Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1173988-High-School-In-CollegeWTF
Rated: 13+ · Monologue · Drama · #1173988
My views on what college can be like with the wrong people!
so if i knew that college was going to be just like high school with a few more beers and a few more times of going to class drunk i would have saved my couple grand and gone on a vacation! its like damn, you got the peppy girls who are all about the school work and jocks,,,and the geeks who are all up in the library like 24/7 and you still got the girls who try to make your business everyone elses and are astonished when in the mist of things all their shady shit comes out! you gotta love Karma! youd think that these people would realize that there is more to life then being sterio-typical and just down right predictable! College is a time to experience new things...not to be an angry teenager locked up in thier room because guys are assholes, to go and see whats so apealing about older guys instead of trying to be all holy and self righteous (which we all know is one fucked up front)! people need to go and have fun and need to stop living in high school....because in the real world...no one cares if you can talk shit online...or if you can still start shit period! all that people really notice is if you gotta nice set of boobs and are a happy person....so lets just all be happy cuz you can fake boobs with a wonderbra, but if you gotta shitty outlook on life you might as well save the $22.50 on the Wonderbra and take up black as the predominate color in your wardrob because no one likes an angry teenager!
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