Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2031874-Winter-Holiday
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2031874
A couple stay warm together on their alpine holiday with some romantic lovemaking.
          The microwave hummed before him, spinning the two mugs around in a slow dance. He waited, wandering the small kitchen; occasionally stretching and then spinning on his toes as if performing a rather casual interpretive dance routine.
         The microwave chimed. After retrieving the mugs and their warm contents of milk; in each he dropped a portion of chocolate hanging on a small wooden rod. The smooth cocoa began to melt and swirl in the milk as he carried the mugs to the living room. Turning the corner, he came to an abrupt stop in the doorway and smiled. His sweetheart was perched on the rug in front of the sofa, wrapped in the same furry blanket that she was cloaked in when he left to the kitchen. The difference though was the condom she held between her teeth, one of several they had thrown in with the luggage.
         "I'm cold babe. Can you come keep me warm?" She said, blinking at him seductively. The words came around the wrapper sounding more like “Erm ceerd berb,” although she still managed to get her point across.
         He giggled. "It might be because you lost your pants silly," he said, noticing that she had already laid her pants and frilly pink panties aside. The heating wasn't the best in their friends alpine holiday house, the fire crackling in the room added more to the atmosphere than the temperature. He didn't mind at all though if this was her plan for keeping warm.
         Kneeling down beside her, he put his hot chocolate on the coffee table while she took hers and stirred it. She watched him intently as he slid his thumbs under the elastic of his pants and pulled down ridiculously slowly, swinging his hips in his attempt to tease her. She doubled over laughing at his display, almost spilling her chocolate, and then shoved him over backwards. After quickly putting her mug aside she attacked and wrestled his pants down his legs. Lying over him, she waited till their laughter settled a little before pulling more slowly at his underwear. His member popped free, continuing to grow, and she poked at it with her nose as they smiled at each other.
         "Come sit in my lap," he said, moving his back around to rest against the sofa. Taking one of the small cushions from behind him, he placed it over his crossed legs so she had a more comfortable spot to sit. She scooted over and climbed on, wrapping her legs behind him. She could barley resist rubbing her tingling sex along his as they pressed together but she knew they had their hot chocolate to enjoy first.
         "Comfy?" He asked, once he'd thrown the blanket around them, wrapping them together in a warm cocoon.
         "Mmm, Very comfy." They giggled together as she allowed herself one little rub along his shaft, feeling it throb against her. She wriggled her toes at the feeling. He kissed her as she settled down on the pillow, then reached out to collect their mugs.
         "Don't spill it on yourself." He said. He paused a moment, handing her mug over, then added, "Or I'll have to clean you up." He licked at her face causing her to make a happy little squeal.
         "Cheeky." She chided, giggling into her mug. They sat together for some time, listening to the fire and enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies as they sipped at their hot chocolate.
         "Your snowboarding is going to get better than mine soon at the rate you're learning." He said after a while.
         "I still keep falling over though," she said, "my butt hurts like hell."
         "I fall over a bit as well. The best thing is though that you haven't gotten frustrated yet. I remember the second time I was snowboarding all my stresses got the better of me. I ended up having a breakdown and just gave up for the rest of the trip."
         "That doesn't sound like you," she said. She had known him to be more steadfast.
         "That's because I have you now," he said, moving a little closer. "How could I feel any stress when I'm with you?" She gazed at him, her body tingling not only from their physical closeness but from the pure love between them. He kissed her.
         "I'm really that important to you aren't I?"
         "Always," he replied. After wallowing in each other's smile for a time he held up the blob of semi-solid chocolate from his mug to her. She purred, licking at the chocolate and letting it melt into her mouth. Soon they were laughing together as they shared each other's chocolate. He lent in to lick up a dribble of warm confectionery from the side of her mouth, keeping his word that he would keep her clean.
         Finishing the last of her chocolate she peered at him over her mug. He noticed her mischievous expression. "What are you scheming up beautiful?" He asked.
         "Hold this," she said, handing him her mug. "And don't finish your chocolate yet." Reaching behind under her shirt she quickly had her bra, which matched with her panties, thrown aside. "You said you'd clean me up if I get dirty right?" She said, then pulled her top up over her breasts and took his blob of chocolate off him.
         "Now who's the cheeky one," he said, giggling a little, while he covered their legs again with the blanket which had fallen from their shoulders. The runny chocolate glistened in the soft light as she lathered it across her nipple, smiling at him and licking her lips seductively. Once finished she lifted the stick from her breast.
         "Ah ah, not yet." She pressed her hand on his chest as he began to lean in.
         "You're such a tease," he said, as she started covering her other teat.
         "Yeah, but you like it." She knew that for sure, he had hinted that to her in the past.
         He waited patiently for her to finish and she let him lick the last of the chocolate off the stick when she was done. This time she let him move down and take her nipple in her in his mouth. She giggled as he began to suckle away the chocolate, putting her hand through his hair while he held her waist. Her giggles tuned into a sigh of pleasure as he kissed and sucked more vigorously, letting his tongue slide over her.
         "Keep going... It's good," she said softly, her eyelids beginning to droop. He licked the last little smudges of chocolate from her and began on the other side. His free hand found her now clean breast and started to massage, tickling her teat with his thumb. She was becoming more and more aroused now. With quiet moans, she moved her hips forwards again. Then, finding him against her sex, she began her stroking motions, rocking her hips up and down as he continued caressing her breasts. He finished cleaning the other side, enjoying her softness and chocolaty taste. After taking a few last tender licks he lifted his head to kiss her moaning mouth. His toes twitched as well this time as they rubbed against each other. It wasn't long before she had dripped from her swollen heat all over his own warmth.
         She pulled her hips back, resisting her primal urges for now. "I want you in me," she said, staring with such force into his eyes that he felt like he was falling. They were both a little surprised for a moment, she hadn't been that abrupt with him before, but then the moment broke and they smiled at each other, giggling again.
         "Do you want to put it on this time?" He asked.
         She hummed her affirmation and reached over him to collect the condom, allowing herself to brush her heat against his tip on the way, causing a tingle through them both. Seated again, she got the wrapper open and dropped the rubber sheath onto her palm. Then, she moved towards him for a passionate kiss, which he retuned with the same spirit and grasped his member firmly in her hand, causing it to tremble. They continued to devour each other as she began to cover his length, wild tongues released and flicking against each other. Once she had rolled the condom to his base she pushed herself upwards, one hand moving through his hair, the other still tight around his cock. She hovered above him, his hands moving to support her rump before she came to rest on them. Their kiss subsided, lips moving apart tardily, missing the contact the moment it ended.
         "Lower me down," she whispered. Again they felt as if they had dived into the pools of each other's eyes. He began to lower her gently down as she guided him towards her opening. He slipped inside her and they gaped at each other adoringly, mouths slightly ajar, as a beautiful sensation spread through them both. Her hands came to the back of his head as he continued to let her sink onto him. She let out a delighted whimper as he twitched inside of her. Eventually she was flush with his base, fitting snugly around him, and he pulled the pillow underneath for her to rest on.
         Coming down from their stupor their smiles and giggles returned. "Feeling warm yet?" He asked, covering their shoulders tightly again with the blanket.
         "Very," she replied, burying her face against his neck. "It feels nice when you talk." As he spoke she was enthralled by the hum along his chest and, she thought, she could just feel the vibrations travelling from his chords down through their intimate link.
         "I would sing to you but I don't want to hurt your ears," he said.
         "You haven't tried though. You don't know how tough my ears are."
         "Okay, but I don't really know all the lyrics to any songs fully." His nose brushed along her neck and she sighed at the soothing touch.
         "We'll write a song together then."
         "Sounds like fun, our own song." His wandering lips found the lobe of her ear and mouthed at it gently. They squirmed and giggled together as she contracted around him. "Everything is fun with you though," he said. She lifted her head up to kiss him as they began to rock slowly and rhythmically against each other. They fell into an almost meditative state, completely lost within each other's stares, their pleasure, and the fireplace that continued to crackle.
         Surely, their pace quickened; faster and faster until she was on her knees ramming him against the couch with his hair in her hands. Suddenly they tumbled over onto the rug when she pulled him in closer. He landed ontop of her, their foreheads pressed together as they rode together. After a few trembling, peaking moments their release hit them both and they were left twitching and out of breath.
         They watched each other, panting and smiling as he took his time sliding out of her.

         The rest of their evening was spent tranquilly. He pet and massaged her by the warmth of the fire, watching her read until they fell asleep on the rug.
© Copyright 2015 RyongBo (ryongbo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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