Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/isabeau2
June 21 1985
Everywhere and Nowhere.
About Me
I am attempting to rise like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes of my previous shabby self. In here I hope to find the writer I dream of being and drag them kicking and screaming from my consciousness into the cold light of reality. So cheers I say, and down the rabbit hole I go.
Type of Writer
Fiction, fantasy fiction, science fiction, paranormal romance.
Writing Style
Not sure.
Favorite Books
There are too many to name. I love books. The look, the feel, even the smell. If I like you as an author, I will build a shrine for you in one of my many book cases.
Favorite Authors
Christine Feehan, Nora Roberts, Max Brooks, Sandra Brown, Mary Balogh, Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman, Melanie Rawn... there are more but that will do for now I suppose.
Favorite Music
I enjoy mostly hip hop and R & B, but do dabble in rock, heavy metal, classical, alternative etc.
Favorite Movies
I love movies. Movies for me are just as precious as books.
Favorite Shows
Currently-Supernatural, Grimm, The Following, Bones, Greys Anatomy,and Vampire Diaries. But I am always on the look out for new shows.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/isabeau2