45pm
I thought I'd gotten out ahead of it as I headed for the eastern side of the state. Others, it appeared, had thought the same thing. But approaching the rise to the pass those flakes began to appear. It's not that I don't like snow... I just don't like snow. I've had enough of it I suspect. Oh, it's beautiful enough and I can't get enough of it's view, I've just no need to be out in it. Mostly, I no longer like the thought of driving in it. Still, I had to get to where I had to go, and that appeared to mean going in snow... But not for long.

Three lanes of traffic came to a halt. I couldn't see why but we sat and watched the snow plows clearing the other side of the highway and traffic crawling by. We sat. I found the news on the radio and the pass had been closed near the summit while they cleared accidents. That meant we were sitting in a string of traffic nearly 10 miles long with no place to go. I guess what made it more irritating was that even for my "driving in snow" averse attitude, the roads weren't that bad. And we sat for just over two hours watching the snow fall.

From every car within earshot I swear I heard "Ah hah! here we go!" when the traffic started to move. Well, sort of move, for the next 20 miles we would crawl, stop and start and dodge those who were not so capable around ice and snow. If felt odd to break into blue skies and sunlight after clearing the pass on the other side. It was windy, but relatively warm, and an amazing contrast.

Down in the valley, the wind was strong. It's known for that of course, and that's why the rise up the other side reveals 100's of those alien-like creatures spinning slowly. Well, it seems slowly but that's just because they are so large. This is where the once pristine landscape is now blanketed with windmills - every time I cross here it seems they have multiplied like rabid rabbits as far as the eye can see. And, the eye can see a good ways once back on top.

The better site of course, is the gorge. There is something about the gorge in this particular place that draws me. I could almost make the drive just to hang out at the gorge and marvel at the expanse of the river below. If you haven't seen the gorge, ya'll need to come visit. It's breathtaking... but maybe that's just the wind. *Wink* It was sunshine for the rest of the trip. Eight hours from the time I left my office I would arrive someplace that was normally five hour drive and now it was dark, of course. No matter, I was there and it was a nice evening.

I had a quiet evening to get a little work done, kick back, and think about nothing but some blessed solitude. If there was anything to change the bliss, it was paying to watch a movie I had wanted to see. Cowboys and Aliens - I was really sorta pissed I had bothered. Two stars at best.

October 27, 2011 at 1:11am
October 27, 2011 at 1:11am
Okay...5:00 am I went out to head for work. I have a 6:05 ferry to catch. I don't turn my headlights on when I leave cause the neighbors - well, they turned their garage into a mother-in-law apartment. Weird thing is, they gave her french doors and they open onto their driveway. If I turn my lights on, they shine right into her apartment. I am such a damn considerate dude, I pull out with my parking lights and turn my headlights on when I start up the street. Am I a cool guy or what?

Well, as I head up the street I turn my lights on - and "poof" out they go. Well, out it goes cause I lost the left headlight coming home form work the night before. (yeah, go to work in the dark, and come home - well sorta home - in the dark.) So, I'm in the street with no headlights. OMG. What a bitch getting the truck back in the driveway with no lights. I killed time. Nothing I can do at 5:00 AM.

But I'm worried. Why both lights out? Oh no. This doesn't sound good. I pulled out the book. Headlights on my rig don't have a fuse. They have a fusable link. If that blew, that means wiring. Oh shit. This sounds even worse. That needs an auto electrician. I read some more. The may have a breaker. That might be good. Couldn't find a breaker. This sounds even worse.

I don't want that to be the problem so I read some more. Schematics...hm...parking lights are on the same circuit. I go look. Hm... parking lights work so that mean...Oh cool, the fusable link must be okay. Happy, Happy, Happy.

Bright idea. If they parking lights work and they are on the same circuit...hm...maybe headlights are okay? Am I dumb or what. Turned the headlights on...no light...hit the bright switch and what the heck...they came on.

Now it's daylight...go to the local store. They don't have my headlights. Wait a while and go to the auto parts store and they have em. Oh cool Put new headlights in...bright works...click, click...low beam works. Oh so cool.

But, now that means tomorrow I have to got to the office and can't work at home. Damn lights.
October 22, 2011 at 3:22am
October 22, 2011 at 3:22am
Son number one has made me proud. He made all that papers nationally with a photo of him in Marine Corps blues standing honors over the coffin of our beloved President Ronald Reagan. He left the Marines and is soon to disembark to Africa with the Special warfare group of the US Army.

Well, here is son number 2 and I'm proud of him too - doing what he loves and guiding a tour of the local salmon habitat by kayak. Yeah, he's a serious kayaker with Olympic Outdoor Center as well as sailor now - since he was gifted an opportunity at the local sailing school. He's a cool kid that bought his first home at 23.

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We got to talk serious tonight, over a chilled scotch. I got to say things that were important to me for him to know... before life changes.

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