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Rated: E · Message Forum · Steampunk · #1776068
Discuss, learn, practice, promote, write and review Steampunk, Sci-fi & Fantasy with us.
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Jul 13, 2016 at 8:08pm
The Boiler Room needs steam from your imagination!
Greetings all!
I come to ask for your help. This group is fairly large, yet participation languishes quite a bit. Therefore, I am asking for one simple prompt for anyone who would like to remain active in the group.
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#1792135 by Not Available.
has been used by this group in the past as a way to generate ideas for each other. All I ask, if you wish to remain active in this group, is that you go there and leave a prompt. It can be any prompt stempunk-related. It does not even have to be of your own design. Feel free to generate a prompt from a steampunk story you have read - or a movie you have seen - or anything you have read in the past that you feel could use a steampunk twist! It's a small task, really. Just a sentence or two is all we need.
Members have until July 31 to complete this task. I assure you there is no plan to have mandatory tasks such as this one in the future. However, I would like to know who is here and who would like to participate as we move along.
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#1792135 by Not Available.

Please stop and add your idea!
Steam on!
Boiler Beck

My Boiler Room sig by Shannon customized from an image she bought on iStockphoto.com

A sig I bought from Forsaken.

A sig from Forsaken's shop

A new siggy
The Boiler Room needs steam from your imagination! · 07-13-16 8:08pm
by Beck Firing back up!
Re: The Boiler Room needs steam from your imagination! · 07-21-16 11:13am
by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

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Any feedback sent through it will go to the forum's owner, Beck Firing back up!.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/2992276