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Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Feb 28, 2021 at 5:08pm
Sharmelle's Weekly Updated Goals for Feb. 21 - 27, 2021
Writing Goals:
1. Write a poem/short story as many times as I can this week.
I wrote this poem "The Scent of the Roses and White Daisies this past week.
I wrote this poem "The Love We Have for Our Twins this past week.
I also wrote this Short story "The Barn Owl That Said Mooooo this week.
2. Write as many reviews as I can this week.
3. Try to enter some of my poems in Poetry Contests this week.
I entered "Write from the Heart - closed contest
I just entered "The Comedy Club Contest
4. Blog each day with Blog-City.
5. Blog each day with the 30-day Blogging Challenge.
6. Try to write more poetry for my book.
7. Try to organize my book with the new poetry I have already written that's not in there yet.
8. Work on my "New Ideas and Notes for Poetry Books" list when needed this week.
9. Try to figure out how to use the Pets, Animals and etc in a series or with other Series

Health Goals:
1. Go to the appointment that I have this week.
I did not need to this week
2. Write/make a list of what to talk to my doctors about this week as I do for most of my appointments and do not forget to bring that list to my appointments with me that I have.
I did not need to this week.
3. Keep taking my medication each evening like I am supposed to.
Working on it
4. Keep taking my Insulin every day like I am supposed to.
Working on it

Other Life Goals:
1. I will write an update on weekly goals for this week and get next week’s ready to go on the weekend as usual.
2. Contacting my friend each Sunday and Monday just to chat a bit since she is working for the City of Texas and has those days off right now.
3. Work on some new graphic projects.
4. Work on my Zazzle Shop again.
5. Finish up with my Fundraiser tasks this week
6. Write a list to talk to my parents about.
7. Contact my parents this week as I should every week.
8. Work on my Graphics and free commercial use images for my projects.
9. Write a list to talk to my younger brother about because I missed his birthday in August.
10. Contact my younger brother this week.
11. Contact my Son Camerynn.
Sharmelle's Weekly Updated Goals for Feb. 21 - 27, 2021 · 02-28-21 5:08pm
by Sharmelle's Expressions

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