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by DRE
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1864254
A simple ,yet perplexing word
Seems simple enough, that word. But change the inflection and it takes on a meaning all it’s own
Like , say a simple question. Why is the sky blue ? Simple. BUT add a different inflection and WHY takes on a whole new meaning…. WHY YOU DIRTY SOB. See what I mean. Not exactly a question now is it. And WHY does not have to be spoken. Like the WHY “look”, Say you scold child, or the look in a former lovers eyes that burns right through you. Can, once again, take on a whole new meaning.
Reminds me of an exam I took getting my post graduate degree. The professor said…” and this is the final exam” He wrote one word…….WHY. Now if I was a theological student I most likely would have said “ Because” and then go on to write a lengthy dissertation on God ,and creation and all the other great mysteries of life. Not I. My degree was in implied mathematics , and you surely most know we geeks love a challenge.
Well sure enough ,I looked around and noticed everyone wanted to write as much as they could in the ensuing two hours. Not me. And WHY ? (there’s that word) Because , in my somewhat warped brain the answer seemed so logical , so simple so…..mundane .Too easy I thought . Got to be a catch here somewhere . But the professor was long gone , leaving us unfortunates to ponder that great mystery.
So I did the only thing that I thought was natural. Sat back and chewed on my pencil. Just like I’m sure quite a few of you would do. ( now I know you already know the answer to this one.) And just like the true mathematician I am I answered the question ,that may well be the very first question ever asked , with what I perceived to be an absolutely fool proof answer. I answered it with another question….
Aced the test !

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