Path to this Chapter:
  1. A Concerned Cat
  2. Pudgy Pie Peddler
  3. A New Beginning?
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2021745-Gothams-Weighty-Women/cid/2646133-A-Concerned-Cat
Rated: E · Interactive · Fanfiction · #2021745
an old-school weight gain interactive built around the women of Gotham City
This choice: Catwoman—that can't be Harley, right? She'd better check up on her!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #15

A Concerned Cat

    by: MightyHalberd
"I don't believe it!" Catwoman said as she watched the humongous Harley fill her TV screen. "What did that jester do to her?"


"Hush you," the cat thief said to the man hogtied below her feet. Emptying the remains of the jewelry store strongboxes into her bag, the cat thief hoisted the whole sack over her shoulders and turned her attention back to the tiny television that the jeweler set up in his office. The quality of the picture was grainy, but it did little to hide Harley's incredibly wide smile as she turned to the camera.

"I understand if many of you out there aren't willing to trust someone who played second fiddle to the Joker for so long," Harley sounded out the Clown Prince of Crime's name with a hint of venom but continued on with her statement. "But with the Happy Pie Baking Company, I hope I can convince Gotham that I am a changed woman..."

"You certainly have," Catwoman commented, taking note of Harley's button-straining cleavage.

"...and that, through this company, we can all grow and change together for the better."

"Thank you Miss Quinzelle," Vikki finished off, not even waiting for the cameras to switch off her before she brought out her pie again. "This is...nom...Vikki Vale for the Gotham News Network, back to you in the studio!"

Catwoman's brow furrowed as she made her way out the back door of her latest heist. With the Dark Knight away on Justice League business, Catwoman was making out like a literal bandit in Gotham, and she knew that there wouldn't be another night as good for thieving as this one in a while. Still, she couldn't shake a feeling of concern for the hippo-sized harlequin. She and Harley may not have been buddy-buddy back in the day before she blew up like a parade float, but they at least shared a mutual respect for one another, and was always there for Harley when she needed to get away from that wretched clown for a while. Was she really going to put her crime spree on hold to check up on her?

"Me and my bleeding heart," Catwoman sighed, planning out the fastest route from her safe-house to the pie factory as she ascended the side of the building.


"The GNN people have left the building, Miss Quinzelle."

"Thank goodness, I'm FAMISHED," Harleen said, undoing her hair bun and letting her blonde locks fall to the sides of her chipmunk cheeks. Her old accent came back a little bit now that she was off camera, but it still carried an air of refinement to it now that she was a big businesswoman, in every sense of the word. "We got a lot to get set up for tomorrow and I can't work when I'm hungry. Go ahead and bring in the cart."

"Yes ma'am."

Right on cue, the doors to Harleen's office opened as a pair of aides pushed a heavy cart loaded down with an insane amount of food, probably enough to feed a dozen normal people adequately but just a simple meal for the newly minted owner of the Happy Pie Baking Company.

"We got baby-back ribs, fried chicken, honey-baked ham, buffalo wings, pot roasts, mashed potatoes, and corn-on-the-cob with extra butter for you today, ma'am," one of the aides read off a list.

"Bit on the light side but it'll do," Harleen nodded approvingly. "And dessert?"

"Every single flavor of pie we have," the second aide said, gesturing to a second cart entering after the first.

"Very good," Harleen said, her mouth already starting to water. "I'll let you know if I want a second course, you may go now." The aides obediently left, and Harleen lifted herself from the chair and started to waddle over to the first cart before she stumbled; her fashionable high heels had snapped from her moving too quickly at her size.

"Not again," Harleen grumbled, kicking off the ruined shoes and finishing the trip. "I'll need to switch to flats from now on." Undeterred, Harley picked up the largest drumstick she could find and tore into it, all anxiety about the big opening day and replacing her footwear fleeing from her mind as she stuffed chicken and ham into her piggy little mouth. The joy of giving into her gluttonous urges was something that Harleen discovered long ago, back when she had that little accident with the pies. The chemical that made her want to stuff her face probably worked its way out of her system long ago, but by now Harleen didn't need it to gorge herself daily anyway. When she was sitting and stuffing her face until she was too full to move, the world just made sense again; her worries melted away and didn't seem to matter anymore, not the police, not Batman, not even her once beloved Joker. Yes, even the Clown Prince of Crime had taken a backseat to Harley's new mad love and grand obsession; eating like a pig.

Harley loved to eat, and she loved the effects that all of that eating had on her, from the mental to the physical. It was unnerving at first, watching herself gain weight at such a pace, but in time Harleen grew proud of her girth, seeing every extra pound split seam, and bursting button as Harleen taking control of her life at last. The skinny little nymph who pined after the homicidal dirtbag of a clown was long gone; in her place was a big beautiful woman in charge of her life at last!


Harleen lifted her head up from the ham she was messily chewing in alarm, letting out a soft burp. Turning around sharply, her expression lightened at the sight of Gotham's favorite cat burglar at her window.

"Selina, it's good to see you!" Harleen said gleefully. "Pardon the mess, a girl's gotta eat you know?"

"I see that," Catwoman said, pushing open the window and slinking inside. "Harley...what's going on?"

"Dinner," Harleen burped again, moving to the corn on the cob and eating it like a typewriter.

"No I mean...why the pie factory, what's your end game here?" Catwoman asked.

"You mean why am I so fat, don't ya."

Selina turned a little red upon being called out. "Well, I didn't want to say, but...you've grown."

Harley laughed. "It's fine, Catty. I'm proud of being this big anyway." Catwoman, briefly surprised, gave herself a moment to breath as she drifted to the other side of Harley's food cart, glancing at the tears appearing in her smart skirt as it started to fail in containment of her thunder thighs.


"Mhm! I've finally taken control of my life, Selina!" Harley declared through an unhealthy amount of mashed potatoes. "I'm striking my own course and I'm happy with the choices I've made. Nothing has made me happier then just eating as much as I wanted to, and every pound I gain means I can just eat more and more. And I want everyone to experience that feeling, Selena."

Catwoman was so perplexed by this change she didn't realize that Harleen had picked up one of the pies.

"Uh, Harl?"

"These have a little bit of the same substance that made me what I am today, Selina," Harleen said, a dangerous expression on her face. "How would you like to be a changed woman too?"

"Uh, I'm fine, thank you," Selina said hurriedly, backing towards the open window.

"Come on Selina," Harleen pleaded, lifting up her belly and letting it plop over her knees, knocking loose a button or two. "Don't you want one of these?"

"I need to stay in shape to be a thief, Harley," Catwoman stalled, her eyes planning an escape.

"Well, maybe I can convince you otherwise!" Harley announced, getting ready to hurl the pie in Catwoman's direction.

You have the following choices:

1. Catwoman gets a pie in the face!

2. Catwoman makes a hasty retreat!

3. A third party intervenes!

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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