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Aug 6, 2016 at 10:32am
Mysterious Bungalow
by Padma
Long time ago, there was a forest. In the forest there was a big cave. In the cave there lived a Lion. All animals in the jungle frightened the lion. As soon as they hear the roar of the lion, they ran away and hid.

There was a rabbit name Mottu. That fat rabbit was very intelligent. Once it hears the sound it runs into burrow. I have to find a way to get rid of the fear. thought the rabbit. It has gathered lots of carrots inside the burrow. The carrots are gifted to it by its master bear which lives near the carrot field , near that Mysterious Bungalow.

Ah! Great idea , Once I get to talk to the Bear uncle , I can win the mysterious bungalow. I can make the lion inside it for a few weeks. Till then all animals will be fear free. Thought the rabbit.

I , rabbit can getup with carrots. But Lion requires flesh. fresh flesh. too dangerous.

The bear uncle told rabbit to enter into the bungalow and get a big net from inside it. Soon when the rabbit saw the net inside the bungalow, there was bones and hooves of animals inside it, there were stuffed animals also.

The rabbit got a few animals and tied it in net and kept near the radish field. The bear - called the rabbit as usual. Lion heard this and came running. On seeing the net of animals it jumped on it. soon lion was trapped.

The beat threw the net inside the mysterious bungalow. The forest became fear free. All animals lived happily inside.
Mysterious Bungalow · 08-06-16 10:32am
by Padma
*** Deleted Message *** · 08-08-16 8:41pm
by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

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