Path to this Chapter:
  1. The Last Arc To Be Written
  2. Where Are You
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1875455-Nothing-But-Horses-and-Vore/cid/2314288-The-Last-Arc-To-Be-Written
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Other · #1875455
Nothing but horses in this one. Everything goes as long as it is horse related.
This choice: You look for a place  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

The Last Arc To Be Written

    by: Animalistic
Life is full of surprises, you know that more than most, just a few months ago you where living in the small city of Viera and now you're looking to buy a ranch in Pennsylvania. It all started with the end of your third relationship in the past two months because you "weren't dedicated to it" as your ex's say, that along with the realization that college was nothing but a money trap to you lead to your want to get away from it all, to escape the chaos of modern life. So you spent your spring break in a small rural farming town alone, but as your break was coming to an end you found yourself looking at real estate instead of plane tickets. So now, here you are parked at a turnoff of some dirt road, hidden from the world under the light shade of old trees, waiting for your Realtor as the radio hums a quiet tune. It's been almost two weeks since you decided not to finish the semester and stay here yet despite it being a rash decision you've never been more happy, but there's a small problem. You're still living out of the same motel that you stayed in during spring break, and that trend seems to be going to continue as all the properties your Realtor has shown you that's in your price range - which isn't a lot- are, well, trash. They're either too close to the rumble of the interstate or crammed between larger properties and way too close to town. This is possibly the last plot of land in the zip code you haven't seen, and with the way things are going you might not get to see it. You had a tour scheduled for noon and you're still alone.

You glance at the red LEDs of your car's clock to watch as 12:59 becomes one o'clock, then 1:20, 1:30, and 1:40. You pull your seat's side leaver up and lean back with a *groan* as old strings stretch and gears grind together letting the backrest slowly bend back. You glance back to the clock to see that yet another minute has faded away. You spin the knob of your radio to stop the bombardment of advertisers that has over ran the soothing melodies of earlier. After spinning through the spectrum you stop on an ad for your Realtor, an announcer boldly says: "Looking to sell or hoping to find that dream house of yours? Then stop on in to Queens Realtors! Our dedicated staff can help you find whatever you're looking for, just call..." *click* the radio shuts off as you open your door and climb out. "Help you find your dream house" you repeat mockingly as you role your shoulders and look at your worn out car. Your mind is blank as a creeping suspicious of panic craws in your thoughts. Without hesitation you do a 180 and scan the woods for movement - you see nothing. Your mind now is haunted by this feeling of being watched and you freeze as the image of you turning back around to your car to see a huge beast with sharp yellow teeth and big black eyes sitting on your car enters your imagination. With a hard swallow and a clenched fist you turn back around to the car, only to see the still locked gate and the overhanging sign reading "JOHNSTON FIELDS" in old rotten wooden letters. You feel like a fool for getting so worked up over nothing but as you lean back against the side of your car you still can't shake of feeling of something watching you.

You have the following choices:

1. Wait For The Realtor

2. Go Exploring On Your Own

3. Someone Else Comes Along

4. Head Back to Your "Apartmemt"

5. Writer's Discretion

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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