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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Entertainment · #430646
Actors, actresses, movies, TV -- It's the 'Golden Globe' of Writing.Com! Quill Nominee
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Jul 20, 2011 at 8:30pm
*Dollar* 150 GPs were sent to Maryann with this post.
I'm sorry I didn't read all of the movie talk. I got so excited about a movie (DVD) called "Primeval." It's not to be confused with the series on the Sy Py channel. The film was inspired by actual incidents.

A small group of reporters and a reknowned herpetologist set forth to film the capture of Gustav, a 14 ft croc that is probably over 100 years old. It is set during the genocide and civil war that gripped Africa. So the reporters had to deal with the warlords and the huge croc. There is some violence, too.

It is very exciting, full of action and history. I ordered it from Amazon. Also listed were the episodes of the series. Ignore those. This movie is the real deal. I highly recommend it and I really think you would like it. Let me know if you get a chance to see it!

Your Friend,
Guess who
Movies · 07-20-11 8:30pm
by Lesley Scott

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