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Jan 2, 2010 at 11:39pm
Re: The LDS Church has brought me so much comfort lately
by A Non-Existent User
Welcome! I'm thrilled that you have found joy and hope in the Gospel and are getting baptized. Good luck.

I was raised in the Church, but my Father didn't join until I was about 4 years old. I have two older half-sisters who are not members and long ago were taught to hate and fear "Mormons and their religion". Both of my Grandfathers went anti-Mormon to some degree. My Mother's father was a baptist and made life very difficult for my Grandmother until they eventually divorced. I love him and he was a good man, but came to hate the church very much, especially as his children showed preference to the LDS religion over his own beliefs. That upset him and when the two older boys went on missions he disowned them. By the time I came around they had worked it out, so sometimes it does ease and family will look beyond it, but I'll tell you he was still very prejudiced against the Church to the end of his life. I have a friend whose father disowned him when he joined the Church. He took him out of the will and everything he could do to "punish" his son. Although I wouldn't say they ever became close after that (not sure they were overly close before though), I know that the father softened some because when he passed away I know that my friend was able to inherit some. I also know that my friend's mother eventually left him too - he was pretty bitter. Sadly it seems that those that cling to their bitterness over such things can end up pushing everyone away.

Give them time, often, as they see your own joy and faithfulness in your life, their hearts may be softened and opened to the Spirit. Even when it's difficult, keeping yourself close to the Spirit will help them more than most anything else. He can guide you in what to say and when. Heavenly Father and Jesus knows the hearts of your loved ones better than even they do and you may be an instrument in their hands if you are patient, loving and heed their counsel.

I think one of my favorite scriptures is in Moroni 10 ... verse 45 I think... but it starts "Charity suffereth long and is kind..." For me, I often say "love" instead of charity and then look at the relationships I have with my friends and family.


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 Especially for LDS and Friends!  (E)
A place to mingle and meet friends.
#1127078 by Aerix~ The Storm Dragon
The LDS Church has brought me so much comfort lately · 01-01-10 9:47pm
by Sara Buckingham
*Star* Re: The LDS Church has brought me so much comfort lately · 01-02-10 11:39pm
by A Non-Existent User

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