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  1. Shrunk by a Scoundrel
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2274099-Smaller-in-Pelican-Town/cid/3250359-Shrunk-by-a-Scoundrel
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by TGA666
Rated: GC · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2274099
Your life takes a turn as you shrink around Stardew Valley girls. Macrophile story
Chapter #1

Shrunk by a Scoundrel

    by: TGA666
It had been a long day of farming, you watered your lineup of crops in the morning, spent a few hours in the mine, and decided to spend your last few hours before bed harvesting some wood in the deep woods.

As you walk into the thick brush, you hear a faint chuckling, and right as you poke your head around a tree to investigate,
A massive branch swings at your face, knocking you off your feet as your surroundings fade to black.

When you wake, you can tell you're still lying on the dirt of the forest floor, but when you try to get up, you realize your legs and arms are bound to the ground by thick vines. You're suddenly alerted by the sound of cheerful humming at your feet.

You look down to see a feminine figure, no more than 5 inches tall, looking like she jumped straight out of a children's book, with translucent blue butterfly-esque wings, a short dress that seemed to be made out of leaves and other debris from the forest floor, and a sadistic smile that immediately put you on edge.

"Took you long enough to wake up!" The fairy says, flying up towards your chest. As she got closer, you could've mistaken her for a doll, and not just for her size alone, as her skin was nearly plastic smooth, and her curves were exaggerated to near cartoon proportions.

"What are you?" you ask the girl, knowing all too well the answer, just not being able to grasp the fact this fantasy creature was right in front of you.

"The name's Pheobe, I'm what you humans call a fairy, and you just happened to fall right into my trap." She says, tapping her fingers together like an evil mastermind

"Your trap? Aren't fairies supposed to be friendly creatures?"

"Some are, haven't you noticed sometimes your crops seem to magically age like 10 days overnight? That's my doing, but today I'm bored, so you get to be my little experiment!" She cheers, beaming at you, flying 3 inches from your face.

"Experiment? What do you mean experiment?"

"Well, as I mentioned, us fairies have the ability to rapidly grow living things, but I've never tried doing the exact opposite."

"Wait, you're going to shrink me?" You say, helplessly flailing in the binds in some attempt to escape.

"Stop resisting, you're much weaker than me, and soon you'll be weaker than EVERYONE!" Pheobe said before chuckling sadistically.
She then closes her eyes, puts her hands together, and you see her begin to glow until she suddenly jerks her arms at you, and millions of glowing yellow particulates pelt you in the face, as you black out once more.

When you come to for the second time, you notice:
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2274099-Smaller-in-Pelican-Town/cid/3250359-Shrunk-by-a-Scoundrel