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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2232901-Three-Score-and-Ten-Now-Thirteen/day/3-16-2022
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
March 16, 2022 at 11:09am
March 16, 2022 at 11:09am
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 212
What a nice day it is going to be today, Mid 60's but windy. It is time to start the outside season. We will deadhead and clean up flower beds for the bulbs. We were going to be up north this week, but they got a good amount of snow. My brother tells me I will not get into the drive. So we will wait until next week after a melt down. I need to take the ice fishing gear up and bring back spring fishing items. I hope to ice fish up there on this visit. It looks like it can happen, But the fish my not cooperate.

On a better note, I did get my years income tax done yesterday. It is ready but I did not file it. I did not want to file on the Ides of March. I will do the filing on Friday.

We are starting to get prices on doing some house repairs. We have two old wooden made vents in the peaks of the house nearly three stories up that need replacing. I am no longer a fan of climbing ladders that tall. Nor am I a fan of doing carpenter work. I think I can do it but I am always to rushed and loose my patients. I have two brothers that made their living doing carpenter work and now a third doing it as a side retirement job. But they are all to far away too help me. My repair work done is restoration of books and paper.

So I now have had my 10:00 Bite to eat and the Outside is calling me.
Have a Blessed Day All

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2232901-Three-Score-and-Ten-Now-Thirteen/day/3-16-2022