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Marv is calling it quits!
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Jan 10, 2007 at 11:52am
Re: So far......
I love that little gadget.

I didn't love the forums over there. A lot of those folks are idiots (my apologies to those who aren't - it's just, well, hard to find the ones who aren't). Someone was telling me something about "big girl pants" (earning them, over time) and scared me - I just couldn't go in there after that.

Besides, really, we can bitch and moan (and that's fair enough) but we're strong enough to do this if we really WANT to. Committment and determination are all that are required. It's not like outfitting for an expedition up Everest, or something, you know? (Maybe I'd just had enough drama with my teenager, and couldn't handle any more.) The cravings come like waves for a few days, but they subside. Ride 'em out. Surf - don't get pulled out in the undertow. And reread those quotes on committment as often as needed.

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So far...... · 01-10-07 10:23am
by -- Marv --
*Star* Re: So far...... · 01-10-07 11:52am
by Holly Jahangiri

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