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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #1949474
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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May 24, 2020 at 6:31pm
UPDATES: May 18 - 24
by Dave
1. Make time for planning daily tasks to achieve long term goals. *Check*
2. Initiate discussion at "~ The Poet's Place Cafe~. *Check*
3. Compose a "locust" poem for the "Invalid Item. *Check*
4. Haircut. - Still working on this one. Shops are open, but difficult to get appointment.
5. Appointment with cardiologist for routine follow-up. *Check*
6. Survey sources and select poetry form of the week to keep the folks in "The Poet's Place group entertained. *Check*
7. Compose a Pseudotaph poem in response to "Invalid Item. *Check*
8. Keep working on new lesson for one of my workshops. *Check* - Expanding research.
9. Develop concept for "The Humorous Poetry Contest. *Check*
10. Start drafting Yama poem for submission to the "Invalid Item. *Check*
11. Develop concept for an entry to "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus. *Check*
12. Write 5 reviews. - Completed 2 of these.

Let the creativity flow from your soul! *Cool*
"The Poet's Place
UPDATES: May 18 - 24 · 05-24-20 6:31pm
by Dave

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