Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/gigipaige
April 1971
North Carolina, United States
About Me
Gigi Grace is a Child of GOD, Wife, Mother, daughter, sister, friend and writer. Gigi's writings are deeply rooted in life's experiences. With the ultimate goal of becoming a published author, Gigi is on a new road of self discovery that so far has been difficult, but Gigi is optimistic that brighter days are ahead. Gigi hopes that you will learn from and be entertained by her journey. Gigi enjoys writing in multiple genres. Join Gigi in giving birth to the creative spirit inside of her!
Type of Writer
I've been writing letters, blogging, journaling, beginning novels for years so I guess that makes me a writing in the making.
Writing Style
I'm not sure of my style yet, I'm still developing my voice.
Reading and writing, health and fitness, music, television, movies, travel, education, art, food, entrepreneurship, and so many more that there may be too many to name!
My Blog
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
African American Fiction
Favorite Books
Anything by Mary Monroe
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/gigipaige