Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1741292-talking-to-self
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Rated: · Campfire Creative · Letter/Memo · Other · #1741292
just a few lines for my entertainment, new to this site
the rain is pouring down, limiting my sight through the windshield. i haven't seen a single headlight in god knows how long and i don't even know where i am. engulfed in the endless black of night i start to wonder what exactly it is i'm doing. the bottle of jager has reached a temperature that is hardly baerable yet i continue to take swigs from this wonderful elixir. my mind is racing though it seems to stand still, shadows in the dark reach out at me and the fear begins to set in. what is my destination or is there one at all? from where did i depart, why did i leave. this unsettling feeling is taking me by surprise am i returning home or heading towards my demise...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1741292-talking-to-self