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Dec 24, 2015 at 2:31am
Re: Magic and Science?
One of the most impressive and unexplained realities of extant ancient megolithic building is their extraordinary alignments. People hypothesize that the ancients were taking advantage of power currents, ley lines, in/on the surface of the Earth, whatever, these big things seem to be related to each other to a degree that one would not expect of low-tech early people.

We can argue about low-tech, no-tech, or other-tech explainations for these sacred allignments, but either by trial and error, or science (?) they did place them in very real allignments. For your purposes it might be that the power source of the ley lines can best be accessed or only be accessed by careful plotting and mathematically balancing these forces to a carefully calculated effect.

I think I've read Fantasy stories that speak of accessing an Ether. Is this zero-point energy? Again, calculations are necessary to find where power might be drawn and how, having gathered energies they may be transported and used to effect. If indeed these mathgicians are able to calculate long complex algorythmic computations in their minds without recourse to a computing device it would indeed be magical of a sort that would seem very impressive and impossible to one not of that school.

Another thought: perhaps the name "mathgician" is not worth the mental contortions need to justify it. Can you come up with a method of magic and then name it rather than the reverse? That might be another and perhaps better way to go about it.

Magic and Science? · 11-04-15 7:52pm
by J. M. Kraynak 10th Year at WDC
Re: Magic and Science? · 11-14-15 3:39pm
by Matt Bird MSci (Hons) AMRSC
*Star* Re: Magic and Science? · 12-24-15 2:31am
by L. Stephen O'Neill

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