Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1600242-Fantasy
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1600242
A married woman hears from an old flame
  “I need to see you tonight.  6PM Flannaghan’s Bar on Church Street, tell me you will come.” Kelly stared at the phone.  How could she agree to meet Dan for a drink?  She was married and had kids.  Could she go and meet Dan and still come back to her husband?  How had she gotten to this point?

  It all started weeks ago.  She was lying there beside her husband of 20 years after some great sex.  Bill asked “honey, is there anyone in your past that you wish you had been closer to?”
  It had seemed an odd question, but in the afterglow she replied, “Well, I always loved Dan in high school.  We were too young for sex when we were dating, but I wanted to.  Then I met you and we got engaged.  Not long after it was announced Dan showed up at my house, he asked me out but I told him I was engaged and couldn’t see him any more.  I always wondered what would have happened if I had gone to see him.”
  Bill was slightly shocked sure he had heard of Dan before, but never knew they were that close.  They had a very open life and often talked of past partners.  He never new Dan had come looking for Kelly though.  He kept up his part of the conversation for the time it took for Kelly to drop off to sleep.  He kissed her gently and dropped off to sleep himself.
  Kelly awoke the next morning and busied herself with her housework.  Bill was at the office and was not going to be home until 6.  She spent the day cleaning, straightening up a few things and then in the afternoon she surfed the net a bit.  The kids would be home from school in an hour and they would undoubtedly troop off to the computers they had for homework, games and chatting.  Kelly logged into her Facebook account.  She liked this site since it allowed her to see photos of friends and family and see where they had been on vacation.  Her inbox showed a new e-mail so she opened it.
  The e-mail said ‘Thought about you’ and it was from Dan.  Hesitantly she opened the e-mail.  And read through it.  Dan talked about how long it had been since they had talked.  He was divorced with two children.  He was looking through some old photographs and found one of her at the fall fair with him.  He had scanned it in and included it in the e-mail.  He even gave his address and telephone number.  He lived close, only 30 minutes away.  Her mind drifted thinking about the photograph.
  They had been 15 and were in love.  That summer they practically lived together, they talked on the telephone last thing before sleep and met again as soon as they woke up each day.  Dan lived 5 doors down the street.  Days were spent holding hands and kissing.  Occasionally he would slip a hand into her top and feel her breasts.  A few of times when they were lying in the field near his parents farm she slipped her hand into his pants and felt his hard penis.  Twice she had pulled it out and stroked it until he came.  He had urged her to take it into her mouth but she just couldn’t do that.  At the time it seemed so gross, if only she had.  She thought about those times he had slipped his hand into her panties and rubbed her to orgasm.  She found she was getting excited and her hand dropped to her crotch and started to trace the outline of her lips through her panties.  She closed her eyes and remembered how his fingers had felt and how hot his penis was in her small hand.  Slowly her fingers slipped inside her panties and she flicked her fingertips across her swollen clit.  She thought of how his penis would have felt if she had only let him slide it inside her, her hand worked faster as she imagined him doing things she never let him do to her.  Suddenly she exploded in orgasm, her juices flooding over her hand.  Slowly her shudders subsided and she was able to regain control of herself.  She looked at the screen with her hand still inside her panties.  ‘What do I do?’ she thought. 
  She left his e-mail unanswered for two days, and then she decided she was being silly.  He wouldn’t still want her; she was old and had changed since they dated.  Opening her mail she replied ‘Hi Dan, nice to hear from you.  It has been so long.  I am sorry to hear about your divorce, that is always a shame.’  Then to be nice she said ‘When you are in town drop me a line, perhaps we can meet for drinks or something.’  That is just polite, he won’t be in town and even if he is after so long he will not be interested in a 40-year old woman.
  Three days later she was on Facebook again and there was a reply from Dan.  ‘Kelly so nice to hear from you.  I have been thinking of you often lately.  I was a fool to let you get away.  I happen to be in town tomorrow, perhaps we can meet for coffee at Starbucks on Main St.?’
  ‘Why not?’ she said to herself, it is coffee and in a public place.  ‘OK’ she wrote back see you at 2?’
  At 2 PM she sat is Starbucks drinking her coffee and watching everyone coming through the door.  Then he entered, he was older, but very handsome and he looked good.  He turned and seeing her looking a wonderful smile broke out on his face.  Those blue eyes cut into her and she felt herself getting damp between her married legs.
  “Dan.” She smiled and rose.  He rushed over and hugged her close, his strong arms wrapping around her in such a familiar manner.
  “Kelly! I am so happy you came.  I have missed you so much.  God you look wonderful.  Then again you always turned my head.  Can I get you something?”
  “Just coffee” she replied watching his tight rear as he stood in line.  ‘God woman what are you thinking?  Get a grip on yourself.’
  Dan returned and sat opposite her at the small table.  His hand snaked out and held hers as they talked.  He asked about what she had done since school, her kids, and her family.  Kelly found him as entertaining as he was when they were kids.  He looked into her eyes as they talked, his gaze rarely leaving hers.  His hand felt strong and warm holding hers.  He listened to everything and smiled as she told her stories.  Soon an hour had passed and she had to head home to be there when her kids came home, it was funny, but even though they were 15 and 16 they expected mom to be there.
  “Listen Kelly, I need to see you again.  Can I call you?”  He asked.
  It had been such a nice day she agreed.  “Sure, here is my number, call any time and we can talk.”  He stood and walked her to her car.
He reached over and opened her door then as she moved past to get in he leaned in and kissed her.  It was like a bolt of electricity, the shock ran straight from her lips to her pussy and nipples.  His tongue darted out and she opened her mouth giving him access.  She physically ached for him to touch her all over.  Her body wanted to press against him, to take him in where no man but her husband had gone in 20 years.  She pulled away and said, “No Dan, I can’t.  I am married.”
  “OK, I understand, it is just after talking today I needed to do that.  You can trust me, I won’t do anything you do not want me to.”
  ‘That’s the problem’ she thought ‘I so want to do those things’, but she said, “OK, as long as we have an understanding.”
  She arrived home and hurried in the door.  Much to her relief nobody was there.  She hurried to her room and grabbed her vibrator; the effect of Dan’s kiss was still with her.  She moved to the bed and pulled off her panties, ‘just a few rubs should do it’ she thought.  She started to rub her toy along her soaked lips.  In her mind she saw Dan, felt again his kiss, the way his tongue slipped into her mouth.  Heat built in her pussy.  Her fingers of her free hand rubbed her nipples.  Pinching slightly.  She wet her fingers in her mouth and rubbed her nipples.  Passion built higher.  Slowly she pushed her vibrator into herself.  In and out she moved it with increasing speed.  She turned the dial to a higher speed and pushed it deeper.  The rabbit tips brushed her clit.  She was on the edge of cumming and withdrew a little building the moment.  Again she moved it deeper.  Her orgasm was seconds away and she pulled it back.  She was going to have to cum soon though.  She pushed it in again and saw Dan above her pushing his huge penis into her.  Her orgasm tore a scream from her lips, she was certain she called out Dan’s name.  Ripples of pleasure washed over her, one, tow three, four times she clenched down as she came again and again.  She lay there exhausted the vibrator still buzzing away, little twinges running through her clit and pussy like after shocks from an earthquake.  She rubbed the vibrator around some more and felt her need growing again.  This time she let the passion build slowly thrusting in and out at a steady slow pace, each time the rabbit tips brushed her clit fluid would run freely from her.  It only took a short time for her fifth orgasm to rip through her.  She rose from the bed on unsteady legs and put her toy away.  Then she heard the kids outside.  She threw on a clean pair of panties and re-donned her discarded clothing.
  She immersed herself in her routine.  Bill came home and kissed her.  Kelly let her hands roam a little letting him know she was interested.  Bill snuggled some but with a peck moved on to his chores.  She was still ready for sex, but it seemed she would have to wait.  After dinner they sat and watched the news and some television.  Bedtime finally came and Kelly hurried up to their room, she stripped off her clothes and put on a nice nightie.  Bill came in and slid under the covers on his side of the bed.  Kelly reached out and touched him.  Her hand slid across his stomach and through his chest hair. 
  “Bill, do you have any regrets from high school?” she asked.
  “Not too many” he muttered, his hand sliding across her back.  “Why honey?”
  Kelly slid her hand lower, just moving through his pubic hair.  “Well you asked the other day and I was wondering.  I think there is always the one that got away you know.”
  “Well,” Bill stalled as her hand caressed the base of his penis, which slowly began to grow.  “Yes, of course there is one who got away, but we let them get away and found each other.  Obviously it just was not meant to be.”  His hips twitched as her hand gentle slid up and down along his shaft.  In her mind she pictured Dan lying beside her, his hardening shaft in her hand.  His pre-cum was being spread down his shaft by her fingers.
  “Still, I bet there are many girls you wonder about aren’t there?”  She asked as she slid lower in their bed.  Her mouth just inches from his erect manhood, “I mean, isn’t there one girl you wonder if you could have slept with but didn’t or didn’t try to?”  Her tongue darted out to taste the clear fluid pooling at the tip of his penis.  She again saw only Dan.
  Bill could barely concentrate on the conversation as he felt her hot breath on the head of his penis and her tongue flash over his head.  Thoughts of Dianne from his grade 11 Chemistry class filling his head.  “What are we talking about here Kelly?  Fantasy or reality?” 
  Her tongue flashed out along the side of his shaft “Who is she Bill?  Who did you miss in school?”  Her tongue swirled around the head of his penis drawing a gasp from his lips.
  “I told you about Dianne, she was hot, but we were dating and I would never have moved in on her.  I know she wanted me to, but I love you.”  He groaned as she took him deep into her mouth and sucked.
  “Is this what you wanted Dianne to do?  Lick and suck you?”  She drove her mouth down over his penis again and sucked him deep into her.  Imagining Dan’s expression as she sucked him she took his penis right to the edge of her throat and swallowed.  His stiff penis slipped into her throat, something she rarely ever did.
  Bill groaned, all of his thoughts on what was happening to his penis and the vague thought it was Dianne doing it.  It seemed only seconds passed until he exploded.  His cum shot out straight down the throat of his wife as she played with him.  Slowly he began to recover, his hands began to explore Kelly's body.  He teased her erect nipples with his fingers giving them little pinches.  His wandering hands eventually found her aching pussy.  He was amazed by how wet she was. 
  Kelly lay back and enjoyed the sensations of his course skin dragging over her sensitive nipples.  Slowly she spread her legs to give him access to her wetness.  All the while she imagined it was Dan caressing her, touching her as only her husband had in so long.  A gasp escaped her when his fingers first made contact with her swollen clit.  Her hips rose from the bed impaling herself on his hand as he moved around on the bed and she clamped her thighs around him when he ran his tongue down her slit.  'Oh to have Dan do this' she thought.  She pictured him as she had seen him earlier.  Kneeling on her bed, tonguing her innermost depths.  She had to cover her mouth as her orgasm tore through her.  Again and again waves of pleasure crashed over her.  Fluid ran freely out of her soaking the sheets.  Bill withdrew his tongue and still she came. 
  Bill found he was again erect, his thoughts still wandering between this woman he loved here beside him and Dianne.  He looked at Kelly lying with eyes closed and legs still spread wide.  He moved forward and rubbed the head of his penis against her opening.  She let out a small moan and Bill eased into her opening.
  Kelly lay there eyes closed imagining Dan with her.  When she felt the first touch of a penis at her opening she pictured Dan between her legs.  Slowly the penis entered her and it was heaven.  She saw in her mind Dan pushing into her, as he had never done.  She felt his push deeper, slowly building rhythm with her as his passion mounted.  Fluid leaked from her freely.  She was more aroused than she had been in years.  As the tempo increased she began to have small orgasms, one after the other.  Each orgasm was slightly more powerful than the last.  Then she felt the first spray of his cum inside her.  It was like her insides had been sprayed with lava, her own orgasm was triggered by his release and she physically sprayed her fluids out over her partner.  Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.  The picture of Dan in her mind faded.  Finally, after what felt like hours she slept.
  When she woke in the morning she was alone.  Her kids had gone to school, and Bill to work.  The phone rang it was Dan.  “I need to see you tonight.  6PM Flannaghan’s Bar on Church Street, tell me you will come.”
  “Dan… I’m married.”
  “Kelly, I made a mistake and let you get away before.  I can’t let that happen again.  I will be at your house in an hour.  Pack a bag and we can go away together for a few days.  Tell everyone you are seeing your sister.  We will fly to Las Vegas and spend some time getting to know each other again.”
  “Dan, that sounds wonderful and I am tempted….”
  “Please Kelly, I need you.  I need to see you, to touch you.”  Her stomach did a flip at his words.  She longed for him, to relive her youth.  Then it struck her, she was trying to recapture her youth this had nothing to do with her marriage. 
  “I am sorry Dan, I should have agreed to meet you all those years ago, but I am married.  I love my husband and can’t see you.  I am where I belong and am happy here.  It has been nice seeing you and talking, but it can go no further than this, I hope you understand.  We can stay friends, talk and e-mail but no sex.”  She hung up the phone.  When her husband came home Kelly met him at the door with a passionate kiss.  His favourite meal was ready, and his kids were out with friends.
© Copyright 2009 Mordrig (mordrig at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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