Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312778-Happy-File-2024
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Biographical · #2312778
Positive things said to and written about me in 2024

January 2024
You're very welcome. *Smile*
I love reading your blog.

Thank you, Vicki, the points are appreciated as are your kind words.

:hotpink}My letter to the editor in the Spiritual newsletter published it 1/28/24. Here is what I wrote: The reminder about forgiveness is one I needed. Thank you for the why explanation. Very helpful since this came in on the last day of the year so I can start fresh tomorrow. Great job Jeff.

You're awesome. *Wink*I'm so glad you won. You sent well-thought out and kind reviews, so it's well-deserved!!

Wowzers! You sure know how to make my day. *Bigsmile*

You're so kind and have said many encouraging words to me. You're a *Stary* in my eyes. *Wink*
Keep on being you!

Thankyou for your kind words. I couldn't think of a better way to finish this challenge, and I am happy you have now discovered this song. Like I said, my favourite ever.

Hi, Vicki, that sounds great. I’ll look forward to doing the reviews. You’re doing a great job.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. I appreciate your kind thoughts and response. March 2024

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my work and leave such kind comments. It is much appreciated.

Thank you so much for the beautiful review.

Thank you for the kind words and 5 stars. *Smile*

I appreciate and value your opinion,

Thank you, Tracker. Words like yours make me all the more determined to always to stay positive.
Thank you

Thank you for the supporting comments in my book. It really encourages me to continue this long writing experience. Which is feeling harder at the moment. You are a great friend to have.

Thanks so much, I am so touched by your taking the time to read and comment on my work. Its very appreciated and just the bright spot of encouragement I needed this week *Smile*

Thanks so much, I am so touched by your taking the time to read and comment on my work. Its very appreciated and just the bright spot of encouragement I needed this week *Smile*

Thank you, tracker! I appreciate that feedback and the very generous gift of gps.

Thanks for the encouragement, tracker.

Thank you for the prompt and positive resoponse.

Thank you for the compliment. You're so sweet! *Delight* *Hug1**Smile**Hug2* Thank you! *Heart*

Wow. Thank you so much, my friend. This means a lot coming from such a fantastic fellow writer.

Thank you for the kind words and gps! *Smile* I'm so glad you enjoyed this little story! I enjoyed writing it. That age of innocence is so precious. *Heart*

Thank you for always being so positive. It is appreciated.

Your reviews are so upbeat and so encouraging.

Receiving this review was a wonderful way to start my WdC day! Thank you so much! I am blessed! *Heart*

This is a very pleasent surprise. I appreciate this more than you can know. *Heart*

For all of your positive participation here on Writing.Com. I am so glad that you are a member of our community. Thank you! *Heartv*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312778-Happy-File-2024