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Oct 28, 2003 at 3:30am
Re: Re: Re: Re: Congrats
by A Non-Existent User
Wow, I had no idea I would get such a response chatty, lol. Where should I start...

Let me say first that, I would never "hate rate" someones work. I don't care what they may have done to piss me off. I am a firm believer in "do unto others..."

Thanks for the tip on hiding an entire portfolio. Don't think I would ever do that though. I refuse to let the bad guys win. Interesting that the anonymous review I received asked if I was scared. I guess since I entered my story later than most, this reviewer thinks I was worried someone else would beat me or something...um, yeah, that wasn't it. Actually if this person knew me they would know what kind of ridiculous accusation that was to make, lol. So anyway, I told them it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black. In essence, wouldn't sending a negative and vindictive review anonymously, be considered a cowardly thing to do? Not to mention lashing out at someone, then dissappearing when you get a response? That doesn't seem to brave to me.

So you almost left the site over those "hate rates" you told me about a while back? I didn't know you were considering that! Please chatty, should you get any mean comments, you should forward them to me so I can see them. I can't imagine why anyone would be mean to you, of all people. Actually, I don't know why anyone would be mean to me either, but it sure happened.

I have seen whata's name around the site a lot.

That's crappy that your still suffering from the effects of the men in your life. I've been pretty lucky. My ex (of 6 years} owed me $1700 in credit card debt when we broke up. (yes I know this is a small amount, but when your 23 it's quite alot. Especially when you don't want the damn power tools that the 1700 went for, lol) Anyway, he finally paid me back (long story). I learned a huge lesson from that experience. Even now that I am married, my husband and I, have separate checking accounts. What he does with his money is his business, and vice versa. As long as all the bills are paid. It works out wonderfully. We never fight over money.

That did sound like the perfect card!

You are not originally from the US?

Um, I don't know if you've noticed this, but me, you, and davy are the only ones posting in the forum, lol. Yes I do feel quite comfortable here. You know it's weird but the four of our names sound pretty cool together, Lady bee Chatty Kraken Candi, lol, and they all happen to end in an "e" sound if you count Davy,lol. . Okay that has absolutely nothing to do with anything, lol. It's like 1am and I just got home from work (or is that really home? hmm, I don't really know.) I've worked 36 hours in the past three days. In a clothes store at the mall for pete's sake! So anyway, I'm a little slap happy and hyper and making no sense at the moment.

I will email you the contest, but her post was gone when her case turned grey. My reply to her was still there this morning, but I talked to gents, and he is going to remove it. So I don't know if you'll get to see it.

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Congrats · 10-26-03 3:14am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Congrats · 10-26-03 4:33am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Congrats · 10-27-03 10:56am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Re: Congrats · 10-27-03 2:48pm
by A Non-Existent User
*Star* Re: Re: Re: Re: Congrats · 10-28-03 3:30am
by A Non-Existent User

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