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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1986033-Kits-Korner/day/12-3-2019
Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1986033
I’d rather write than talk. Nobody interrupts! Posting monthly or less now--see below.
My original purpose for this blog, which I started in August of 2019, was to see if I could maintain consistency, to discover what I want to write about, and to find my writing voice. In January, I started a "niche-less" blog at Wordpress.com where I've published weekly. -- Kit’s Kontemplations  .

I'm preparing to start a Catholic blog on Wordpress.com where I'll post weekly, and another site to put the rest of my writing. I also want to spend more time reading other blogs and offering thoughtful comments, both here on WDC and elsewhere. At most, I will publish once a month at no set time in this blog starting in September of 2020.

Thank you to those who have read and rated any posts on this blog. I really appreciate it.

I did NOT want to write “about” me on this blog. I wanted to share my interests, discoveries and maybe a few useful insights. If anything I've written helps even one person, whether or not they respond to the post, then this blog has been successful.
December 3, 2019 at 10:57pm
December 3, 2019 at 10:57pm
After losing 30 pounds with Weight Watchers back in 2002-2003, I decided to go to the next level with food and learn how to eat for optimum health, not just weight maintenance. I felt like I’d stepped into an alien universe with its own language and with an unstable landscape. What was safe one day was dangerous the next.

I learned about macro and micronutrients which brought back memories from high school economics class. The macronutrients are protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and water. The micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases . As if that weren’t enough, even some of these categories have “good” and “bad” subcategories. I prefer the terms “beneficial” and “harmful” because I don’t believe in attaching morality to food.

The two types of protein in food are animal-based and the much healthier plant-based protein. Also there are two types of protein: complete and incomplete which lack one or more amino acids. Plant sources contain more fiber but most are incomplete proteins with the exception of quinoa, buckwheat and sunflower seeds that have been sprouted.

Carbohydrates are either simple or complex and it is the complex type that we should eat more of. These, which take longer to digest and provide a more stable source of energy, include fruits and vegetables. We should avoid many sources of simple carbs such as table sugar and processed foods, among other things.

There are four types of fats and some have both healthy and unhealthy choices:
*Bullet*Saturated fats
*Bullet*Monounsaturated fats
*Bullet*Polyunsaturated fats
*Bullet*Trans fats - the worst kind
Our bodies need fat and some of the healthiest choices are avacado, nuts, and salmon. Eat all fish in moderation due to mercury in some fish.

Fiber comes in soluble and insoluble forms. Both are important for health. When you read a nutrition label, fiber is a subcategory of carbohydrates. Measuring “net carbs” is done by subtracting the grams of fiber from the total grams of carbohydrates. Soluble fiber attracts water and slows digestion. Insoluble fiber helps food pass more quickly through the digestive system.

If we want to either lose or maintain our weight, then we need to consume a limited number of calories. Therefore, the most effective strategy is to consume foods with the most nutritional value for the number of calories. These are the most nutrient-dense foods which include: salmon, kale, seaweed and garlic, among other things.

The most important thing I’ve learned is to eat everything in moderation and to include every food group. If God created something to be eaten, then eat it. If man created it, eat it very seldom, if at all.

Protein in food - https://www.nutristrength.com/blog/protein-in-food
The 11 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on the Planet - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-most-nutrient-dense-foods-on-the-planet
What is the difference between animal and plant proteins? - https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322827.php
The Difference Between Simple Carbs and Complex Carbs - https://www.openfit.com/simple-carbohydrates-complex-carbohydrates
What are fats? The real skinny on healthy fats and harmful fats - https://urbanremedy.com/fats-real-skinny-healthy-fats-harmful-fats/
Finding foods with healthy fats - https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2012/10/finding-foods-w...
What Are Phytonutrients? — https://www.livescience.com/52541-phytonutrients.html

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1986033-Kits-Korner/day/12-3-2019