Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1107081-Happy-Book
by Barbs
Rated: E · In & Out · Other · #1107081
What makes you happy, right now
*Heart*What are the little things in life that make you happy? Please don't leave without sharing them here.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and add what makes you happy.
*Heart* Thanks for stopping in. *Smile* Barbs

Knowing that I will be hiking soon and enjoying the beauty of the country and the contentedness that comes with it *Suitheart* (blue jellybaby )

I'm happy in this moment..(21.05.2012),cos our real Hero who protect our mother land from war,was released after two and half year.He is the true brave hero in here.Former General you are the hero of the people heart..We salute you..! (Silent Heart )

Barbs10 contest offering. I won! Yea!!! (gingerosa )

Poo of course! Can't you tell by my penname?! And friends and family. And of course my poo club! *Laugh* (Crimson Goth )

Getting to the end of the day and only having a moderate soreness in my shoulders, which gives me the opportunity to blog a bit at WDC (alfred booth, wanbli ska )

The slow steady rain this morning. The cool weather that came with it and the smell of earthworms. (Barbs )

I noticed two things for the happy book today. I'm happy I can remember at least one of them: a robbin tugging a worm out of the ground. Oh yes, our first ripe tomatoes of the year! (Wren )

Discussing my writing with someone who is sincerely interested and will also help me brainstorm to get over the blocks, especially with my novel "Invalid Item and the upcoming one "Invalid Item. Thank you WDC. (Beth Barnett )

Watching my three month old son learn to blow raspberries. (finnley )

A great book, the smell of rain, a roaring fire, chocolate cake, a glass of red wine, writing and shoe shopping. (christimarie )

Crossing something off of the TO DO list without having replaced it by thirteen other items! A cool summer's breeze, the thought of vacation. (alfred booth, wanbli ska )

Laughter (mine or anyone elses), black&white movies watched while safe in bed, cartoons, A Dicken's novel, hugs and kisses. (Z.˚rz )

That unexpected phone call from my boyfriend in the middle of the day, just because he wanted to say hi and ask how my day was going. (DragonsDream *Aryana* )

God, a cool breeze, a good book, Mae, friends, kisses, hugs, alone time, flip flops, sleeping while wrapped in my green blanky with the rain going berserk outside! *Delight* (pencilsoverpens )

laying on my hammock kissed by the sun's last rays as the words flow from brain to pad in company of flickering lightning bugs (Kate - Writing & Reading )

feeling the words flow from brain through pencil to pad while laying on my hammock as the final rays of sun kiss my face and the evening star wakes lightning bugs that flicker tiny flashlights about me (Kate - Writing & Reading )

seeing couples walking hand-in-hand (Colony )

playing my new guitar through my fixed amp *smile* (Cloudspun Thanks Lexi! )

talking until 6 in the morning with someone, then talking with them for four hours the next night again (Cloudspun Thanks Lexi! )

My children. (Jezri )

To fix everything in our relationship, and make things right... *Smile* (SweetMorningDew )

Waking up every morning and seeing my honey beside me fast asleep, simple hugs and kisses. There's nothing better than the feeling of loving wholeheartedly and having the same in return. (Vix )

Any meal cooked by hubby (he's a great cook!) (SueBear )

Holding my grandbaby, hugging my kitties, the sound of rain against the windows, and funny movies. (JudyB )

Getting a hug from my 14 year old son, cuddling my cat, going camping and waking up to birdsong on a crisp, new morning, a good book in front of a fire, the sound of rain and the ocean - life! (Sunshine :) )

when my grandson squeals, an unread book waiting to be read (before it has creases), sleeping with my dog Boo Boo and fresh, cold Pink Lemonade. ( ♥Flower♥ )

Chocolate makes me feel happy. And singing. That makes me even happier. (Twinkle is going to college! )

Thoughts of family. (reper66 )

Speaking on the phone with my other half, finishing a good dinner, thinking about my upcoming holiday. (alfred booth, wanbli ska )

Books, cats owls, music, POTO, writing, flowers, cheese, fairies, libraries, driving, and having fun... (DanteMouse )

Writing on my story, talking to friends, and giving away money and time to make others' lives better. (Lucas )

Tim Horton's coffee, a cat on my bed, and a cool breeze blowing through my window after a hot summmer day. (Barbieistheone )

The color yellow, a congratulations c-note, and friends to share my morning with. Oh, and air conditioning! (Wren )

Ballroom dancing, Writing.com, chocolate, flowers of all kinds, flowing with traffic,learning to write, helping others. (Maribel is a Dancing Poet )

Morning Coffee, before the daily traffic drowns out the peace of the early morning hours. (decora )

Each day I am alive, here on earth, sharing time with my daughter. Finally in life, finding me, arriving with peace of mind. We all face life obstacles, it's finding the right solution, that brings a smile and happy thoughts to my mind. (decora )

seeing my friends laugh and smile (Amelia Capponi )

Looking back on my life and seeing that I am truely blessed and God has been with me through good and bad and made EVERYTHING turn out good in the end. (dreamer )

Yesterday when I left work it had been raining. Two mallard ducks were quacking and splashing about in the puddles in the parking lot, looking as happy as toddlers. (Wren )

Freshly baked bread (Barbs )

The birds singing, the sun shining, sharing a meal and freshly laundered sheets on the bed. (Foxglove )

Lunch, T-shirts, Animal Farm, and baseball. That's what. (right here )

The first ten minutes after the lights go out, the tv goes off, the dog is asleep and the only thing I hear is the lazy woosh of the ceiling fan and my sweetheart's light breathing in my ear as he falls asleep.... (DragonsDream *Aryana* )

The feel of a cat's tongue on my forehead. (Prosperous Snow celebrating )

children chattering and playing, walking in the woods, writing and making photographs, laughing, flowers and a great hug. (GabriellaR45 )

The feeling of hope after devastation (Star ♥ )

A nice soft kiss. (luvs2write )

A cigarette. (NS needs a new muse )

Tea and toast. (ren (baby no. 2 due in June) )

swimming in my pool with my dog ecspeciallly when she falls in (monypooh )

My children are sleeping and its quiet. I get to write a poem! (Jeanette )

That summer is almost here and the pools are opened. (skymac )

A good song on the radio, my dog licking my ankle, & getting a good review. (A.Acocella )

watching electric storms on benches with my boyfriend (Dr Matticakes Myra )

When I get on a plane to go on vacation. (littlefish )

days when the weather is bright and sunny and i feel good... long leisurely walks, or time spent alone day-dreaming and observing people as they pass by (grow52 )

Writing something really well, and being proud of it. (Barmymoo )

If your Happy & you know it clap your hands, If your Happy & you know it clap your hands,and really want to show it clap your hands! *Smile* I sing off key! (<=] ** ~~> )

Two people treating each other charitably yet each coming out ahead in the bargain. (Joto-Kai )

What makes me happy? Scrapbooking, having all kind of ideas to write about, a good rain storm that isn't severe, eating out, nice things at Writing.com. Being with my husband, my family and cat. (Princess Megan Rose GOT Fox )

Sliding behind my opponent, hooks in, right arm around the neck, left hand cupped and squeezing into the back of the skull, arching my back...and then after a brief moment that beautiful sound of the TAP OUT. (In short- Jujitsu) (J. Macreus )

Hugs from my grandchildren. (Ruth )

The 20 seconds just before I fall asleep, my body is perfectly relaxed, my mind is free of the day’s stresses; a light rain is tapping on my bedroom window lulling me into unconsciousness. This is when I’m most happy – a paltry 20 seconds. (murf )

Monday Holidays (murf )

Finally finishing a woodworking project then thinking about the next one. (murf )

Plopping down into a comfy chair to eat and watch TV after a day at school. (Livia Novelle )

dew on the grass the day after a storm (ninadewriter )

parmesean cheese flavored with a little butter and even less spaghetti (SueBear )

alone on a beach/place on a cloudy day... suddenly getting superpowers and the ability to fly... (hello world )

A day at the ocean... A warm embrace from someone you love... A seat by the fireplace... a full night's sleep... Knowing that tomorrow is Saturday... (Felicitus )

Knowing that if I fall in life someone will be there to hold me in his/her arms. (Loraine ~ will be back soon )

Snow in the winter, thunderstorms at the beach, getting the last raisin in the box, and flip flops. (Mindless Thinking )

...Daydreaming... (Vytelyter )

Allowing my characters to live within my mind and watching them come to life on paper/screen. (iKïyå§ama-House Targaryen )

Seeing the flowers and shrubs I planted about to bloom in the sunlight *Flower2* (Voxxylady )

A big smile on my daughter's face. (Isiliel )

Hearing my nephew's delighted squeal *Delight* (Equilibrium )

Being with my love ones... writing fantasy stories. (Lilac Riverbrook )

Spending time with my daughters, and cuddling my cats. (Starr Phenix )

new yarns to try out... to knit many pairs of socks (Bianca )

A stack of unread books. (Cappucine )

Petting my dog. (Livia Novelle )

The view and smell of a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. (Livia Novelle )

The spring calves, so perfect, so miniature. (Barbs )

kids laughing flowers in the window boxes going to church (Lobelia is truly blessed )

Spring tulips and daffodils make me feel happy. (Barbs )

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