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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2104234
A journal for 30DBC and other feline musings.
"This...is my lab. And THIS...is my LABORATORY!"

Seriously, though. This blog is gonna be where I throw paint at the wall just to see what sticks, and sometimes just to throw paint at the wall because it's friggin' relaxing to throw crap.

Welcome aboard, and please keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

"In case of emergency, the exits are here-here-here-here-here-here-here... ANYWHERE!"

P.S. If you recognize one or both of the above quotes...you are automatically my new best friend.

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July 12, 2017 at 2:36pm
July 12, 2017 at 2:36pm
July 10 30DBC Prompt: Singer Mavis Staples, born on this day in 1939, once said "If you don't get out among the people, how are you going to know what they need to hear about?" How has reviewing other people's work on WDC helped you become better? Have you received a very helpful review lately that made any difference in your writing

Reviewing has helped me become a better author, simply because it forces me to READ. Reading is something I think we all struggle to fit into our busy schedules, but when you're part of a community where reading and reviewing is so highly rewarding, it's easier to do.

It's also helped me because I'm exposed to a lot of different styles and ideas, and picking up on suggestions or things that I like in others' work helps me know what to include or what to change in my own work as well.

I've had a few very helpful reviews lately, one of which was for my newest book posting on WDC, "Invalid Item. The reviewer mentioned that the setting wasn't very well described, and so they couldn't quite ground themselves in the scene. This was something I was totally unaware of, but looking back at my work, I can see it. That reviewer helped me to be aware that some important details were missing, and I recognize this as my attempt to not "bore" the reader with too much information at once. This is a recurring comment in several of my works, so I know it's definitely something I need to work on.

July 12, 2017 at 2:30pm
July 12, 2017 at 2:30pm
July 9 30DBC Prompt: This week, Tesla announced they're building the world's biggest lithium ion battery in Australia. This is to enhance the security of their electric grid, and can provide a more efficient and cost-effective way of maintaining service. Should more countries be doing things like this to lessen their dependence on fossil fuels and create less of a negative environmental impact?

I think that's a really interesting concept. I probably don't know as much as I should about energy sources and their pros and cons, but I'm always excited when someone announces a way to do things that's sustainable and better for the environment. 'Cause who wants air pollution, or gunk in our oceans? *Sick*

I do think that businesses tend to go with what's always been done, because the latest and greatest, no matter how energy efficient or good for the planet, is typically more expensive. And if they're forced to adopt some environmental measure, they pass that cost on to the consumer, which can be devastating for small businesses and for individuals alike.

I definitely think there should be more done about adopting better, more energy efficient measures, but without effectively penalizing the "little guy" with the cost of that change-- in other words, some sort of incentive or reward should be given to those companies who take on environmentally-friendly methods AND who find ways to reduce the impact on the consumer down the line. Without doing this, the norm will remain what it is, and the wonderful inventions and solutions created by great thinkers will never become standard like it should.

July 8, 2017 at 2:43pm
July 8, 2017 at 2:43pm
July 8 30DBC Prompt: You've discovered a new (animal, plant, alien, or other) species, and...

...I think it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

And possibly the cutest. All at the same time.

It's got little fox paws with purple tufts of fur between the padded toes. A reptilian tail, sparkling with rainbow scales, curls catlike around its feet and bottom. And are those...feathers...covering its mammalian little body?

It lifts its beaked head and stares at me with kind, amber eyes. One floppy ear, like a dog's, hangs loose while the other points up, turning, intent on a sound.

I'm gonna name it Cugly (pronounced KYOO-glee). Call it Cuge for short.

July 7, 2017 at 2:03pm
July 7, 2017 at 2:03pm
July 7 30DBC Prompt: On this day in 1994, Amazon.com was founded in Seattle, Washington under the name "Cadabra." Will shopping online ever fully replace buying stuff from stores?

I don’t think it can. There is something to be said for being able to go into a grocery store and feel the ripeness of a banana or an orange, or try on clothes before buying them to see if you like the fit, the color, and the feel of the fabric.

Sure, online shopping has made things much more convenient, and there are some things I wouldn’t bother going to the store for. There is also a greater flexibility with online shopping, as far as variety of items for purchase. But some things just don’t compare and are very personal to individual shoppers.

July 6, 2017 at 3:09pm
July 6, 2017 at 3:09pm
July 6 30DBC Prompt: Go to a book you're currently reading, and turn to page 56. On that page, go to the fourth complete sentence. That's your prompt...at the end of your entry please list the title, author, and sentence.

Okaaaay. Well. I tried to do this on my Kindle, but there's no page numbers, and I don't know how to make it show page numbers. So I picked up a writing craft book I use for reference (so that counts as currently reading, right?) and--wouldn't you know it--page 56 is blank.

So. I'm using page 55 from that same book, because I'm out of options here, and the fourth sentence on page 55 is actually an interesting question:

"Does your protagonist's pursuit of both the overall goal and the scene goal meet with an obvious obstacle (i.e. conflict?)?"

Hmm. Well, it depends on the scene we're talking about. Heck, it depends on the book we're talking about. In Eli's case (from "Kingdom of the New Moon"), and in the case of the characteristic moment scene, which is what the book, taken in context, was asking about, yes.

His characteristic moment is getting ready to go on his monthly hunt for humans with the Takers. His scene goal is to be successful. His overall goal (not yet solidified, but implied) is to maintain his rank and the good life he has. When a human kid becomes his target, his backstory provides us a glimpse that Eli is not as hardened or apathetic as he first appears to the reader.

One of his underlings also fires back at him for his lapse in strength, and he hurries to put him in his place. This creates an obstacle for him to overcome and gives the reader some juicy conflict, as now they are wondering why Eli is so soft toward kids.

Don't know if this is necessarily 'creative,' but it was a fun exercise. *Smile*

Excerpt taken from "Creating Character Arcs" by K.M. Weiland.

July 5, 2017 at 3:43pm
July 5, 2017 at 3:43pm
July 5 30DBC Prompt: Is it better to be happy or simply content? Is there a difference?

I think there is a difference. Contentment has a connotation of rest. You are at rest in whatever situation or with whatever person, place or thing you find yourself. You can be content even in the worst of circumstances if your spirit is at rest in something.

Happiness, on the other hand, has a more active connotation. If I am happy, I am actively pursuing or engaging in something which brings joy to me, such as reading, writing, or eating a delicious ice cream cone.

Whether or not one is better than the other is very much debatable. Happiness, of course, might be preferred, but the ability to be content even in bad circumstances might be more useful and desired. We aren’t always able to pursue the things which bring us joy.

Personally, I think contentment has a more lasting value than happiness, simply because it gives one the ability to persevere and be at peace, even if the world around them is a raging whirlpool of unhappiness.

July 4, 2017 at 1:43pm
July 4, 2017 at 1:43pm
July 4 30DBC Prompt: Tell us what your ideal picnic or barbecue would consist of. Setting, food, friends (if applicable), activities, etc.

Oooh, a fun one! Hmm, let's see. I might do this list style.

-Somewhere near a lake or river, and with lots of trees for shade.
-Preferably somewhere with a restroom (this pregnant lady's gotta go!).
-Preferably somewhere with picnic tables and trash cans, and maybe even a gazebo-type shelter.

-Hot Dogs
-Baked beans
-Macaroni and Cheese
-Ice Cream!

-I tend to like smaller gatherings, so probably my hubby, a few friends from church, his mom and grandparents, my mom and dad and aunt, and some long-distance friends I haven't seen for a while (or ever!).

-Swimming! It's great exercise and so relaxing.
-Cornhole. We do live in the South, and my hubby doesn't leave any gathering without playing a round or two.
-Musical Chairs. Funniest game ever, especially with adults. They basically turn into five-year-olds all over again.
-Sprinklers and water balloon fights. It's summer!!!
-Karaoke. Just hook up the machine and let people step up. Find some hidden talent, or some talent that should've stayed hidden. *Laugh*

I think that about sums it up. Now I need to plan this thing, cause it needs to happen in real life! *BigSmile* Happy Fourth to everyone, and please celebrate safely!

July 3, 2017 at 2:02pm
July 3, 2017 at 2:02pm
July 3 30DBC Prompt:Humor writer Dave Barry, born on this day in 1947, once said "Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance." When have you gotten up and taken a chance to dance with your writing?

I'm kind of doing that now, as I get back into blogging on my author website. I'm taking things in a new direction and being super open and real with my readers. I decided to let my inner geek out and post things not just related to my works in progress, but also book reviews, pictures from my favorite fandoms, slices of my life as I prepare for a baby, reading lists, favorite things, and even chapters of my Disney fanfiction that I'm working on.

I'm not sure how well it will go over, but it's more authentic to who I am and who I want to present myself as to my readers. My readers are young adults, teens and college students, and I'm not too far off from them in age or interests. Why not post stuff that appeals to them as well?

My audience that I'm writing to is my younger, more creative self. I'm hoping to get that part of myself back in a way as I try this new technique for blogging.

And even if no one else reads it, it's good to let my real self out there, for the simple fact that it's a true reflection of my writer's soul.

July 2, 2017 at 7:19pm
July 2, 2017 at 7:19pm
July 2 30DBC Prompt: This week, there was another mass shooting...this time at a concert in a night club in Arkansas. Coincidentally, earlier this past year the governor of Arkansas signed legislation allowing concealed handguns to be carried in certain venues (including colleges, bars and night clubs, and government buildings). What can be done to prevent these incidents of violence?

First of all, my sincerest condolences and prayers to the victims and their families. Senseless violence seems to be cropping up all over the place, and it has seemingly increased in frequency over the past couple of decades, and especially nowadays as political tensions have skyrocketed. To ALL victims of these tragedies, my heart goes out and my prayers wing upward.

Prevention is so tricky when speaking of violence. In this day and age, it's very common for a person to be planning an act of violence and no one ever know about it, or about the disturbances the perpetrator-to-be might be facing that are driving them to even contemplate such atrocities.

I am a firm believer that a person kills other people, not a gun. A gun is a tool which can be used for good or evil purposes. The person who pulls the trigger determines the intention, not the gun. And a criminal intent on a criminal act is not necessarily going to follow the law, whether or not the law prohibits guns entirely or allows them in certain cases.

I don't claim to know how thoroughly gun owners are vetted in Arkansas, seeing as I don't live there, but I do have a hunch that in most, if not all cases, people aren't allowed to carry concealed weapons without a thorough background check. The perpetrator of this horrible crime likely obtained his weapon without using the state-mandated process. In my mind, gun control laws are ineffective because of this. Just because you make something illegal doesn't mean someone intent on shooting someone else can't get around the system, any more than making burglary illegal makes cases of burglary disappear.

If I'm wrong, I am definitely open to being corrected. But more gun control laws are not the answer to prevention, in my mind. It's hard to say what a good answer would be. Gun control has been tried and found wanting. Gun crimes still happen, disturbingly often, even in the most strictly-controlled areas (schools, for instance).

Greater awareness of those around us would help. Noticing a stranger in a school building, for instance, might be your only clue that a tragedy is about to happen. Report any suspicions to authorities. DON'T ADVOCATE for gun control laws that strip normal, vetted citizens of a valid means of defending their life and liberty. Personally, I think if teachers (who are strictly vetted and who keep records of what weapons they carry, at what times, etc.) could carry guns, there might be a lot less deaths from school shootings.

Long story short, the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Call it cliche, but hey. It works.

July 1, 2017 at 2:03pm
July 1, 2017 at 2:03pm
July 1 30DBC Prompt: July 1st is Canada Day...pick a Canadian celebrity, tell us what he or she is famous for, and tell us how they would fit in with what they do in your hometown. If you're Canadian, tell us what you enjoy most about your country that might not be as popular in other countries.

Well, I have to go with Celine Dion. She’s veddy famous for her powerful, heart-wrenching vocals and ridiculously awesome high notes. However, I don’t think she’d fit in very well here in little po-dunk Kentucky. While people might come to see her concerts, she probably wouldn’t get much of a crowd out of us simple folk. “A concert? Well, I gotta work until 7. You know how tired I get when I’m off work.”
That’s probably why she’s never visited here, to my knowledge. *Laugh*

And now I have her and Bab’s “Tell Him” stuck in my head, intermingled with the high note from “All By Myself.” *HeadBang*


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