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Review #4282413
Viewing a review of:
 Who we are  [E]
We lie to become something else, in a world where we don't fit in.
by Fine but better dead
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Review of Who we are  
Review by Anonymous Reviewer
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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"Simply Positive Review Forum

Greetings, Fine but better dead

This is your local Simply Positive Reviewer, here! Your writing has been selected for review, as part of Simply Positive's mission to bring more light on Authors here at WDC!

First Impressions: "Who we are is a poem about pain: pain that seems to seep inside of the person in this poem (and not necessarily the author themselves). We take to mind that this work is about experience, about what people endure as they enter into - and somehow survive - their teens and what they have learned as a result of this traumatic period of time.

Overall Impact: I think this poem mirrors back the experience of many who have been traumatized by others in life. If only there were others around so that this person could have been able to discuss this with people that they knew and grew up with. On the other hand, there usually ARE people around, people within the family and such, who are only a simple phone call away.

It is one thing to feel traumatized, quite another to claim that there was no one around to hear about it. Either way, this poem could use a little bit of acceptance of responsibility. Most times in psychotherapy, therapists usually try to train people's focus off of the actual hurtful incident, and remind their charges that in order to move onward, a new re-focusing is in order.

Whether we actually desire to do so....or simply CHOOSE to do so, is oftentimes something that requires a change of heart.

I see no change of heart in the poem's last line.

Errors: There were no mistakes in this poem.

Summation: Altogether, one must consider the possibilities of why people feel the way they do, the manner in which they internalize their experiences. On a scale of 1 to 10, what might the person in the poem rate their lives to be worth if they had the choice to write poetry about things that happened in their lives that were pleasant, constructive, motivating?


Its when a person becomes completely focused on only what bad things happened to them, become obsessed by it, come unglued by it, do they sometimes, not always, realize that they need professional help. But since they have already shut the door on any possibility of getting the help they need, what Hope do they have at anything worth mentioning later on in life?

Once again, thank you for providing me the opportunity to read and review for Simply Positive; this also has been written in affiliation with
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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