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Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #2120522
"Blogging Circle of Friends" furnishes the prompts & I write about them...

What is Circle Time?
Why did I decide to name this blog after it?...

[C]ircle Time is an activity that is often done in the early grades (usually, from preschool/nursery school through first grade) where the students assemble in a semi-circle facing their teacher who will read a story to them; teach a lesson; listen to them read (either individually or as a group); or any other activity that is more effectively-done in an intimate setting than being spread out at their desks throughout the classroom.

[S]tudents are often divided into two or three groups (in the case of working on reading, math, etc.) so that part of the class is being taught while the other students are doing busy work at their desks.

[I]n some schools, students are grouped according to their progress -- I'm sure you've heard of those kinds of groupings that call each group by the name of a bird species -- but we were called in alphabetical order instead.

[A]nyway...back to how this blog got its name...

[F]or one thing (the most OBVIOUS thing), it's a blog that has been designed with using it to write something using prompts furnished by Blogging Circle of Friends  .

[H]owever, a couple more reasons have to do with Kindergarten -- and, specifically, my Kindergarten days at 29th Street School in Anderson where I could be a handful at times. One shining example of this was how I met my friend, Patty. This story has found a place in my memoirs and has been given the following title:

[T]his was an example of how getting in a little mischief sometimes pays off, because I not only satisfied my curiosity but, also, got a really wonderful friend out of the deal. You know something? I just used a word that reminds me of Patty, and I didn't even mean to do it. Anyway, that just tells me that I need to write a story and call it "Invalid Entry.

[A]nyway, I remember when Patty and I were out sitting on her porch, and she came up with this really neat game where she said that she would make a scribble for me to turn into a picture. After that, I would make a scribble for her to turn into a picture. And so on and so forth...

[I]n a sense, those scribbles were prompts of sorts given by one person to inspire another one -- which is what's contained in this blog: getting inspiration from things such as quotes; clusters of words; videos; etc. that have been shared with us by another person to get our creative juices going.

[I]nspired by each other's scribbles, Patty and I came up with some pretty unique pictures (at least in our early-grade-school minds).

[A]fter learning this game from Patty, I shared it with some of my other friends and we played it. Quite likely, some of those friends shared the game with others. I have no idea whether this had been a game that Patty had come up with herself or if somebody had taught it to her.

[I]t was, obviously, an activity that was worth sharing with others so that they could join the fun. I hope that reading what I write in this blog will inspire you to want to find out more about B.C.O.F. and join in the fun.

[E]ven if you aren't interested in blogging with us, I hope you'll find this a great place to do some reading!!!

[W]armly --
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

[P.S. -- ]
[B]e sure to check out the blog and the invitation below:

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*ButterflyB*And so ends the Introduction to the blog...
Therefore, the next thing you might want to do is to start reading it...
Does that make sense to you?...
Hope so...
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April In Anderson, Indiana Here In 2018
April 4, 2018 at 11:49pm
PROMPT: April in [insert the name of the city your live in or the one you were born in]. April in Anderson, Indiana here in the year of 2018 hasn't exactly been typical when it comes to our weather for this time of year — though, again, is there actually such a thing as typical weather here in the Hoosier State? All I know is that April is only into its fourth day, and we've had everything from sunshine to clouds and various types of weather that has been e... [Read more]
Warning: TMI
April 3, 2018 at 11:50pm
PROMPT: Think about the last time you traveled to a different state and write about some part of the trip. I'll never forget the last time I traveled out of the state of Indiana. It was in July of 2011, and I was *so* ready for a vacation! There is actually a longer story to this, but time is too short tonight to tell it all. That will be coming up in the near-future. However, I'm going to give you the short version of the ride home. Summed up in one sentence: I... [Read more]
Poetry In Motion
April 2, 2018 at 11:49pm
PROMPT: Poetry? Yes or No. Why or Why not. My answer is definitely... !!! Y E S !!! What would you expect me to say when I write it!?! Go to the following places to read some examples: Since I want more time to elaborate, I've even created this: Since time is growing short, I'll sign off for now... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Last Minute Quickie
March 31, 2018 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: Write a poem to either March, April, or both. So it is without a doubt: April's in and March is out! Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
The Next Part Of Life...
March 29, 2018 at 12:00am
PROMPT: "Death is the mother of Beauty; hence from her, alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams and our desires." ~ Wallace Stevens What do you think Stevens meant? I don't know what {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Stevens}Walace Stevens{/x-link} meant by this, but I know that during my 65+ years of life, I've had to go through deathlike experiences in order to get to whatever it was that would be coming next with one of the most me... [Read more]
March 26 Is Now "God Willing & The Creek Don't Rise..." Day!
March 26, 2018 at 11:48pm
PROMPT: March 26 is {x-link:http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/March/makeholidayday.htm}Make Your Own Holiday Day{/x-link} . Today you can create your own holiday. Is there something you want the world to be aware of? This is the day to blog about your own special holiday. I've decided to create a holiday called "God Willing & The Creek Don't Rise..." Day March 26, 2018 is the perfect day for doing this, as it's the 111 t... [Read more]
The Whispering Sky — Memories Of Tree Frogs
March 21, 2018 at 11:51pm
PROMPT: Title Prompt: The Whispering Sky What I was actually hearing that night was the haunting sound of {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_frog}tree frogs{/x-link} , but it seemed much more profound than that. It was late at night at Mammoth Cave National Park, and I decided that I wanted to take a walk across the foot bridge that linked the hotel with the visitor center. There was so little electric lighting when I got over to the side where the visito... [Read more]
A Progress Report
March 19, 2018 at 11:50pm
PROMPT: It's Motivational Monday, write about some good news that motivates or inspires you in your life, your town, your state, your country, or go to {x-link:https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/}Good News Network{/x-link} or some other website and share some good news that interest you. Some good news that I'm enjoying right now is that I'm gradually getting caught up with everything that I was running behind at getting done...well, maybe not absolutely EVERYT... [Read more]
"Oh, The Weather Outside Is..." Hmmm...Let Me Go Look...
March 13, 2018 at 11:56pm
PROMPT: Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be? It's a little after 12:30 AM on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, and I've just started writing this and am about to look out at the weather. Before I do so, let me tell you about a delicious plan that I have. The delicious plan is to finish writing this and a few other things while the day is st... [Read more]
Here Are Three Things
March 12, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: What are you looking forward to? Here are three things: 1. Having my minivan running, insured, and with a current plate so I can get back on the road again. 2. Not being on such a tight budget. 3. Getting started earlier at writing here so that I can have more time to talk about things like this at length. Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Larry "The Can Man" Van Ness
March 11, 2018 at 12:06am
PROMPT: March 10 is International Day of Awesomeness. Describe something or someone awesome, and tell us why it/they are awesome? Read about this wonderful friend by going here: Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
How Is Spring Awesome? Let Me Count The Ways...
March 5, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: List 10 awesome things about spring. How Is Spring Awesome? Let Me Count The Ways... I'm going to rephrase that to read: How Is Time Flying? Let Me Count The Ways... I've let time slip away, so, I'm going to make a hybrid entry for March 6 and cover this subject then. Bye!!! Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Depressed!?! Who? ME!?!
March 2, 2018 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: In most countries of the world, recovery from the Great Depression began in 1933. In the U.S., recovery began in early 1933, but the U.S. did not return to 1929 GNP for over a decade and still had an unemployment rate of about 15% in 1940, albeit down from the high of 25% in 1933. Do you believe we are headed for another Great Depression Globally? Or will it only be the United States? First off, I said that I would be further discussing the thoughts that I wrot... [Read more]
Holmes Hash
March 1, 2018 at 11:49pm
PROMPT: On this day 1890 1st US edition of Sherlock Holmes (Study in Scarlet) was published. How do you think like Sherlock Holmes? As many of you reading this already know, I've been on a rather wacky schedule/non-schedule for quite some time with this being true {x-link:https://tinyurl.com/y8bkgr7u}for quite a number of reasons{/x-link} . Anyway, I missed out on several chances to write in my two prompt-inspired blogs using a number of interesting prompts -- ... [Read more]
Noises & Sizes
February 24, 2018 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: Noises in the Night. A weird thing happened yesterday. As has been happening a lot, a number of things (which I don't even have time to go into now but will begin to fill you in more in the comment section as I find time) happened to where I was writing my February 23 entry and ended up missing the deadline. I really hated that, as it was a great entry. Therefore, I'm going to include a link to it right here: Anyway, the title for this entr... [Read more]
Small Talk
February 24, 2018 at 12:00am
PROMPT: Fun facts says, " From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size." What would happen if we shrunk to the size of.... It's your blog, you tell us. Have fun. When he was in college at Purdue University, my cousin, Phil, was fixed up with a young lady who was a grade behind him. They hit it off right away because they had a lot in common. But one of the reasons that mutual friends had fixed them up was their appearance. Sandy was... [Read more]
Don't Hide Your Light Under A Bushel Basket
February 19, 2018 at 11:46pm
PROMPT: DAY 1922: February 19, 2018 It's Motivational Monday. Do you have a favorite motivational quote that you like. Have you written a motivational poem or story that you would like to share. Write something about motivation. Today, I decided to include the entire description of this prompt because part of it reminds me of my family. For starters, it's Prompt #1922 -- and 1922 was when my mom was born. The date on it is February 19, 2018 -- and, on this ... [Read more]
February 16, 2018 at 12:01am
PROMPT: Write about spending a day with your personal hero (living). My personal hero is Larry, and we always have a great time when we get together. I actually have two blogs I've dedicated to him with one of those being right here at WDC: and another at my SimpleSite website: {x-link:http://www.ainsleyjo1952.com/420126159}My Larry Blog At AinsleyJo1952{/x-link} You can read these blogs and find many examples of when we get together and what'... [Read more]
The Chase
February 10, 2018 at 12:01am
PROMPT: Tie the prompt from Blog City with this one and you'll be put in a drawing for a merit badge. Your cat/dog brings home a body part... I had a very important meeting to attend and was already running behind, so I didn't need to be delayed in any way. This meant no time for playing games with Scrappy whose favorite game was running with an object and encouraging me to chase him and get the object. I could see him running out of the woods beyond my bac... [Read more]
Fly Heaven & Do-Re-Mi
February 7, 2018 at 11:30pm
!!! UPDATE !!! This is an update to what's written right below: It turns out that I'm going to be finishing the very end of this around 11:30 PM, give or take. Hope to do better tomorrow... Something really Murphy's Law-ish happened to me s few minutes ago. I posted today's entry as yesterday's, and there was no option to completely correct my mistake. But I'm now going to make a fresh entry that will post the February 7 entry right on time and w... [Read more]
Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?
February 3, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: The Day the Music Died. On this day in 1959, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper were all killed in a plane crash. Write a tribute to either one of these three singers, a singer in your generation that died prematurely, or a singer who recently died. I turned 65 on December 12, 2017. One thing that comes with getting older is going through experiencing the passing of those familiar faces and voices belonging to those you listened to and couldn'... [Read more]
January 29, 2018 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: What is your favorite song? Why? Does this song motivate you? Does it bring back memories? Believe it or not...before I even read your prompt, I had decided that I needed to have a blog related to songs and their meaning. And I was going to start on it earlier, but life got in the way. Anyway, here's the blog, so that you can watch it grow: Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
January 27, 2018 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: Creation Saturday First Line Prompt: That summer seemed to last forever Write a story, poem, or whatever that begins with this line. Here I am writing my blog-entry at the last minute -- which goes to show that the above quote is something that I don't know much about these days, as it's just the opposite with me where time is rushing by faster than a speeding bullet!!! Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
A Pinch Of My Brain
January 26, 2018 at 11:56pm
PROMPT: “Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own Write whatever you want about this quote. Write a thought, a story, poem, etc. Time is running short, so I'm just going to give you a little thought for now and will give you a WHOLE lot more tomorrow. The thought for now is that the mind keeps being active in spite of outward limit... [Read more]
1970-1971, 1988-1989, 2006-2007
January 18, 2018 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: Let's break down our life into multitudes of 18 on this 18th day. What happened in your life when you were the age 18, 36, 54, 72, 98? Were these monumental times or just another year? I was born on Friday, December 12, 1952 in Anderson, Indiana at what was then called St. John's Hickey Memorial Hospital (or just plain St. John's Hospital, for short). Dr. Warren C. Polhemus who delivered me had predicted that I would be born on December 12, and... [Read more]

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