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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Draft · Sci-fi · #2033419
A true story about the mission to mars
Deep in the dark obscurity of outer space the cargo ship Alliance is on her way to the red planet Mars. Her mission is to deliver equipment, food, medical supplies to the Mars Space Station and than transport them down to the Mars Ground Crew who are waiting to put the finishing touches on the first man made structure on a an alien planet. Commander Jacob Stones sits alone on the bridge listening to classical music while his crew lay in hyper sleep.
“Commander” The ship’s computer says in its male English accent tone, “There is an emergency message from Mission Control.”
“Patch it through,” Stone says sitting straighter in his seat.
“This is James White at Mission Control to Commander Stone aboard the cargo ship Alliance. I'll get right to it. We have a serious problem on Mars. Two hours ago we received a video message from a Dr. Kathy Peirce saying that everyone on Mars is dead. We haven't been able to reach anyone on the Mars Space Station or the Mars ground crew. Stone I don't have to tell you how serious this is. The election, budget cuts on the hot seat, its tough times here as home. Anyway. we 'll need you to report on your progress every hour. Good luck and watch your back.' Mission Control out."

"Computer," Stone says, "Reply."
"Recording," The computer responds without hesitation.
"Commander J. Stone to Mission Control, I just received your message about what has happened on Mars. I assure you that we'll do all we can to get this under control. Alliance out. End message."
"Messaged sent arrival time 2 minutes and 23 seconds."
Knowing that things just became very complicated, who's qualified to handle a situation like this and are they strong enough to step up and do something bad, very bad Stone wonders. He has only worked for the crew he has for only a year. He really doesn't know anyone of them except for Dr. Kelly.
"Computer, wake up the crew." Stone says and walks off the bridge.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2033419-Only-the-Silence-Hears-Your-Screams