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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2130486
a fledgling mage tries to get magical citizenship
It had taken me awhile to figure it out. almost too long to be proud of it, but there they were rings of black runes wrapping around the middle and ring finger of my left hand. not having access to the painless tattoo quills used by the wealthy. i had resolved myself to the oldest method of magecraft. branding. each hand had taken three hours of meticulous work, carving into my fingers with a candle heated needle agonizingly slowly. my only assistance coming from a magnifying lense and a couple of pages ripped from the book of runes all stolen from my tutor, who for what its worth was a prick. upon completion i felt the effects immediately it was like moving my hand through liquid. the runes i had wrote were nothing special just a small equation that increased the effects of gravity upon my fist while also turning kinetic energy into pure energy and the result was more than i could hope for. moving my hand quite effectively harvested magic and stored it. i grinned waving my arm around my small attic like a madman until i felt my rings buzz with power . i grinned to myself anxious for the moment of truth, would the discharge catalyst work? i walked to ladder and tried to climb down silently realizing suddenly how hard it was to move my hand deftly and noticed it slightly pulled me off balance struggling to familiarize myself with my own body upon reaching the ground i began to find the buzzing of my rings irritating and distracting making it difficult to move through the house without making sound i looked down to realize the runes had began to glow, growing brighter with every step i took. sweat formed at each temple as i realised that if i couldnt discharge the built up magic soon it would probably kill me i kicked open the back door of the house and heard my mother stir.i stumbled into a frozen winter morning and fell to my knees, my hands throbbing with power the rings burning my fingers and glowing a bright white. i sit there panting, tears and sweat run equally down my face and i hold my hands as still as possible to my body the pain stops increasing but doesnt go away i slowly point with my first finger away from me and brace myself for the pain of blowing my hand off i carefully move my thumb down and wincing in anticipation tap the small symbol at the tip of my thumb onto the ring on my middle finger. nothing happens i frown down at my hand and still feel the burning itch of too much magic i slump on the verge of defeat my hand brushing the frozen soil which then explodes in my face the dirt erupting into the air from the discharge of magic i almost celebrated before realising only one of the rings has discharged its magic i bring my hand to my face instinctively and the pain increases with the movement i let out a low groan in pain no longer able to contain my discomfort pointing both my first and middle finger away from me down the garden path i focus on my thumb through the pain my hand cramping and spasming in protest i look up and tap my thumb on the second ring seeing far too late the man standing silently silhouetted by the rising sun the last thing i see is him being thrown back off his feet by the force of a shock wave that shatters my hand and sends me into uncaring unconsciousness.

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