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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #774192
Do you have socially unacceptable writing? Come on in....
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Apr 11, 2004 at 12:55pm
Well, folks
If you haven't noticed, I've been quiet on the review front. Things have been very busy for me lately, and between school, work, a large number of writing projects, and life in general, I've been quite burned out. That doesn't mean I've abandoned you. On the contrary, I want to give you good reviews, and burn out makes reviewing extremely difficult. Plus, I have been mulling over the contest. I'm sure it's going to be called Troublesome Musings. I have a huge prize scheme set up (big time awardicons), and I will be accepting entries up until mid-late July (haven't selected a date yet).

The contest itself essentially is going to be a free-for-all of sorts. It will be all ratings accepted for the following themes:

*Bullet*mixed genre
*Bullet*rare themes (i.e. politics but also things like unusual sexual relations*Pthb*)
*Bullet*unusual variations on a theme (i.e. guy meets girl, girl fights instinct to kill guy)
*Bullet*opinionated writings

I'm not sure how I will explain that in the contest forum, but I'll think of something. I know that everything will have to be linked, but there is the case of those with free memberships. How should I handle that?

I'm also mulling an entry fee, but I'm not really sure. I'm considering it because, well, look at the prize scheme (tenative and may change):

Grand prize-plaque, some merit badge, and 20,000 GPS

first-100,000 awardicon+10,000 GPs

second-99,000 awardicon+10,000 GPs

third-98,000 awardicon+10,000 GPs

3 honorable mentions- 75,000 awardicon (choice of color)+5,000 GPs

The grand prize is 180,000 GPs in itself. Altogether, the prizes combine to equal nearly 800,000 in GPs. However, I wouldn't request an entry fee because I can always buy more GPs and put them in my contest bank. Your thoughts?

I'll also be looking for judges, and if anyone wants to help promote the contest, I'll gladly accept the help!*Smile*

The truest statement ever...now a sig.
...you know it's true...

For plugging Acid Tongued
Well, folks · 04-11-04 12:55pm
by Elisa the Bunny Stik
Re: Well, folks · 04-11-04 2:24pm
by CTalley
Re: Re: Well, folks · 04-12-04 12:25am
by Elisa the Bunny Stik

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