Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1978636-The-Multiple-Misadventures-of-Rubbermaid
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1978636
the rubber heroine Rubbermaid finds herself in embarrassing situations fighting crime.

the rubber heroine Rubbermaid finds herself in embarrassing situations fighting crime.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
this story is based off of the works of Novice and other authors of the Rubber Maid Yahoo group.

Rhonda Mord AKA the rubbery heroine Rubbermaid, hero to many and amusement to the press. as a police officer she always hold the law up to the highest standard, though her impulse to rush into situations often leaves her in situations she cant always handle.
she wears a purple and white rubber costume made from the same rubber material that was fused into her body by The Boss during a failed arrest in a rubber factory. she has chocolate brown skin and black hair as well as an ample bosom. she often finds herself trapped by her villainous opponents in a multitude of ways. she has been turned into an inflatable ball, melted into a horse saddle, stuck under the carpet of a high speed elevator and even flattened, shrunk and fused to a missing person label on a milk bottle. needless to say, she has a lot of accidents.
Rubbermaid is of course weak to heat due to her rubbery skin. she is allergic to Ginko fruit. even the smell of it makes her lose control of her rubber powers, effectively paralyzing her or keeping her in whatever shape she currently is.
if she is stretched beyond her rubber limit she loses the ability to reform, stuck stretched out until she is melted down again so she can cool and reform from that new rubber glob.

Sparky: Rhonda's police partner. he tries to keep Rhonda out of trouble whenever he can, though she often runs off without telling anyone where shes going in the hopes of avoiding humiliation if she fails, so he cant always keep her safe.

The Boss: a typical gangster boss who always seems to find a way out of prison. Rubbermaid's first true villain he seems to have become obsessed with her. not always planning to get rid of her as much as find a way to keep her as a trophy.

Fric and Frak: two annoying pranksters that love to mess with Rhonda in the most humiliating ways. often leaving messages for the press to turn up and see her in whatever state they left her in. they never do anything to harm her, simply content to mess with her all the time. Rhonda would love to take them down for all the public humilation they have caused her.

Dr. Monomer: a mad scientist, often works with the Boss. he loves to experiment on Rubbermaid, hoping to find out her secrets. he sees her more as an elusive test sample than a person and treats her as such.

Tommy: Rhonda's annoying kid neighbour. he knows shes rubbermaid, he also knows her weakness to Ginko. he loves to play with her. if she refuses then he just turns her into something to play with. very inventive and mischevious, though occasionally he has come to her rescue. he likes his neighbour, he just wants to play.

MalLuscious: a magical woman, she loves to torment Rubbermaid. often using Tommy or others to play out her plans so that Rhonda wont have her guard up until its too late. she was the one who told Tommy how to turn Rhonda into a horse saddle, as well as providing him with the equipment to do it.

feel free to add new villians for Rhonda to meet.
1. Rubbermaid can't die!
2. no two line chapters unless its a bridge chapter, even then try to add to one of the choices you have made.
3. try not to end the storyline too quickly, she can always escape for more fun later

other than that, enjoy and have fun with it.

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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1978636-The-Multiple-Misadventures-of-Rubbermaid