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Blogging with different ideas.
Ultimate Adventurers Group"
June 3, 2022 at 3:04pm
June 3, 2022 at 3:04pm
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Music Video 3:: Earth by Lil Dicky
Word count: 1074 (does not include words in the link section)

The Earth in Flux

Before today I never heard this song, so I thought I would start off with something new. It is interesting. The scenes start off as live-action, showing some of the things happening in what I am taking as a medium to a large city. The inhabitants of the “real” world are taking life for granted, not worrying about how their actions affect the world around them. They barely pay attention to other humans. Different groups, like with any other mammal groupings, are shown.

Like is writing, starting off with impact for the first few seconds is accomplished very nicely in this piece.

Soon we are taken into an animated world through the pages of a very old book, a metaphor for wishful thinking we could start over again from some unknown point in the past.

Different types of animals around the world are introduced to show us how they should be considered part of the world and not taken for granted. A zebra is shown, and then a lion cub is there eating the zebra. Through the demonstration of animals' lives, the writer explains how different species depend on the chain of life and death.

The song also mentions the fallacy of the scientist saying we only have 12 years to save the planet. Now even I realize they are not saying the planet is going to blow up or something in 12 years, they are saying that is the point we will reach where turning the human destruction of the world will become too hard to turn around.

In the article, We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN by Jonathan Watts Global environment editor, published online October 12, 2012, (link is below) he states the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people.” From what I have read this is still a popular belief.

I have also read scientists say the Earth goes through climate cycles of warming and cooling. These cyles can take thousands of years to manifest differences. I personally fall into the people of the earth who follow this train of thought.

Wind turbines were shown to help foster the idea we don’t need fossil fuels. I have one question though. What happens if the possible global warming takes place and there is not enough wind? Also, where do the batteries the wind turbines charge come from? What are the countries who can’t afford the turbines, or don’t have the availability of a wind gust area supposed to use? When I was growing up the big thing was to build dams which would use the water to run the engines to power electricity and other things we need.

An eagle carries our narrator around the world, making comments on different areas. I don’t agree with some of the comments made as they travel, but this is a free world at least in my neck of the woods, so disagreement is allowed. I personally have lived through several of the events which are mentioned. The trip on the eagle is the most political part of the story.

How are the political issues of the video
creator/narrator shown? The narrator travels along the great wall of China and hand slaps the Chinese characters saying how much we love them. He then flies farther along and tells Germany we forgive them? What are we forgiving them for, this makes no sense? Along the way, he says how Russia is cool. This is not so much true in today's society.

I have been unable to find the date of the original publication of this film. Some of the present-day theories are involved in the storyline. The young man and most of the character actors/singers are young so it is understandable some of their thoughts. The whole montage is a modernization of a song from my generation called We Are The World, with a video backing. (link below for the song). I do commend the contributors on their attempt to show people the possibilities which can be taken advantage of and to give some renewed hope.

He also mentions the possibility we are a simulation. This is a possibility that can never be proven or disproved, but like other “swirling human thoughts” can get people talking, which can be a good thing. In December of 2021, Star Talk did a YouTube video on “Are we living in a simulation?” ( I have put a link below). It discusses the possibility we are not the first in the line of simulations, but a simulation of the inhabitants of another simulation. It is a fun and interesting thought process to try and get through. Do we really exist or don’t we?

There is a definite belief in the legalization of drugs, with Marijuana being held up as a minimum example.

Religious Beliefs
The narrator shows himself standing on the planet looking out and questioning the existence of a higher being. An echo is used to demonstrate possible emptiness. In the video is also the Christ the Redeemer statue located in Rio to show some other beliefs. (Link below) I will give the narrator accolades for showing both sides of possibilities in all sections of the storyline.

Some General Thoughts and Beliefs
I get the feeling the narrator believes we are the only inhabitants of the universe. To hedge his bet though he talks about Aliens visiting earth and taking Leonard Decapio away. Personally, I think it would be beyond egotistical that we are the only living beings in Billions and billions of star clusters. Remember we only see the stars, not any planets which may be orbiting around each one of the small pinpoints of light.

I know I have missed other metaphors which are peppered through the piece. The artwork and animation are beyond reproach. This being said it is not a video I would watch more than once if I didn’t need to come up with examples here. I am a firm believer in recycling and trying to take care of our environment, and do what I can in my own small portion.

We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN
Song: We Are The World
Are we living in a simulation?
Statue in Rio

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