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Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2299525
A poem about two individuals, struggling with themes of love, loss, grief and redemption.
In the depths of sorrow's embrace,
Two souls entwined, seeking solace and grace.
Love's flame once burned bright, now flickers low,
As grief's heavy burden begins to sow.

A tale unfolds of shattered dreams,
Where love's tender whispers turn to silent screams.
Their hearts, once beating in harmony's song,
Now bear the weight of all that's gone wrong.

He, a man of strength, once bold and sure,
Now stands broken, lost and insecure.
Her, a woman of grace, once filled with light,
Now wanders aimlessly through endless night.

Their love story began amidst joyous skies,
Two hearts soaring, believing in no goodbyes.
But fate's cruel hand played its wicked game,
Tearing their world apart, leaving them in shame.

Loss, a cruel master, took its toll,
Tearing at the fabric of their once whole.
In the void left behind, grief took hold,
Leaving them adrift, in an ocean cold.

Each carrying burdens too heavy to bear,
Their souls scarred, longing for repair.
Yet hope, a flickering ember, refused to die,
Whispering promises of redemption nigh.

In the darkest hour, they found their way,
To a place where love's light held sway.
Through tear-stained eyes, they saw anew,
That love's true power could make them whole, too.

They journeyed through valleys of despair,
Confronting demons, learning how to repair.
Their wounded hearts, seeking forgiveness,
For mistakes made, for love's reckless abyss.

Together they faced the tempest's wrath,
Forging a path towards a brighter path.
In each other's arms, they found respite,
A sanctuary where love could ignite.

With every step, they embraced their pain,
Turning it into strength, breaking the chain.
Love's healing touch, a balm for their souls,
Rebuilding what was shattered, making them whole.

And so, they rose from the ashes of despair,
Their scars, a testament to love's repair.
Gone were the shadows that once held them tight,
As they embraced the dawn, bathed in love's light.

For love, though tested, can never be lost,
It's a flame that burns, no matter the cost.
In the depths of grief, they found their way,
To redemption's shores, where love holds sway.

And now, their story, a beacon of hope,
To those who stumble, struggling to cope.
In love's embrace, lies the power to heal,
To transcend the pain, and find what is real.

So, let their journey inspire us all,
To rise from the depths, whenever we fall.
For love's redemption is always in sight,
Guiding us through the darkness, into the light.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2299525-Shadows-of-Redemption