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by esprit
Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Nonsense · #942723
Fact per Mike Wonch: It ain’t a good review unless I throw a tantrum and CRY
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Nov 14, 2011 at 5:21pm
Re: The Quill Awards
Yes I have been here since 2005, and was totally lost. I was surprised when I was nominated for "The Quill Awards" for 2010. Have those been around forever? And, if not heavily advertised, then it seems many good writers are being passed over. Sure it's just a inconsequential award, fluff perhaps, but since I am now an Alumni, I am really looking for folks or groups or forums that I can nominate. I noticed the winners seemed to be a close group, not many other names popped up. And if this site is growing into a popularity contest, then it seems almost ridiculous to even have an award(s) system. Any feedback? Opinions? Anybody out there??????? I seem to always be a day late and a dollar short (who made that quote famous?). Oh, I did read back some of the postings on here........and let me say I agree that Hemingway was a terrible writer. He was a war correspondent during WWI but hung out in Paris with the trendy 1920's group. Most who amounted to nothing. I also hated Picasso. His ugly pieces were so self indulgent. That whole crowd went to Paris because of Prohabition in America. And they all drank themselves into failure. Hemingway wrote one book...then never wrote anything serious for over 15 years. My admiration is for the jazz/blues movement back then. And for the poets who wrote, and wrote. Not these so called writers we elevate now to this genius standard. Really, it's ridiculous. On this WDC site, people HAVE been published. Maybe because there are talented folks on here. I am biased, but...all those 50's Beat generation lugheads who sat around the coffee bars bemoaning the "meaninglessness" of it all.....who gives a hoot. Ginsberg wrote one poem we might remember. Robert Frost wrote many, many great poems.

And as far as novels, are they on the New York Times best seller list because the writing is great? No, usually because they have a "following". Or it's trendy to read crime CSI crapola now. Espionage, murders, serial killers.
Where's "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter"? "To Kill A Mockingbird"?

O.k.........my 10 cents worth. Oh, and Grisham was rejected by every publisher in the world. AND Julia Child wrote a book everybody said was down right stupid, and she was rejected. Now her book "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking" is in it's 49th printing! And by golly she sure dropped alot of ducks and chickens on the floor --and then scooped them right up and kept right on cooking.

Re: The Quill Awards · 11-14-11 5:21pm
by njames51

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