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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1845168
Due to a plague that already cost many lives, tries a boy to save the lives of his village
Chapter #1

Let us begin

    by: Razgriz
The weather was cold and a strong wind blew threw the forest. It was already night and the rain hadn’t stopped since it had began early in the morning.
Sebastian or Bastian how his dear but sadly dead mother loved it to call him, was already on his way back into the little town he called home.
His long light brown coat along with his brown pants, the black simple leather shoes and his tan long sleeved shirt where completely drenched from the rain and with every step he did, crept the coldness of the awful weather more and more into his already of a disease weakened body.
“Dad…” He said as his weak legs gave away and he landed face first into the sodden ground. His hand searched for the bag in which he had gathered the pollen of a very rare flower which was the only hope for a cure for the people of his town.
He searched for it but he couldn’t found it. He moved his head and noticed the leather bag near the edge of the road that the mage had told never to leave.
The boy crawled over but the strong wind pushed it over the edge just before Sebastian could get it.
“Noo.” He cursed silent and with his last bit of energy, pushed himself further and also over the edge and good seventy feet down the hillside.
Sebastian rolled down all the way and hit branches and tree trunks several times on his way down.
His clothes were thorn from the sharp rocks and threes but he doesn’t care about it.
The boy looked up and saw his important freight not even and arm length before him.
He stretched his arm and finally felt the wet bag in his hand before he pulled it back at himself.
It was just then as the whole content began to fall out of it. The pollen he had collected for which he had cut his hands and fingers when he climbed up the long way at the mountain fell out of it. The only hope for his village…for his father…for him…was gone blown, and washed away from the wind and the rain.
“No! Nooo!! No god no!!“ Yelled Sebastian out of his lungs while he tried to grab at least some of it.
He opened his hand and looked into his palm and the little amount of the pollen he had managed to save before he closed it again.
Tears rolled down his tired face and mixed with the rain and dirt in it as he spotted something not very far away from him.
His vision began to blur as an effect of the disease which had already killed more then half of the village and he thought first that his mind played him a dirty last trick but no. It was a cave entrance and a very large one.
Bastian forced his legs and arms to move on while he began to cough badly. He made a few feet and collapsed until he tried it again. He saw the cave entrance clearly for a few moments before his vision began to blur again it was real and it wasn’t far away just a little more he thought but his arms and legs ran out of strength and his face landed again into the muddy ground.
It was then as a shadow, larger and bigger as most of the trees in the forest covered his body and a gigantic hand gently picked him up…

“Mom, look what I found outside.” Said Meena with a worried expression on her face as she entered the cave and hold the little creature up to her mother.
Karin, Meena’s mother was a truly giantess. With good sixty five feet in height, towered the female giant over nearly every tree in the Jotun forest. No creature was stupid enough to attack her or her daughter and there was enough food and water to live a calm and peaceful life.
Karin turned around from the fireplace where she was about to put in the last ingredient for a soup into a big steel pot.
“What did you found this time?” She said and smiled knowing that her little girl would often bring some wounded animals back home so she could cure them.
But as she looked at the tiny form of the human lying in the palm of her daughter’s hand, her expression changed in a second.
“Where did you found him?” She asked and Meena told her that he lay just before the cave entrance.
Karin grabbed at a cloth and formed it into a simple matters before she laid him on it.
“Meena go and get me another one quick.” She said while she began to undress him.
The giantess just had taken the wet coat away from him as she saw a blood drenched bandage around the right leg of the tiny guy. Karin shook her head as she looked into his dirty face and noticed that it was a child. He was maybe not even older as her own daughter.
She grabbed a bowl and filled it half with hot and cold water to get a nice warm bath for the tiny lad while she wondered why he was out here. Didn’t he knew that the forest was a deadly place for humans?
She had already taken his soaked vest and shirt of as the boy woke up in her palm.
“Hey.” Karin said soft and warm but he didn’t seem to recognize her as he tried to get up and as that didn’t worked, began to crawl.
Karin grabbed with her fingers at his waist to hold him in place and felt his tiny muscles weaken only a few seconds later.
“Calm down I don’t hurt you boy.” She said gentle but didn’t get any response from him as she turned him around and noticed that he still clenched his right fist tight and wondered why.
Karin opened his hand as gently as she could and noticed the little remains of yellow pollen in it.
She felt his forehead and immediately placed him into the bowl of warm water.
As Meena came back to the kitchen, she saw her mother searching in one of the cupboards.
She noticed the bowl and as she came near, she saw the tiny guy in it his body half covered in the warm water.
“What are you searching for mom?” She asked just as Karin found what she had searched for a brown clay pot.
“This here sweetie.” She said and put the pot on the table.
Karin opened it and used a spoon to get a good potion of the same yellow pollen out of it.
She held the spoon over the bowl with the kid inside and slowly gave the pollen in it.
“Is he sick?” Asked Meena at what her mother nodded her head without saying a word.
They both heard him coughing again and again and Meena looked worried on the little fella in the bowl.
“Don’t worry Meena the pollen will heal him. He just needs some time to rest.” She said and placed his drenched and cut clothes over a slim rope to let them dry.
Meena sat at the table and looked on the little guy in the bowl. She noticed his constant slim breathing and hoped that he would be okay.
It was the first time that she had seen a human in her life and she was very curious to get to know him better.
Maybe, they could even become friends with each other.

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