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Rated: E · Book · Career · #1959122
Not that you need to enter my crazy mind, but here you go anyway. Enjoy!
A personal journal about the crazy life of a writer, a mom, and an avid reader (sometimes I even feel like one person). I can't promise this will be organized or even stick to one topic, but I can tell you it will chronicle my efforts to get back into the writing community and build up my career. Thanks for reading, it's great to have you here. Feel free to reach out!
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March 5, 2014 at 1:51am
March 5, 2014 at 1:51am
So, I bought this new book today. It's called The Writer's Devotional by Amy Peters. 365 days of writing exercises, prompts and motivations. I've decided to challenge myself. For the next 365 days, I will post whatever my devotional is. I'll probably be needing your help to keep me current, but I think I can do it.

Here's a run down of the week:
Mondays--Writers on writing. Learn what the best in the business have to say about the writing process and what their work, and the works of others, meant to them.

Tuesdays--Motivation. Use these tips and tricks to help you keep writing even when you've hit a wall, and to help you gain the courage to share your work.

Wednesdays--Writing Class. Try your hand at dozens of different formats, broadening your writing experience.

Thursdays--Editing. Understand the nuts and bolts every writer needs to master. Learn everything from punctuation to mastering the active voice, as well as the secrets of creating a truly compelling work.

Fridays--Biography. Learn about other writers; what motivated them to write and how their past shaped their prose.

Saturdays--Books writers should read. The "best of the best" in many genres and styles, so you can measure your work against the masters, and see exactly how they got the job done.

Sundays--Writing prompt. Wrap up each week with an exercise allowing you to take on one of fifty-two topics.

(All descriptions are nearly verbatim from the book.)

I'll post what's relevant, even if it's only a quote or books mentioned that I would like to read. If you'd like to do it yourself, that's wonderful! I would love to hear the ideas you have or writings that come from any prompts. So, here we go! Wish me luck.
February 26, 2014 at 3:21am
February 26, 2014 at 3:21am
Tonight I did something a little daring---and way out of my comfort zone. For years, the voice of Alex Band, lead singer of The Calling, has been my comfort, my muse, my internal bliss. My favorite band, hands down my favorite singer---ever. I would spend nights as a teenager outside laying on the top of the unfinished stairs, just gazing at the stars for hours and his voice would be the only thing I could hear.

He spoke to me without knowing me, was the one thing I could count on, can still count on, when my world was falling apart or when I just wanted to smile. Without understanding the power he has over me, he has sung the words of my soul, to my soul.

Added to that, he has the sexiest voice I have ever heard in my life and I'm pretty sure he is a musical GOD.

So...tonight I sent him an email via Facebook telling him all of that (including the god part. Oh, boy). I don't know why I did it. Maybe because I was thinking, "Why not?" Maybe because he's made a difference for me and I thought he should know. Because his words and his voice have made a difference. They've made my life better, given me hope when I could see none. And given me chills in a whole different way. But that's neither here nor there.

I don't know what I expected. No response, probably. Or maybe a bland response from a representative. What I in no way expected was a response within two hours from Alex Band himself, thanking me for letting him know how his music had affected me. (And assuring me that I never quite reached the point of sounding crazy as I'd feared. Which I could have.)

Let me tell you, I was walking on air. One of my idols, the one person I am DYING to meet, to get to know, to understand, the soul I am yearning to see, actually replied. TO ME. WHAT? I mean really, how often does that happen? How often does a celebrity respond personally to fan mail within a matter of hours. I don't even think it had been two. But I was in Heaven.

So then why did I feel disappointed when I thanked him for responding and received no further conversation? Because in my head, I had imagined we could be friends. (Told you I could sound crazy.) I have been half in love with him, the person who wrote the words of my favorite songs, who sang them in such a beautiful, emotionally charged way, for the last twelve years that some silly, fangirl part of me honestly believed maybe I would be able to get to know this amazing man. Foolish, yes. But still.

Why can't I just be satisfied with what I got? Such a gift. And yet... Maybe it's just my nature. Who knows? Maybe it's people in general that always see the grass as greener over the fence. Maybe we want to be seen as someone special, someone worthy of the extra attention, someone to be held above the rest. (Or maybe that's just me.) It has nothing to do with him being a celebrity. Nothing to do with fame, fortune or success and everything to do with the fact that he is continually changing my life and I think, maybe, I secretly wanted to return the favor. How do you repay a gift like that? How do you repay a stranger for being a constant comfort in your life?

Well, the answer is that you don't. So, I'll chastise myself for being greedy and I'll blissfully drift off to sleep with the knowledge that, at least in an abstract way, ALEX BAND KNOWS I EXIST.

Okay, maybe I'm still fangirling it a little bit. (Forgive me.)

(Just FYI, my dream birthday present? I want to actually meet Alex Band and it would be AMAZING to hear him sing in person. Just throwing that out into the universe.)
February 21, 2014 at 1:27am
February 21, 2014 at 1:27am
Do you believe in soul mates? I think I do. Not necessarily that there is one perfect match for each of us, because really, I believe there could be many. And nobody's perfect. What I mean is that there are certain people we all come across that we just connect with. They are people that from the very first instant get a glimpse inside to the very core of you and know exactly who you are. And they help you realize it as well.

I don't think it's always easy to be with your soul mates, as friends or otherwise. I think sometimes it's heartbreaking and terrifying, maddening and occasionally destructive. But at the same time it's gratifying and fulfilling, earth shattering and at times downright magnetic.

They are the people we're drawn to, perhaps over and over if you believe in past lives. The people we need to help show us who we are, who we can be and who we never hope to become. The people who can look at us and see the truth of our character, for better and for worse. You can't expect them to always be kind. Kindness gets you nowhere when what you need is the dark and twisted truth that lies within you. No, they are the ones that help you see who you truly are, layer by layer. And then they help you accept it.

There are a few people that I've had that instant connection with. Those people who have seen the worst, deepest parts of me and still make me feel like I'm worth everything in the entire world, even when I can't see it myself. They are the few that I can tell absolutely anything to. And I have, without question. For the most part.

I've always wished that those people could see themselves through my eyes. I wish they could see how wonderful and magnificent they are, one in particular. To know that every doubt they have ever had about who they really are, while well founded to them, is just that: a doubt. It has no hold in reality.

It's funny, but the people I'm thinking of are actually all quite similar---while remaining drastically different---and in this case, all three are male. From the moment I met each of them, there was an unexplainable bond that has baffled me, but which I can't deny. I see him as vulnerable, yet invincible. Flawed, yet magnificent. It is his ability to live in darkness but still have his soul shine so bright, relatively untainted, that speaks to me so fully. And yet, he usually cannot see it. He looks in the mirror and sees someone with no true confidence in himself, who possibly does not deserve happiness. Oh, if only he could see what I see. He would never doubt himself or his worth again. (Actually, his ego would probably swell to the size of a house, so maybe he should see through more of a rosy haze.)

Then there are other types of soul mates. Those that you bond with who just get you, and those that balance you out. Sometimes the old adage that opposites attract is true and it's the differences between the two of you that make whatever relationship you have work. I have been blessed with a few of these people. Whether they fit into the above category or are strictly in this one, I thank God every day for the amazing gifts I have been bestowed in my friends and my family. And for my brother, who is the other half of my soul.

There are many definitions of soul mates. Most I think are too narrow to truly fit. But what if the many definitions describe the different types of mates our souls need? As humans, we are faceted creatures, akin to diamonds. So many different parts of our personalities make up one brilliant whole. Some of us are more flawed than others, but still, we come together nicely (we hope). So it stands to reason that there are some souls that are fated to meet. They don't have to be the same personalities to fit together with one part of our soul or another, but they do have to fit in a way that is magic in and of itself.

And, if you find one---or sometimes many---that brings out the best in you, challenges you to be the best version of yourself that you can, shows you when you fail and helps support you as you pull yourself up, hold onto them. Whether you believe in soul mates or not, they found you in this life for a reason, even if that reason was to serve a purpose and then leave.

I guess it's a play on the saying, "everything happens for a reason." Maybe we're all circling around the same people in every life, just waiting to learn the lessons we need to learn. I plan to soak up all the knowledge I can, and for those who were just a passing thing---and for the one whom I really no longer speak to---I'll take heart in the idea that maybe, just maybe, I served as much a purpose for you as you did for me.

Because remember, soul mates, however fleeting are mates for a reason and that reason is never just one sided.
February 13, 2014 at 12:34am
February 13, 2014 at 12:34am
Sometimes I think we torture ourselves. Or maybe that's just me. The past, the present, dreams of the future, asleep or awake. It doesn't matter. You can always find yourself pulled into something that you wish you could just get out of.

The sad thing is, willpower would do it. I just don't have any. Where this particular character is concerned, I can apparently not stay away. Happiness is a good thing. I know it is. This is what I wanted, and it happened. So let me repeat: It. Is. Torture. And I'm doing it to myself.

Gotta love a good memory. And Valentine's Day. (Can I just say, "ugh"?)

(Sometimes you just need a place to spill your guts---even if I am being vague.)
February 9, 2014 at 9:35pm
February 9, 2014 at 9:35pm
Putting yourself out there is hard. It's like baring a piece of your soul and asking people---usually strangers---to love you. Or just give you a chance.

When I first started writing, (I think it's been eleven years now) I showed my work to very few people. Those that did get to see it were people I trusted completely. Over the years that number has expanded, but it wasn't until recently that I let people I didn't actually know read, judge and criticize my writing. It was like laying my dreams at their feet---your feet---and begging them not to stomp all over them.

I write this today because I have received my first rejection letter of 2014 on my quest for a literary agent. And while I know it's just part of the process, it still stings a bit. In 2013 I stopped querying agents for a while to do another edit on my manuscript. At least, that's what I told myself. In reality I think I was just tired of being told no. No matter what we tell ourselves about persevering and never giving up, every rejection is a blow to a writer's confidence.

But don't worry, (and I won't either) I really have been working on my novel and I don't back down so easily. I know that the writers who succeed and become authors are the ones that kept going, kept pushing and who got knocked down one day but got up the next to try again.

Like I always tell my daughter, (though she be only three) you only fail if you give up. It doesn't matter if you succeed right away or sometimes even at all, it only matters that you try. That way if you do end up changing your dream, you know you gave it everything you've got and there will be no regrets. One of these days I swear she's going to say that back to me and I hope it's because she's reminding me, not because I've disappointed her.

All traditionally published authors (and some indie ones as well) have gone through this process. They made it and so will I. Sometimes I just need to remind myself of that.

And to vent. Because sometimes venting does wonders for the soul.
February 4, 2014 at 11:52pm
February 4, 2014 at 11:52pm
I have discovered evil. It's not an ancient evil, unfortunately. In fact, it is an incredibly modern evil. One that, like most things that aren't necessarily good for me, I once held dear.

At one point in time, when I was much younger and not yet aware of the error of my ways, this evil was my constant companion. I now know better. This evil is intrusive, disruptive and the bane of my existence. It is my nemesis, my true enemy and at times, my arch rival. It encroaches on its query's territory with reckless abandon, ambushing and waging war using guerilla tactics and blitz attacks. Ironically, I discovered this evil on Halloween. It has been ruthlessly plaguing me ever since.

This nefarious foe goes by the name of Glitter.

Now, you may be laughing, believing me to be dramatic. However, when you encounter an enemy so resistant and cunning as I have found Glitter to be, you would not find it amusing. Or maybe you would.

No matter where I go, where I look, there it is. Always watching, always waiting and no matter what I try, I cannot defeat it.

There was a time, not long ago, when I believed I had beaten this evil. Until one day I turned around and there it was.

You may have won the battle, but I promise you, I will win the war. Well played, Glitter. Well played.
January 23, 2014 at 8:08pm
January 23, 2014 at 8:08pm
I think my favorite type of villain is not necessarily good intentioned, but at least has a few redeemable qualities. Clear cut villains are typically boring. Those with a dark and twisted past, where you can actually see where he went wrong, maybe even be sympathetic to his plight, the ones you just KNOW would be the protagonist had their circumstances been different, had they known this one fact or turned that last corner back there...I think those are my favorite types of villains. The ones who keep you up at night because they have SOMEHOW slipped beneath your "root for the good guy" blinders and become your favorite character. Everyone has darkness inside them. Some people just let their evil freak flag fly.
January 20, 2014 at 1:49am
January 20, 2014 at 1:49am
I realize that I seem to post or share quotes on Facebook, words that others have said, more than write something myself. (Awkward.) Possibly it's because I haven't technically published anything myself. I'm a little leery about self-publication, (not that there is anything wrong with it) and I'm still trying to get an agent, myself, before even attempting to contact an editor or publisher for actually getting my novel in print. Because of this, I think there are times when I feel like I don't have a whole lot to say for myself.

I'm pretty sure this is a problem.

I'm a writer! Of course I have a lot to say. But about what? I think a good part of it is, like in real life, I don't always know where to start. Now, you give me a topic and I will go on and on. Sometimes the harder part is getting me to shut up. But I don't like to boast about myself, therefore self-marketing, especially when the real product (my writing) isn't technically out for sale yet, is tough.

Yet, if you get me in a book, in the mind of another, whether it be one of my own creation or from the mind of another, I can whisk you away to a world unknown, take you on adventure, lavish you in witty repartee and casual, snarky banter. I can fill you with a love for these characters, (again, be it my own or another's) and make you feel heartbreak when they do.

I think, sometimes, that I prefer fictional worlds and imaginary people to the real thing. I was told once that I preferred animals to people, and that's true. But I think the real problem may be that I prefer fiction to reality.

I am not an introvert. I have never in my life been described as quiet or shy. And while I've never been one to voluntarily jump off a cliff, a bridge or a waterfall (nor will I ever suggest it), I was always the one my friends made go talk to new people. I was unafraid. Or really, I was terrified, I just didn't let it stop me.

So why am I afraid to talk to any of you? Why is it that when it comes to talking about myself, about anything that truly matters, I am at a loss? Maybe it's just that, like most of us in the human race, I have this overwhelming fear that no one cares. And in a world where someone has to care for my work to be read, to be shared with the masses, what was once a relatively minor insecurity becomes a vast, gaping hole threatening to envelope me in darkness.

Yet, I do believe there is hope. A light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. Just as I have never been described as shy, I have always been described as stubborn, so I doubt I'll stay this way for long.

Cross your fingers for me.
January 15, 2014 at 4:52pm
January 15, 2014 at 4:52pm
There is a reason that I live through quotes from other people, that I strive to absorb their meaning and yearn to feel as they feel, think as they think and still maintain my own individuality, my own way of looking at life. They are words spoken by others that sing a song to my soul. Some are funny, some are deep, some are just good advice. But each and every one of them resonate with a note deep inside my heart and give an outsider just a little bit of insight as to who I am. If I let you in or share the words, do not feel as if I am pushing them upon you. Take from them what you will, but don't discard them. For words, whatever their meaning, have a power that satisfies a thirst we may not have even been aware that we possessed. Drink them up, quench the thirst, and be fulfilled.
January 13, 2014 at 2:09am
January 13, 2014 at 2:09am
Dear Life,

It's me. The one you've tried to bring down time and time again. The one who won't stay down and will always get up. I will always rise to fight again. You will not destroy me.

I have watched you bring down those close to me for years. You tear their life apart. Some resist. They stand their ground a rise above the emptiness you can bring. Others falter and ultimately fall. I will not be one of them.

You can throw your worst at me. It won't make a difference. I may stumble. I may fall. But I will always get back up.

I have faith in a higher power. I have faith in my dreams. I have faith in myself. That belief, that confidence, that hope is what drives me to resist the temptations of the dark side. To stand up and be strong. To stay strong. There is nothing you can do that I can't handle. Deliver your worst. I will win.

Through the rain there is a rainbow. Through the clouds the sun. There is always a brighter day, although it is inevitably bound to get worse before it gets better. It will. And even when I'm doubtful, I know I just have to wait.

I know who I am. I have my dreams and the strength and determination to achieve them. I will overcome every obstacle and there is nothing you can do about it. I am just obstinate enough to know that I will not fail. In the end, you will lose. I will live. Happily.


A Fighter

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