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by Kagami
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1170741
Part 2 of The Fairy's Heart
Carrie looked up at the strange sight in disbelief. She stood up and slowly backed away from the pig,

"I'm dreaming, I have to be dreaming" She grabbed her hair and tugged at it, "Wake up, stupid, wake up"

"Is something the matter?" The pig looked at her oddly.

"Uh no, not at all" Carrie's tone was not at all honest.

"Wonderful, let us move on with the matter, I am Gorman, your servant, I will be...." The swine was cut off by Carrie,

"Whoa, my servant? Now I really know I'm dreaming." Carrie surveyed the beast. He was quite majestic looking for a pig. He stood on two legs and wore a blue tailored suit.

"Yes, your servant, I will be helping you out on your journey." Carrie looked at him in disbelief,

"Ok, I have a couple questions, why do I have a servant? what journey? and where the heck is James?!"
The pig snorted as her voice raised,

"Dear there is no need for shouting."
Carrie blurted out with an annoyed tone,

"Some answers please!"

"You have a servant because all royalty usually have them.." He was once again interrupted

"Royalty? I am not royalty, you got the wrong girl." Carrie started to pace towards the opening of the cave, Gorman stopped her,

"The pendant, you wear the Fairy's Heart around your neck. You are the Princess Yami."

"I'm no princess!" Carrie tried to move around the overgrown pig, "Now tell me where James is and I'll be on my way"

"I'm afraid your friend was seized by Empress Kunai, the ruler of this world. Which leads me to your journey, you will have to bring him back, to fulfill the prophecy"
Carrie looked mad,
Oh great, James has been kidnapped, I have to fulfill some prophecy and there's a pig talking to me" She mumbled.

"Pardon?" Gorman looked at Carrie oddly but just sighed and started towards the entrance of the cave, "Follow me mistress"
Carrie didn't want to go but seeing as she didn’t have much choice, she sighed and followed him. She waddled up beside him with her arms crossed,

"What exactly is going on?"
The pig chortled but started to speak

"For some years, Kunai has ruled this land notoriously. There was a prophecy foretold about the Princess of Darkness and the Fairy's Heart returning to save the peoples of this world. Kunai doesn't want this to happen so she will do anything to stop the prophecy from coming true and having her rule overthrown."

"Why did she take James then?" Carrie looked down at the pendant, it had stopped glowing.
Because, it's love that will ultimately overcome her." The beast smiled at Carrie. She took a couple steps before she realized what he was talking about.

"Hey! What's that supposed mean?" She blushed, "Me and James aren't in love, we're just friends!"

"Humph, Whate'er you wish to believe milady." Gorman chuckled as they stepped out into the light of day. The mouth of the cave opened up to a vast field of grass, this was when it occurred to Carrie. This isn't the forest, I'm not even sure I'm on earth, how will I get back home? Carrie thought.

"Something wrong?" Gorman looked down at Carrie.

"Uh, where exactly are we?" Carrie had a look of worry on her face.

"Why, you are in the land of Dreams." Carrie brightened up a bit,

"I, I was right, I am dreaming! This means all I have to do is wake up!"
The pig had a solemn look on his face,

"There is only one problem with your theory, you didn't enter this land through sleep, you entered through a portal. You will not be able to return until the portal reopens." Carrie went cold.

“Will I ever be able to return?" She gasped collapsing onto the soft ground.

"You will when your purpose here is done, you must fulfill the prophecy to return." Gorman seemed a bit pleased. Carrie sighed and fell back onto the soft dirt,

“Great, just great!” She yelled sarcastically into the air.

“Princess, we must return to the city” He looked down at the young girl in disbelief. How am I to believe this girl will redeem us all? He thought. Gorman sighed and carried on walking. Carrie lifted herself up from the ground and followed the beast.

“My name is Carrie” She stated softly. Gorman glanced back but kept walking. They came to a small tree in the middle of the fields. The brute put his hoof up to his mouth and whistled. After a moment Carrie heard the sound of hooves beating against the ground. Over a small hill came a beautiful black mare. Carrie stood awestruck, the horse was absolutely amazing. The mare trotted up beside the two and stood still.

“This is Aki, she will be your means of travel on this journey” Carrie was overcome with joy,

“I get a horse? My very own horse?!” Carrie approached Aki and stroked her gently.

“You do know how to ride don’t you?” The pig asked with a hint of doubt on his voice.

“I’ve been riding since I was five, of course I know how. I lived on a farm you know.” She gave the pig a stern look. She mounted the horse proudly, “What about you, oh what was it? Mr. Gorman?” The pig glanced up at the girl,

“I’ll walk, but thank you for your concern.” Carrie seemed unsure that the animal could walk very far, he was fairly large after all. Gorman started pacing across the grass. Aki trotted along behind him. Deciding that it would be awkward in silence Carrie started questioning the beast,

“Hey, um, how old are you?” Carrie asked. He stopped walking for a moment and smiled,

“If you must know, I’m 507 earth years, I’m guessing you are about 15.”

“I’m 16 today thank you very much.” Carrie mumbled with an irritated tone .

“Ah, a celebration is in order when we arrive.” Gorman smiled and walked with his hooves clasped behind his back, he looked surprisingly proud for a beast like him.
There were a few minutes of silence, until Carrie asked,

“How can you expect me to go on some great journey? And what exactly is this prophecy?”
Gorman stopped walking for a moment and looked up at Carrie,

“I expect nothing from you, I believe in the end you will choose to go on your own. I’m here with you only as a guide. You could always forget about saving your friend or this entire world for your own selfish purposes.” Gorman carried on walking with a small grin on his face.

“Hey! I’m not selfish, I’m just saying how can you expect someone like me to do something this important? I mean what if I screw up and destroy everything?”

“I was thinking the same thing when I first laid eyes on you” The pig chuckled a moment and then continued, “But you have to remember, the Fairy’s Heart chooses the person who will be strong enough for the task.”

“I don’t think I‘m…” Carrie was cut off,

“You have inner strength.” Gorman said anticipating her response. Changing the subject Carrie looked down at him and asked,

“So where exactly are we going?” Aki’s trotting was like music that eased the awkwardness.

“Luna City, a beautiful place, you can see the main gate from that hill up ahead.” Carrie looked up to find a large hill in the distance ahead. They walked for awhile until they reached the top of the hill. Carrie was awestruck at the sight. Lying before her was a most astounding view. She could see a huge lake and in the middle was a large island with the city on it. There was one bridge in and out, the entrance of the metropolis was guarded by two enormous doors. The buildings were magnificent as well. They were like sky scrapers only round. They had a pearl color to them but looked pinker in the setting sun. Each tower was topped with a gold dome. Cascades of water were falling from various windows in the towers.

“Is that real gold?” Carrie was breathless.
“What else could it be?” He laughed. They descended down the slope and across the plain that separated them from the lake. Before they arrived at the bridge, Gorman stopped Carrie for a moment.

“There have been many rumors about your arrival. Do not be surprised if people stare and want to know things. Also, your clothes are quite strange.” Gorman said with a smile on his face, though there seemed to be warning in his expression. Carrie grew more excited every time Aki took a step on the bridge. The doors guarding the entrance were breathtaking. They were the same pearl color as the buildings only they had incredible carvings of Rowan trees on the doors. The notches of the picture were lined with gold leaf.. Gorman pulled a chain from around his neck off his shoulders. There was a key on the chain. He put his hoof to a leaf on the door, and spun it up to reveal a key hole. He inserted the key into the hole and turned it clockwise three times. He removed the key and put it back around his neck. He replaced the leaf over the keyhole. There was a moment of silence and then a great roar came from the doors. They slowly opened to reveal an entirely different world. It was a utopia of water and gold. Everywhere she looked, Carrie could see small canals of flowing water. The streets were lined with a mosaic of white and gold bricks.

“Good to see you again Mr. Gorman!” Yelled a man from the street. Carrie looked over to find a man dressed as what seemed to be soldier pacing towards them. Gorman raised his arm as the soldier approached him.
“Good day Miles.” Gorman stated as he waved. They shook hands, the soldier looked up at Carrie sitting atop the horse. Carrie suddenly felt very exposed and jumped off the horse. Miles whispered into the pig’s ear,

“Is this the Princess? She looks quite young, and is dressed strangely.” Gorman smiled in response. Miles looked up and addressed Carrie, “Fair princess may your stay in Luna City be pleasant, and I will do all to help you on your quest.” Carrie looked annoyed, she opened her mouth to talk, but Gorman spoke before she could,

“She doesn’t speak much, besides we must be off to her quarters.” He pulled on Aki’s reins,

“Come along princess.”

Carrie’s brow furrowed as she mumbled,

“Don’t call me princess you swine” She hoped no one had heard her. Carrie marched behind Gorman as he led her through the town. So many people stood and watched the spectacle, whispering and muttering as Carrie walked by. She caught some of the chattering,
“She looks far to young to be the Princess Yami”

“Why is her hair so dark? Why are her clothes so odd?”

“Beautiful.” Carrie’s head bounced up at this remark, she looked over and found a blonde-haired boy staring at her, her age she assumed. Their eyes met and he smiled. Carrie tried her best to smile back, but the level of stress she was under made it almost impossible. The boy disappeared into the crowds, and Carrie lowered her head again. She felt like a prisoner being led down a walk of shame. The crowds thinned out around them and Carrie assumed they were getting close to her “quarters”. Gorman stopped with Aki at a golden gate. Carrie wasn’t really paying attention and almost bumped into him. He took out the same key again and put it in a keyhole in the gate. Although this time he only turned the key twice. He pushed the gate open and Carrie looked up to find a beautiful garden before her. There were trees and flowers everywhere. Rosebushes were everywhere and the scent was intoxicating. They walked along a golden path until Gorman stopped at an intersection in the path.
“I have to put Aki in her stall, keep going straight until you reach the door.” He started to turn left on the path.
“Hey wait, you’re leaving me all alone!? ” Carrie tugged at his jacket.
“You’ll be fine, Nana will greet you at the door, just keep going straight.” Carrie let go as he stepped away. He led Aki out of Carrie’s sight.
“You’ll be fine, just keep going straight. ‘Until you reach the door‘ Pft what is that? There are like a billion doors around here!” Carrie kept saying to reassure herself and release some anger. She started walking along the path. About 10 minutes later, a door was in sight. Carrie relaxed a bit now that she knew she didn’t somehow get lost. She approached the door and found a knocker hanging on the gold door. Carrie lifted the knocker but before she could actually hit the door, it had opened. Standing in the door way was a short, stout woman who looked to be about the age of 50. Her rosy cheeks illuminated her face as she smiled at Carrie.

“Do come in deary” The woman grabbed Carrie’s hand gently and escorted her in,
“Oh we’re so excited to have you in our presence, I am Nana, your maid.” Nana took a step back and examined Carrie, “Give us a twirl sweetie.” Carrie rotated very clumsily. “Now I know you can do better than that.” Nana’s brow furrowed. Carrie decided not to make the woman mad, she already assumed that Gorman hated her. She decided to do a simple twirl from ballet. Carrie pivoted on the ball of her foot and did it perfectly, and Nana’s chubby face lit up again in a smile.

“There’s our girl, you have a beautiful figure, I’ll have clothes made for you in no time.”


“Well of course, we can’t let you go out in rags like that.” Nana smiled and called for someone else, “Myra!”. A woman who looked about 17 rushed into the room and bowed before Carrie and Nana,

“Yes ma’am?” Myra managed to get out, she seemed very nervous. Carrie put her hand on the shoulder of the nervous girl and raised her from her bowed position. Myra almost fainted when Carrie did this,

“Lowers shouldn’t be touched by royalty, it’s considered improper” Nana said giving Myra a scolding type look. It was as though the grandmother type of person Carrie had seen before had disappeared and now Myra was her target for punishment. Carrie budded in before Nana could do anything,

“I’m sorry I didn’t know, don’t punish her for my actions.” Carrie pleaded. Nana gave Myra one last look of contempt and then turned to Carrie,

“Myra, lead the Princess to her room.” Nana ordered and then turned and left the room.

“I’m sorry Myra, I didn’t mean for you to get in trouble.” Carrie gave her a look of sympathy.

“Royals never apologize to lowers either, now please come with me.” Carrie followed the nervous woman to the center of the large room they were standing in. There was a golden pole in the middle which seemed to lead all the way up to the ceiling (which Carrie couldn’t see). There was a tube like crystal structure surrounding the pole, and a silver platform that made up the floor. Myra reached out for a little chain with a diamond hanging off the end and opened a door to the tube.

“Please step inside.” Myra motioned with her hand for Carrie to enter the structure. Carrie took a step in cautiously and walked to the opposite side of the tube. Myra then stepped in a closed the door. There was plenty of room but Carrie still felt claustrophobic. There were two chains, like the one to the door, hanging from the ceiling. Myra yanked on one and the entire crystal tube wretched up. Carrie squeaked out of surprise, and Myra couldn’t help but smile a little.

“I’m so afraid of heights, please tell me my room isn’t too far up.” Carrie said looking paler than usual.

“I’m afraid your room is at the very top.” Myra sighed, so did Carrie. Of course, thought Carrie. As they moved higher and higher Carrie finally noticed her surroundings. The entire building was basically a giant tube. The same theme of white and gold rang throughout the building. A staircase spiraled up the side and led to the multitude of rooms in the tower. A platform extending from each floor led to the elevator tube that Carrie was riding in now, probably used for stopping off at different floors.

“Oh man, I would hate to have to climb those stairs!” Carrie exclaimed. Myra looked over at the strange girl and responded

“I have to trek them daily.” Myra looked down at her hands, they were red and callused.

“I’m sorry, why can’t you just use this thing?” Carrie looked sympathetic.

“Only royals and their personal servants can ride this.” Myra looked up at Carrie, “You will get to choose a personal servant tomorrow morning.”

“Oh.” Carrie looked sad all of sudden. They didn’t speak after that. The elevator finally stopped at the top floor, right near the ceiling. Myra opened the door and Carrie stepped out. The two walked across the platform to the floor. Myra opened the door in front of them and Carrie stepped in. She was breath taken at the sight.

© Copyright 2006 Kagami (wolvenjezeriah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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