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Rated: 13+ · Book · Spiritual · #1681107
Confused Heterodox thinker feeling her evolution
Hi, I am Heterodox and this is my blog. Basically, I have other blogs but I thought why not also here in WDC? A concentration of writers is quite convenient for a writing blog.

There are a few precautions:

*NoteG*My life is mundane thus if you expect excitement at ever turn you might get disappointed
*NoteG*I am quite odd and this is projected in my writings
*NoteG* I am quite a person who likes looking at life
*NoteG*I am quite a person who swears, dislikes, criticizes both herself and others
*NoteG*I am quite a person who likes looking into herself
*NoteG*I am an anime lover
*NoteG*I am a book-lover ( as I procrastinate I refrain from using the word bibliophile)
*NoteG* I love animals
*NoteG*I love God, Prophets, Followers and Angels but that does not mean I am cruel to you if you are an atheist or agnostic because that is you I must accept.
*NoteG* I am quite open-minded

Yes this is me in the framework of things.
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June 26, 2015 at 3:24pm
June 26, 2015 at 3:24pm
I am missing my Father very much

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March 2, 2013 at 2:25pm
March 2, 2013 at 2:25pm

Is humor (satire/humor/simple teasing) an effective way to comment on, critique, and/or change the behavior of others? Of society? A government? Is it possible to be funny without having the joke be on someone, or does all comedy have to mock someone/something?

There is a thin line between comedy and tragedy. Look at it this way, one can be funny without having the joke be on someone but mostly we hurt people many a times severely just to be funny; there's a difference between harmless teasing between friends and complete bashing of a person, culture, race, religion or creed. We must take care that when we are humorous that we do not become a disease that infects and destroys the ethics and values that keep harmony in the universe.

August 12, 2012 at 7:31am
August 12, 2012 at 7:31am

I am mostly writing for my other blog Ecritabble because it is for the Scribbler's forum and I like writing the prompts they give so this blog is pretty much there to record only a minutiae of events.
February 1, 2012 at 11:16am
February 1, 2012 at 11:16am

satirical me-me
OCD discipline
mirror talking
tiny cosmos of the human network.▬

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September 21, 2011 at 12:00am
September 21, 2011 at 12:00am

means almost zero writing friends, excellent chat convos and cool contests... I guess brevity does the wit
September 19, 2011 at 7:23pm
September 19, 2011 at 7:23pm
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Island or metropolis?
Green and gold
paddy fields | steel works
clay and brick

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patchwork of silk and wires
telephonic and chirographic
what windows know and what sky held
as reflections and real time blend into psyche

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trees and glass
humid and heat
upon a glassy view sun swirls
a ballet of vertigo of endearment

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crowded with the old and new
painted and monochrome
torn and exclusive
hating it for its stuffiness | loving it for its soup dish being

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and splendour on treetop urban
water of ditches, ponds, lakes, rivers seas and oceans
with coconut palm hometown
and crows checking in every leaf

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I didn't know you were called The City Of Mosques
and that you were the ninth largest city| having 400,000 rickshaws (with those painted tigers, men, women, etcetera)
you are to me the womb of six seasons
and I set sail on your lands, skies and coconut palms washed on sunlight.▬

(pictures from wiki commons)

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September 18, 2011 at 6:02pm
September 18, 2011 at 6:02pm

could I say I was crazy? Yeah I could — I can think of many ways I am crazy but lets not get too much into eccentric me well I did a lot of crazy things when I was a young teen. Imagine wearing a mic-headseat and trying to dub the dialogues (so-called dub the original track was on) with funny or out from nowhere things? Lol not to mention I use to do parody songs — and that time my classmates just thought I was stupid though I made a four episode audio thingie of weird love affair and the villain was ‘killed’ by stupidity.

Well, fast forward some years out of school and I even had done a ‘foot video’ where I keep on shaking my foot and comparing my toes to lizards and singing like a narcissistic weirdo. Yeah one of the funniest photos and craziest ones I took I told two of my friends to stick their tongues out and make weird faces with their eyes looking creepy and what came out was what I titled “tongues of hell” LOL Too bad I don’t know where that picture is…

so crazy is another way of stepping out of the typical…at least for me ^_^
September 17, 2011 at 10:13pm
September 17, 2011 at 10:13pm

when it comes to me I feel really ummm how should I say this — negative. Many of the things I think of myself is not uplifting...
September 16, 2011 at 3:20pm
September 16, 2011 at 3:20pm

An expression. Formed out of digital quills. Digital artwork. But also important as an informal exposé of novels, short stories, pieces of fiction and poetry and even does of real life — yet the engine allows you to mix all these and make some sort of analogy to your mind and at the same time help invent a sort of order to chaos.
September 14, 2011 at 4:16pm
September 14, 2011 at 4:16pm

Well two of my favourite places in the WDC site are the contests pages and the chat rooms

I love some of the innovative contests here. I really like the official contests here because they actually change each month — they have a theme cycle and I really enjoy that. Contests can help anyone for either procrastinate procrastinating or just make you wanna write stuff.

Then of course there is the WDC chat room which is extremely cool and serves as a great adhesive to meet like-minded people, fellow writers and reviewers even people who are not like you at all — what's the best thing? it's open worldwide so that means I get to meet people of other countries and cultures.

I even made close to best friends in the rooms MASHALLAH ^_^

September 12, 2011 at 2:03am
September 12, 2011 at 2:03am

Well, it's 9/11 or 11/9 : this one tragedy gave birth to many other tragedies. Many of us grew up with this incident. Many lost their loved ones and many would keep losing loved ones when wars began on who is the enemy and who must be guarded. It's been ten years. Everyone around the world had to endure a lot. May Allah Almighty Bless Those Souls lost on all who died in and for 9/11. Let Allah Almighty let us move on and help us have a beautiful future with our hearts healed.
September 10, 2011 at 11:10pm
September 10, 2011 at 11:10pm

I struggle with own self! I am the enemy! Battle stations! Psyche mutation! Denying DNA function! And Attack!

....yeah I guess I have to struggle with myself a lot. When I feel uncreative or not doing any work I battle myself and write something and/or imagine as in let myself daydream for ideas :P And many a times Thanks To Allah Almighty I am successful ^_^
September 10, 2011 at 11:08pm
September 10, 2011 at 11:08pm

I struggle with own self! I am the enemy! Battle stations! Psyche mutation! Denying DNA function! And Attack!

....yeah I guess I have to struggle with myself a lot. When I feel uncreative or not doing any work I battle myself and write something and/or imagine as in let myself daydream for ideas :P And many a times Thanks To Allah Almighty I am successful ^_^
September 9, 2011 at 7:21pm
September 9, 2011 at 7:21pm

I usually turn to my imagination and writing when I am lonely. Sure, I also turn to human interactions but it's not always easy to do that (people might be busy so it's easier to either read a book or write. Or imagine — be it something I am working on or fanfiction or companion pieces I just think on it usually with my favourite tracks running. I also talk to Allah Almighty (God) when I feel that I am alone so that I don't feel alone and can get through,
September 7, 2011 at 6:11pm
September 7, 2011 at 6:11pm

Well, yes I was kinda scammed when I was younger via a writing publication — the truth is that it was feeling kinda shady but I did not pay attention to my instincts which could have helped. Allah Almighty has given everyone productive/purposeful brains but instead of trusting it I decided to do a highwire act on maybes so yeah just be witty ^_^
September 6, 2011 at 6:42pm
September 6, 2011 at 6:42pm

" Warm, heat succulent
silvery white under clouds;
trees and fruit ripen
the world smiles of life and rhyme."

I guess my favourite season is summer — in my country there are six seasons: spring, summer, monsoon (rainy season), autumn, late autumn (these two make a fusion of cool weather and consistent indian summer) and of course winter.

The fruits ripen in summer, especially the mangoes, the coconut tress look gold-drunk by the sun and the night's moon looks warm cuddling in the heat of a bluish-starry night. Yes, it can be humid but the skies are so cerulean it fills lovely looking at the white clouds. The air is also full of aroma from the environment — pot pourri of nature — fruits and warmth.

Even up on the roof looking at various cloud formations makes you feel vibrant and alive.

So yeah summer is my favourite season but it does somewhat tie with the monsoon. Though the gloomy ambience of monsoon sometimes gets to me (when the rains are over) and the chill makes you wanna get under you blankets and have a monsoon-siesta the night time rains and the rains which occur when the sun is still shining with water shining like ice-crystals on the leaves of coconut trees is MASHALLAH a beautiful sight.

Also during the rainfall when you open the water tap the water feels cooler and fresher as if from a stream. It's nice to see the birds, especially the crows, wet from the rain — they become like fuzzy balls and look cute as they try to sort out their feathers with their beaks ^_^

So yeah summer is my favourite season and after that (kinda really close) is monsoon.

I don't really like winters and in my country it doesn't snow. But winter creeps in the wind. And the winter sun looks like its wearing a fog — it's light whiter as if one with ice. So then the sunlight looks like white-gold and it sprays nicely on the morning sky.

As you noticed I like a rich sky canvas ^_^

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September 5, 2011 at 5:09pm
September 5, 2011 at 5:09pm

2bemar had said that she would hate to get this (the poem below I wrote for "Hawk's Vocabulary Extravaganza) from a loved one so yeah if someone did rip my heart to pieces I might not easily forgive them because I usually don't get angry and if that person has done the ultimate betrayal I may not wanna end up with them again and as 2bemar suggested might just hand them that as to explain what I am feeling:

These lovely symmetries consolidate
into your masculine form surreptitious
in its seductions; tongues and eyes
arms and legs attaching into that which is blasphemy —
your idyllic epicenter is the flux: carnal war, betrayer’s sacred ritual!
you love to be the vulpine model; you have tangled your friends and foes in equal poisons
that to you is sublime architecture — to profit from the calamity of a egregious volcano
that is the lust-heart of you: fixed into the carnage of manipulation
who suckled you? Some demon no doubt or did you have your bearer thrown
like a tattered doll that hones no colour
your fetish is the damage-defilement of others
you the frugal lover of humans
no one is no one
your penchant is blood
you prey
you toil
only to curse and squander
a pirate without code
a snake too long and too venom loving
yes, that is you
a venophile
a serpentine of the Eden with a comely smile
to soothe the Eves and Adams
for the Fall
I had you once
you lingered
a demonic silhouette
appetizing for me
yet you came
to plunder
I could not
I would not
a pity
you are
so disgusting
a nothingness
in a universe
that fathoms
love even
in the drop
of a

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1771999 by Not Available.

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September 4, 2011 at 11:45pm
September 4, 2011 at 11:45pm

White lies are there to help people when we think telling the truth would be too brutal to handle yet like lighting a match you gotta be careful nor else the white lie will burn ya alive.

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September 4, 2011 at 3:59am
September 4, 2011 at 3:59am

Case number: XX332-WDC


Reporting Officer: Officer Fox D. Mulder Date Of Report: CLASSIFIED

The suspect was spotted at 2031 hours outside of local Star Bucks when I decided to go question her. The suspect Lunarmirror had not left her house the entire day. The sources say that she is considered an introvert in her neighbourhood though other information has implicated that she is a workaholic. When I asked her about the object that was retrieved from the labs that exploded last week she looked a bit confused. But upon hearing the names Unwritten Insanity and thrdeyeopen she showed signs of recognition so I proceeded to take her down to the station.

When I asked how she was affiliated with Unwritten Insanity and thrdeyeopen she refused to respond to the question and then attempted to say that she did not know these people. I told her that eye witnesses had seen her with them going about in the same location she frequents on the corner of Delete Street. The suspect was also spotted with a noted individual under surveillance who uses the codename Bonnie , who was initially interviewed regarding a case of stolen history books. The history books had paintings of the object that is in question. Lunarmirror denied knowing any such individual than said the only marie she knew was Marie A. Cobblestone who was a regular at the Cafe she visited called "Chat" which she explained had a little table affectionately called "Lobby"

When asked again how she was affiliated with Unwritten Insanity and thrdeyeopen she did not wish to talk about them until we showed surveillance photos of them at the certain "Lobby" she mentioned. Lunarmirror finally confessed that she knew them via a new test program/club called WDC. When asked what WDC stood for she explained that it means "Wonder-Deduction Circuit" and that it is experimental program /club dealing with "book lovers" from all over the globe.

I explained that the robbery of the exploded labs occurred a day or two after the explosion when the police had started their investigations. I also mentioned how that until 2031 hours today she has been homebound and that a warrant has been issued to search the place. Lunarmirror looked a bit nervous but confessed she did not want to tell about Unwritten Insanity and thrdeyeopen because they were all members of WDC but she stressed that WDC is not involved in any criminal activities of the nature she was being questioned against.

I asked her why are they "book lovers" and to what medium she was referring to. However, she was again reluctant to talk about the details but I reminded her that this is a serious charge and that she can face life imprisonment. Lunarmirror then expresses anger and says she is no thief and she does not know what has even been stolen. I then tell her that the labs that exploded on Thursday, the "Arcane Labs", had kept a quill prized as one of their most valuable assets. She started laughing and stated that in her basement she has a vintage quill collection. I remind her that collecting vintage stationery without a permit is illegal. She angrily took out her wallet and showed me her licence. She even stated she researches on the "Department on stationeries-obsoletolve" from time to time and that is part of her job.

This information was not known before as most members of that department are told to be classified researchers. Lunarmirror states that her job is to design websites but that she is also a part-time researcher. I remind her of WDC and she confesses she founded it with inkwellscribe and that it focuses on reading books still made of paper and I remind her that unless one has an iOS permit and also a "traditional book" permit no one can read books outside of specific institutions to which she got angry and said that knowledge and wisdom cannot be sterilized.

It was then she revealed that she was the one that helped to design and make the quill that was stolen. None of the other officers and I knew about this. Then she explained that she could not have stolen the quill as she had designed it. Yet I said that Robson and Brick designed the quill to which she stated that they helped but she did most of the heavy work and like Rosalind Franklin who was ditched from being recognized from figuring out about the structure of the DNA so was she as she was said to be only a part-time researcher.

I then told her that she had the greatest motive to steal the quill but she laughed and said that all the quill does is forge signatures and that it is glitchy because it cannot compete accordingly with human capacity and that Robson and Brick only wanted some fame so they sold it to "Arcane Labs". Lunarmirror informed that she has been sponsored to make a finer quill that has been mentioned in "Invalid Item that can draw some LEDs.

When asked about Sticktalker she looked at me and said that she heard of him as some sort of criminal mastermind. I explained that he was spotted in "Chat Cafe" and that he was seen talking to Bonnie whose real identity is Marie A. Von and that maybe she joined WDC to talk to her about quills. Lunarmirror walking by the wreckage of the labs was confirmed to be her just passing to talk to the administrator in private about a pay-check.

I asked her if she had ever told Unwritten Insanity or thrdeyeopen about "Arcane Labs" and she said she did but not much on the quill they stole. She also mentioned that Unwritten Insanity uses a warehouse called PM on the "12-hour separation" company's warehouse district and that she has never been there. She speculated that Unwritten Insanity had hidden some books there. Lunarmirror looked glum about the situation and I had to tell her to shut WDC to which she stated that she has already started a petition and that WDC will soon have its own website and cafe on Edu modi street.

This report was written by ex-Officer Fox D. Mulder who apparently has defected to WDC by signing the aforementioned petition with a quill from Lunarmirror licensed collection.


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September 2, 2011 at 10:49am
September 2, 2011 at 10:49am

If levity had siblings I might possibly be one of them or at least a close relation that the creature visits regularly to talk to, sip coffee with and compare notes. If a person is a workaholic they might, for a split second or two...or more, embrace procrastination and think wow that was a much needed break but if the procras is the jump in protag in your life then you probably will have issues... and they might turn out to be BIG ONES!

Let's say that because of procrastination you don't hand in reports on time as you are too busy slaying that serpent on PSP or Xbox and not hitting the books in the library and studying enough for the right resources you can use. Not getting to school/work at time or even to a important party at the right time (missing an entire wedding anyone?)

So, why do we procrastinate?

I think most do as they do lack discipline or have a fear for discipline. I think I procrastinate due to feeling over pressured or finding "no value" on significant tasks like writing properly for a temporary job. But is it so valueless? No, it's not but a procrastinator's brain seems to be wired differently (or, say some screws left loose dangling like kids on soda and chocolate): our thinking can get warped — we start thinking that beating the level 4 boss in a game is more crucial than getting a resume sorted for an interview.

Other researches do say that procrastination can be a fear of failure and/or success. Now, one can understand that failing does trigger fear but success? Well, both can stimulate pressure and both can make one feel inadequate concerning that they don't possess the appropriate skills to excel at something. I think at that moment frustration causes your logic to freeze and causes your "irrationality" or "fun fuzzy" side to kick in making you do things that are not important as to doing things you need so that you regret not doing the right things later on.

In my opinion, procrastination can be caused by boredom. Many people love sticking to routine and doing things in a scheduled way — it does not mean they are boring and dull on the contrary they can quite fun to hang out with, chat with and work with. However, not everyone likes not doing much in a routine or if one possesses a hyperactive imagination it might seem lifeless for them to be not doing much at all as in exploring other aspects they want to explore which can range from things as extreme to bungee jumping to as simple as trying a new ice cream flavour. But let's face it — not everyone can do out-of-box things all the time but to one so hyperactive it kinda is hard to argue to the stubborn chemicals inside one's brain. It's a hard debate with two sides (your desire and your other desires) going at it non-stop.

So, I hate procrastination. But I am a victim of it. Now, should I proofread what I wrote or play Tomb Raider:Underworld?

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