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Review #4360468
Viewing a review of:
 Our Secret Chord  [18+]
The secret chord we play to please the Lord.
by Jacqueline
Review of Our Secret Chord  
Review by A Non-Existent User
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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"Simply Positive Review Forum

Greetings, Jacqueline

This is your local Simply Positive Reviewer, here! Your writing has been selected for review, as part of Simply Positive's mission to bring more light on Authors here at WDC!

First Impressions: Hello, and thank you for allowing me to read and review your wonderful experience of Faith in your work entitled:"Our Secret Chord. Everything told, I must admit, this auto-biographical story sounds a lot like mine! *Smile* (And even if it isn't auto-biographical, it STILL sounds alot like mine! *Laugh* ) Truth be told, Faith is there to be tested. It's not like some shiny, brand new item that we polish up from time to time ... ohh noo, I wouldn't think so. The World has so many ills, and people within it, that I really do not believe that it is possible for any one person to live an entire life without sin (unless one considers the biblical passages concerning Mary, the mother of Jesus.)

That said, I find this especially revealing! "Our Secret Chord is a testament to one's Faith being tested, tested in ways that there are no manuals for, no neat set of instructions to abide by. I so identify with this writing, for all of us, ALL of us have had the notion remain within our very souls that sometimes, we must take to heart the idea - if not the fact - that in order to be more God-like, more Moses-like, more Christ-like, more Muhammad-like ... will require sacrifice on our part.

And ... its never easy either...

Overall Impact: I loved this work because it reminds me that people's Faith honestly remains locked within their lives. And the world, ever-changing, truly brings with it a set of challenges that provide for our living within sets of rules and philosophies too. But do we accept them all? Can we accept them all? Do we live according to the Laws or....?

Errors: Yes, in a couple of places:

The author writes:

" I did not choose it, I shun it instead." The first half of the sentence appears to be past tense, the second half, present tense.

Would it be better if written -

" I did not choose it, I shunned it instead."

Not that it is wrong or incorrect, just thinking it might have better flow? *Smile*

And lastly, the author writes:

"The heart is all you need to be loyal and faithful to and your secret chord will find its way to where it belong."

I think the author meant to write " belongs" at the end of the sentence.

Summation: I must confess, this writing is very RELEVANT to this reviewer! I truly feel that those who hold dear their Faith in life are met up with challenges that most might not ever know...or even suspect. We truthfully are blessed though, we who self-examine our thoughts and minds and the things we say and write. I know I do. This writing is about effecting change in one's life - and yet, do we do it for us? Or for God? Our Higher Power, say?

But the best part of all of this is... the author finds belatedly that we who seek to effect change can do so... with a belated change of heart! *Heart* Right there is the key to all things, I think, that are spiritual, religious or items of Faith, no matter where one stands! THAT was and always shall be KEY, for in doing so, we understand as the author does is that we need not change things on the EXTERIOR of our lives, its the changing on the inside of our Spirit that makes all things new again! *Bigsmile* Isn't our God the one "that searches all men and women's Spirits?"

In closing, I find it completely relevant too, that if one can effect change within one's heart, one certainly thereafter might effect change within the soul too. I have no proof of this, and I well know that the soul is the realm of God. So... I look forward to the author's next story on Faith, to see what she has penned for all the world to consider! *Heart*

And, as always.......KEEP WRITING!!!!!! *Bigsmile*

Once again, thank you for providing me the opportunity to read and review for Simply Positive; this also has been written in affiliation with
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 09/11/2017 @ 10:25am EDT
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