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Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #2120522
"Blogging Circle of Friends" furnishes the prompts & I write about them...

What is Circle Time?
Why did I decide to name this blog after it?...

[C]ircle Time is an activity that is often done in the early grades (usually, from preschool/nursery school through first grade) where the students assemble in a semi-circle facing their teacher who will read a story to them; teach a lesson; listen to them read (either individually or as a group); or any other activity that is more effectively-done in an intimate setting than being spread out at their desks throughout the classroom.

[S]tudents are often divided into two or three groups (in the case of working on reading, math, etc.) so that part of the class is being taught while the other students are doing busy work at their desks.

[I]n some schools, students are grouped according to their progress -- I'm sure you've heard of those kinds of groupings that call each group by the name of a bird species -- but we were called in alphabetical order instead.

[A]nyway...back to how this blog got its name...

[F]or one thing (the most OBVIOUS thing), it's a blog that has been designed with using it to write something using prompts furnished by Blogging Circle of Friends  .

[H]owever, a couple more reasons have to do with Kindergarten -- and, specifically, my Kindergarten days at 29th Street School in Anderson where I could be a handful at times. One shining example of this was how I met my friend, Patty. This story has found a place in my memoirs and has been given the following title:

[T]his was an example of how getting in a little mischief sometimes pays off, because I not only satisfied my curiosity but, also, got a really wonderful friend out of the deal. You know something? I just used a word that reminds me of Patty, and I didn't even mean to do it. Anyway, that just tells me that I need to write a story and call it "Invalid Entry.

[A]nyway, I remember when Patty and I were out sitting on her porch, and she came up with this really neat game where she said that she would make a scribble for me to turn into a picture. After that, I would make a scribble for her to turn into a picture. And so on and so forth...

[I]n a sense, those scribbles were prompts of sorts given by one person to inspire another one -- which is what's contained in this blog: getting inspiration from things such as quotes; clusters of words; videos; etc. that have been shared with us by another person to get our creative juices going.

[I]nspired by each other's scribbles, Patty and I came up with some pretty unique pictures (at least in our early-grade-school minds).

[A]fter learning this game from Patty, I shared it with some of my other friends and we played it. Quite likely, some of those friends shared the game with others. I have no idea whether this had been a game that Patty had come up with herself or if somebody had taught it to her.

[I]t was, obviously, an activity that was worth sharing with others so that they could join the fun. I hope that reading what I write in this blog will inspire you to want to find out more about B.C.O.F. and join in the fun.

[E]ven if you aren't interested in blogging with us, I hope you'll find this a great place to do some reading!!!

[W]armly --
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

[P.S. -- ]
[B]e sure to check out the blog and the invitation below:

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*ButterflyB*And so ends the Introduction to the blog...
Therefore, the next thing you might want to do is to start reading it...
Does that make sense to you?...
Hope so...
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Blessed Be
January 13, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: Have a Blessed Day. This is a greeting that is commonly used. What does a Blessed Day mean to you? I'm about to run out of time, so I'll make this brief: This kind of day is best described in the Bible verse that says that this is the day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it. Each day is a gift from God, so always be open and ready to receive the blessings of the day. Not all are earth-shaking blessings, but they're st... [Read more]
Damned If You Do & Damned If You Don't
January 11, 2018 at 11:56pm
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What Lies Within
January 8, 2018 at 11:37pm
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Knowing Me...
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Ongoing Growing
December 13, 2017 at 11:53pm
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December 2, 2017 at 11:48pm
PROMPT: Prompt: Many of you collect trinkets. If you collect trinkets find one that you especially like or one with a seasonal theme. Write a poem or story that reflects the theme of the trinket. Post the trinket with the story/poem, and a thank you to the person who created the trinket. If you don't collect trinkets, find a song or quote with a seasonal theme and write a story or poem following the theme. Please post a link so we can find the song or the quote. ... [Read more]
Thankful To Be Getting Things Done!!!
November 23, 2017 at 11:42pm
PROMPT: Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Feel free to post whatever moves you to write today. So far, this has been a very nice Thanksgiving week where I'm finally starting to pull everything together. Right at this time, I'm continuing to work on "THE BIG PROJECT" and have come up with a way to give people -- both here at WDC and other places, too, a way to keep up with me on this. In this entry, I'm going to be sharing this bitem with y... [Read more]
How WDC Stacks Up In The Tribe Category
November 3, 2017 at 2:12am
PROMPT: John Fusco says"when you got three or four pals, you got yourself a tribe--------- There ain't nothing stronger than that. I see Writing. com as my tribe what about you? Or do you have a different tribe? There's some magical about coming to the well to replenish one's writing needs. Do you agree or disagree? I actually have several kinds of tribes in my life. For example, there's the social site of Facebook that I've used to ke... [Read more]
Monsters & Excitement
October 21, 2017 at 11:46pm
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Home Sweet Home
October 19, 2017 at 12:01am
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17 Odds 'n' Ends
October 18, 2017 at 12:05am
PROMPT: 17 is jumping out at me 17, the first part of the day's number, the date and the end part of the year. So with that in mind, give us 17 of your favorite things, words, songs, books or numbers. It's up to you what the 17 items are. I'm now going to use the number 17 in 17 sentences... 1. January 17, 1947 is when one of the guys I used to write to in prison was born. His name was Billy Thomas, and I often wonder how he's doing these days. ... [Read more]
Fayra Katharena (nee:Chambers) Jobe (My Grandma)
September 11, 2017 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: Write about a grandparent. That's an easy assignment and one I definitely don't want to miss out on, as tomorrow is the 122th anniversary of her birth. At this time, I have one thing handy that I've already written about my mom's mother who passed away the spring before she turned 48. It's a very funny story: At this time, I already have this many places reserved for writing stories about her: (which, at the time of this wr... [Read more]
Let's Skip The Chips!!!
August 18, 2017 at 11:56pm
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A Love Story For All Times
August 8, 2017 at 11:52pm
write about an old black/white family photograph... I'm gradually getting myself together around here and starting to write in my blogs. However, midnight is approaching, so I need to make this entry short 'n' sweet for own and share more of the story later. When the story is finished, it will show up here: Need to sign off for now and get this posted. Will do better tomorrow... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of wri... [Read more]

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