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by CC
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Comedy · #1099999
Chase doesn't want to move, but will he change his mind?
" Chase! Wake up! It's nearly noon you lazy bum! " Chase's mother shouted up to her 16 year old son.
" Ugh, mom... It's the first day of summer! " Chase said in a low groggy voice.
" Does it look like I care? " His mom said putting her hands on her hips and looking down at him.
" No, but- "
" BUTTS get you no where but the gym Chaseler! " His mother shouted. Chase didn't say anything and swung his legs over his bed.
" Get dressed. " His mom said and closed her sons bedroom door.

Chase flung his long shaggy blonde hair out of his green speckled eyes. He then got up out of bed and pulled out a pair of tan cargo shorts and a red and white striped polo. He threw them on and slipped on his K-swiss's while putting on his red baseball cap that said " Go Hawks! " and walked out his door.

Walking out of his bedroom, he noticed the hall was very bare with no pictures and many boxes were piled up along the clear white walls.
" Mom! Were moving!?!? " Chase shouted running down the stairs.
" OF coarse hunny! I told you that in the letter I sent you while you were at your dad's. " His mother's soft voice could be heard just around the cornerof the wall.
Chase had totally forgotten about that letter. But how could he?
" But... Why? Where? "Chase shouted walking around the corner of the room.
" Because I can finally afford the house of my dreams now. I certainly couldn't when I was living with your father. I got nothing I wanted. " His mother complained.
" Mom! My whole lifeis here! You can't do this! " He said nearly shouted.
" Where are we going? " He asked.
" Sacremento. " His mom said simply.
" CALIFORNIA?!?!? " He exclaimed.
" Good job Chase, you know your states and captals. " HIs mother said with sarcasm.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1099999-summer-vacation