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Marv is calling it quits!
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Dec 18, 2006 at 11:14am
Re: January 8th
I have not smoked since December 8. *Laugh* The urge to kill things comes and goes, but hasn't been too terrible. (Amazing how many people have been willing to offer up an arm to gnaw off - at least until they realized it was a literal urge, not a virtual one.)

I had set my quit date for 12/29, then read some post on Quitnet.com about committment - the guy sounded so much like me, and what he wrote made so much sense - I just quit, right then and there. I think part of what helped was to really examine my answer to "exactly what is it about smoking that you LIKE?" Truthfully? Not a whole hell of a lot. "I like it" was just addiction talking. So now, I tell addiction to shut the fuck up and leave me alone. It's easier some moments than others, but it's true that the craving WILL pass, whether you give in to it or not. Distraction's the key. And the hardest smokes to give up were not the ones you'd think - but the angry, "fuck you!" cigarettes. Yep - rebellion and spite, right up to the kicking, screaming end.

The good news is, I've written more lately - while trying to distract myself from smoking. *Laugh*

You can do this, Marv. You really, truly can.

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January 8th · 12-18-06 10:52am
by -- Marv --
*Star* Re: January 8th · 12-18-06 11:14am
by Holly Jahangiri
Re: January 8th · 12-18-06 11:23am
by Holly Jahangiri

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