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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Writing · #1013410
Write poetry from prompts just for the fun of it; formal or free verse, you pick.
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Mar 24, 2006 at 9:10am
"OT" Old dog, new tricks
Hi Joy!

Can I "mooch" off of your fine site today? I'm getting this little project off the ground, and I appreciate getting to post in all the places I love!

This is a series about the things I have learned from living 63 years. I hope some of them will help you live life to the max!

You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks March 24, 2006

Margery and I have loved raising our children more than any other task life has offered us. On August 27, 1968 Phil was born. It was a happy day. On January 23, 1972 Tim was born. It was an even happier day. We have done our very best to teach our children.

We taught them by instruction, encouragement and most of all by example.

We retired in January, 2005. I was 62. By June we had moved to Hattiesburg, Mississippi in order to enjoy our first grandson. Within a few months Tim said, “Dad, you are going to get another grandson in February.”

How delightful it was for me to notice that my sons are now teaching ME! It was not on purpose, most of the time. It was just the simple process of my discovering truth from them.

Lesson 1:

Value your friends. Cherish them. No matter where they are, they are still your friends. If you make the effort, you can enjoy the richness of your friends even though there is some distance involved.

Lesson 2:

This one is about music. I mentioned to Tim that I would buy an album for one or two songs I liked. He said that after I listened to the entire album a few times I might be surprised to find that one of the other songs had become a favorite too. He once commented on the excellent instrumental work in “You Ain’t Just Whistlin’ Dixie”. This comment made me aware of more in a song than just the lyrics and melody.

Lesson 3:

I interrupt a lot, and answer my own questions. This has always been a trait with me. I jump in and finish your thought for you. This may come from my natural tendency to be a healer and to have all the answers. But it has a couple of disadvantages for me. One, I may irritate you! And two, by hastening to the conclusion I may leave some valuable information on the table…something else you would have told me, had I not been too eager to talk.

Lesson 4:

People are people. This one did not come easy for me. I thank Tim and Holly for this one, because it has enriched my life a lot. Now I am not prejudiced at ALL! Let me repeat that: I am not prejudiced at ALL! (or am I?) If I were telling a story involving a person of color, I’d say something like “My black friend Mitch.” Tim and Holly would never say a word about it at the time. But later Tim would just say, “Now Dad, just remember, people are people.”

Let me pose a couple questions to you:

Does God love a person of color any less than he loves me?
Does God love a person of another religious creed, or no religion at all, any less than he
loves me?
Does God love a person of another sexual orientation any less than he loves me?

Of COURSE not!

Then if I am a Christian would I want to do any less?

Bottom line? People are people.

I am sure I will think of other things my children are teaching me too. How about You?



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"OT" Old dog, new tricks · 03-24-06 9:10am
by Candlemaker
Re: "OT" Old dog, new tricks · 03-24-06 10:21am
by Joy
Re: "OT" Old dog, new tricks · 04-02-06 8:09pm
by decora

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