Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2044345-Louise-is-Elizabeth-Hykes-blog/day/6-18-2022
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2044345
Writing about what I have been reading and encountering in the media.
I comment on things I am reading, thinking about, encountering in media, and spiritual issues. I hope you will find something interesting. PS. I love feedback...
June 18, 2022 at 4:03pm
June 18, 2022 at 4:03pm
I see that I have been neglecting my blog and its readers. I have been writing a lot, but not here. There were visitors, obligations, and old-fashioned procrastination involved. So here I am, ready to say something.

The January 6 Committee of the House of Representatives has televised 3 hearings. So far, they have presented witnesses, all Republican conservatives, and/or people from the Trump Administration and orbit. They have made a few key points:
1.) Donald Trump knew he lost the election.
2.) Donald Trump knew the Eastman plan was illegal and so did Eastman but they followed it anyway.
3.) Mike Pence was badgered and threatened by Trump to follow the plan to decline the Electoral College certifications.
4.) Mike Pence consistently refused to comply for a month but never told the public until he actually refused.
5.) Although VP Pence's decision was pivotal, it was not heroic in that he simply did what the Constitution required.
6) Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi would have been killed had they been caught, and Pence came to within 40 feet of being captured by the mob.
7) Eastman, Mayor Guliani, and Sydney Powell were the only close advisors who agreed to support the Eastman plan, but no one actually took action to stop it or to inform the public.
8.) The danger Trump and the Republican Party et.al. pose to American Democracy persists.

Meanwhile, here in Howell County Missouri, there is a front-page flap in the Howell County News about an employee of the Boys and Girls Club who identifies as gender-neutral and instructed 4th-grade children to use the neutral "they" or "Captain" when addressing them and each other without notifying parents that this was going to happen. The adult instructed the children they wouldn't be boys and girls, just kids this summer. One family withdrew their children from the program. Another asked that their child be placed in a different group. Subsequently, the parent who complained publicly has taken intense harassment and received threats.

I think this would have gone better had parents been informed ahead of time, but I think there still would have been a flap because people like to flap their jaws. So do I, but this is not worthy of the front page of any paper. It is painful and personal and a sign that our culture is changing in response to recent scientific discoveries, even here in the quiet out-of-the-way corner of America where people hate to change.

Happy Pride Month and Happy Juneteenth everyone! May our Constitutional Democracy survive to celebrate again next year.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2044345-Louise-is-Elizabeth-Hykes-blog/day/6-18-2022