Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1783202-The-Nazi-Vampire
by Mika
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1783202
The title says it all

The weather was different in America. A warmer feel to it. Less smoke around, plus beautiful green trees filled the out skirts of the roads. Pensacola,

Florida was very beautiful. Perfect place to spy on their air fields as they practice. Yes, I was a German spy sent to spy on their hidden six air fields they tried to

hide from the public. Most people didn't even know they excised. That is why they sent a women to a man's job. To hide in the crowed to be unseen. I Elke Baldhild was

sent to be an American. I took the name "Alice Knight". Strong powerful American name. I faked all the documentation need to be an American leaving no trace of

Germany, or Hitler's soon to be rain, anywhere to be shown.

It was mid August in 1939 when I arrived in America. It was a warm setting but you could feel the cold coming in. I walked past the "Rex theater" and there in

the window was the poster for "The Wizard of Oz" plaster in the window. Now that was a step, a movie in black and white and color. Impressive. People were standing

around watching the new post office be put together. You could hear Billie Holiday playing on a radio by the construction workers. It was kind of catching for an

American singer. "Strange Fruit" i believe was the name of the song. I kept walking through downtown to get a feel of it. You could smell the ocean and the fish. Kind

of a calming smell. Trees swayed, people chattered, husbands and wife's fought.I walked down an alley to find my new place when something snuck up behind me.

Two days later, I woke up in a cold dark place. I couldn't smell anything but wrought. My eyes started to adjust and I could see in the dark. I was in a cold

shack in the middle of some woods. there were bodies piled in the back corner and they were the smell I couldn't take. I ran for the door and opened it, then quickly

shut it back. The sun burnt my flesh. I was unsure why. Then a soft woman voice came from behind me.

"Did that hurt?" the voice asked.

I looked down at my arm and it was healing. It did hurt but the pain and injury was disappearing. I turned to look at the voice and it was a woman wearing pants

and a button down shirt, staring at me. She was very pale and her hair was a golden blond. Her face carried and evil smile as she looked at me..

"Yes, it did hurt. Why did it hurt? Who are you and where the hell am I?" I asked her very agervatley.

"First off, we have manners. Try asking with manners and I might answer", she spoke sitting down in a chair at the table, crossing her legs.

"Excuse me ma'am, My name is Alice, and you are?" I politely responded, still annoyed.

"My name is Gail, and I am your maker," she responded.

"My maker, what does that mean?"

"It means, I am the one who created you to be the way you are now, and you'll forever have to follow my commands,"

"You are so full of shit. Whatever you did to me you need to fix because I'm ready to go. I have things to do!" I demanded.

"Sit down and shut up." she commanded.

I tried to not listen but my body made me. I sat in a chair and was unable to speak. My brain told my body to get up but I was unable to. she smiled and walked

around me.

"Now then, you are now one of the living dead. I believe they call us vampires. We can't go into day light, we feed on human blood and we always very luring

and no one can resist us. That's in a quick summary. Now you can speak," Gail said sitting back down.

"Um...really? This sounds so fake and like a boggy man story parents tell their kids to make them listen," I said laughing at her.

"Don't believe me, I'll show you,"

She went behind a curtain and brought a girl into the room. She bit her wrist and let the blood drip from the girls arm.

"Try and resist her blood. When you can't you may feed," she demanded.

I watched the blood drip from her arm. Nothing happened at first, then the smell of it over powdered me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. I sat her on

my lap and started licking the blood gentle and then I couldn't control myself any longer. My fangs came out and I sunk them into her flesh and drank. At first a pain

yelp came from her and then she moaned in pleasure. I grabbed her by the back of her head and sunk my teeth into her neck. My maker commanded me not to kill her or

drink to much so I obeyed. I pulled my fangs out and threw her on the ground. I felt every part of my body get warm. I enjoyed it and it scared me.

"Why the hell did you do this to me?" I quested Gail.

"You could smell the hate all over you. This way you'll get your hate out in other ways," She said with a laugh.

"This is wrong," I demanded.

"You'll get over it, maybe I just wanted you for a play toy," Gail said grabbing my hair.

"Ich hasse dich," I screamed at her.

"What the hell did you say to me" she screamed back at me pulling my hair tighter.

"I means I hate you in German, bitch," I told her with my fangs showing.

"You're German?" she questioned letting me go.

"Yes, since I'm stuck with you for all eternity you should know the truth," I laughed at her.

"That explains all the hate you have," she said sitting down.

Gail sat there and thought about things while she looked at me. I played with a piece of straw i found on the ground.

"Are you married?" she questioned me.

"No," I answered.

"Why are you here?"

"To spy on America of course,"

"Who sent you?"

"Germany obviously,"

"Will they be looking for you if you don't check in,"


"Then you will still spy and still do what you were sent to do," she demanded.

"Why would I do that, I'm dead,"I answered smartly.

"If you don't they will strike us here and we don't want that. I still want to play with my food,"

"Fine, but you will help me," I replied.

"Fine, now go to bed," she ordered.

"Okay, Hündin," I giggled as I walked to the closed off area.

"What did you call me?" She asked as she flew up to me and grabbed my hair.

"I called you a bitch,"

"No more German, only american or you'll get caught," she ordered letting go.

I shook my head okay and then went to the room. I couldn't stand her and she knew it. Why did she want me for her play toy? I was so unsure of what was going

on but I was stuck as a vampire so I decided to make the best of it.

I woke up to the smell of the night air. Maybe it was just a bad dream. I rolled off the bed and stood up. It wasn't a bad dream, there Gail was, getting all

gussied up to go out. She was putting on a black, slim dress on. It was a pretty dress too.

"Since you are awake, I should let you know some things that are about to happen to you," She told me turning around.

"Great, there is more?" I responded rubbing my eyes.

"Yes, you whole out look on life is going to chance. Your sex appeal will increase. People from all type are going to want you. You'll want them too. Your sex

urges are going to increase. You wont want to eat food, just people. Drinking will increase. You'll drink more. Also, you'll be attracted to different types of people.

Almost all of them."

"what is that suppose to mean?" I questioned.

"It's hard to explain, you'll just have to see."

I looked at her as she was crazy and got ready to go out with her.

"Okay, we are going to see 'The Wizard of Oz'. We are going to sit behind two people. we'll cover their mouth and grab them and eat them, then we'll leave and

you'll contact your contact and we'll start your mission," Gail demanded.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

We walked downtown to the "Rex Theater" and got our tickets for the movie. We stood in the back and spotted our pray. There were two lonely girls in the second

row to the back. We quietly sat behind them. They were watching the cartoons in the begin so they didn't even notice us. Gail and I had sat up our cue in the begging

on when to attack.

The movie started so we watched for a lil while and I started to smell the girl in front of me blood pumping from the fear of the witch. It was hard not to

attack. Gail saw my fangs start come out and she held my hand down. I couldn't even fight her hand. She truly was stronger than me. A few minutes later she locked her

fingers with mine and was holding my hand. That was very strange to me but I did not even want to pull away.

Into the middle of the movie the cue was signaled and we grabbed their mouths and pulled them with us into out seats and we drank them and then we calmly

walked out of the theater and back to the shack we went. Blood flowed through my veins again. Every part of my body warmed and I was on a high. I was horny and so

unsure what to do.

"Contact your contact," she demanded.

"Do you trust me to return?" I questioned her.

"You have no choice," she laughed.

I left and met up with my contact Neil. He was also a german converted into a American. But his purpose to serve me as an contact and just that. He told me a

few location to check out and I gave him no information other than I have a safe location as a cover. Than I left.

On my walk back, I got hungry again. I saw this late construction worker, working alone on the post office so I walked into the site. He saw me and I smiled,

no fang showing, smile.

"Hi," I said to him.

"You're not suppose to be in here," he told me.

"I know, but you were cute working on this I just wanted to watch you work for a minute," I told him sitting down on a cinder block.

"Okay, but only for a minute,"he responded.

He started working again. I guess Gail was right, people would be attracted to me and have a problem resisting me.

"Take your shirt off, I wanted to see your muscles," I told him, touching his arm.

He took his shirt off and it didn't turn me on like it use to. I thought kissing and touching him might work. I kissed him and rubbed on his chest but that

didn't work either. He touched me and I got disused. I broke his neck and then drained him and left back to the shack.

"Gail," I yelled for her.

"What?" she asked coming out of the back room.

"I don't like men! Why did kissing and touching one not turn me on?" I asked her angry.

"I told you things would change. Maybe he wasn't your type. You can always try new things and see what works," she giggled at me.

"Well, I killed him. I'm angry and go to bed. See you tomorrow night," I told her and pouted to bed.

I no longer had dreams. I didn't have fantasist. I didn't even know why.
© Copyright 2011 Mika (mika220 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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